"I tell you, no matter which group you are in, you should learn to deal with relationships, you know? Especially if you have a good relationship with the personnel department, they can decide your life and death. "

"Don't think that you can be employed if you have the ability. In the face of ability and manpower, ability is not a fart. For example, Lin Fei, one of our interns, is the most typical one. He goes out early and comes back late every day and knows how to run business and deal with people. As a result, he doesn't have any use at all?"

"Don't fight with the leader for a woman. It's your girlfriend. Even if it's your wife, what can you do? As long as the leader takes a fancy to it, either you go away, or you give up, or it will be nothing but chicken flying eggs..."

A young man in a white Versace suit with a Rolex watch on his wrist, full of arrogance, is sharing his experience with other interns sitting quietly in the conference room.

His name is Bai Qiang. He is a child of a working-class family. Because his parents work in the system, are good at management, and are tactful in dealing with people, he has made outstanding achievements in his internship by buying up Xiao Tian's relationship, and successfully entered meizishuang group.

It can be said that the horse's hoof disease, so take advantage of this opportunity, began to talk in the house.

His opposite is Wang Mengyao, head low very low, has been silent.

Bai Qiang's words made her feel very embarrassed. Once upon a time, she had the same view.

But yesterday, she saw the strength of Lin Fei, and was completely shocked. She wanted to get back together with Lin Fei from the bottom of her heart. She even made perjury in the police station, saying that the one who signed the share transfer contract with Zhang Tianze was not Lin Fei, and the smell was different.

However, the result is still rejected by Lin Fei.

No, she didn't.

Coming here today, on the one hand, I want to keep my job, on the other hand, I want to see Lin Fei again and try again.

After all, there are more than three years of feelings between the two people. She doesn't believe Lin Fei will be heartless


The door of the conference room opens and Xiao Mingzhe and Xiao Mengshan come in at the same time.

Xiao Mingzhe has been walking awkwardly. He really has no shame. However, Lin Fei has the power of life and death, so he has to do it.

I'm still worried when I enter the conference room. Where do I sit?

As a result, he saw the famous brand in the middle of the meeting room, Zhang Tianze on the left and Xiao Mengshan on the right.

Xiao Mingzhe's face was so hot that he wanted to speak.

"Dad, you are the chairman now. You should be in this position." With that, I personally opened the chair for Xiao Mingzhe.

Xiao Mingzhe wants to refuse. Seeing that Lin Fei nods to him, he can only sit down.

Xiao Mengshan sat beside her, her face looked like she was in a bad mood.

The other shareholders have left.

Lin Fei is very natural to sit on the edge of a seat, next to the interns can not stay.

The intern next to him is Wang Gang. He is thin, with glasses and looks very honest. He only knows how to work.

Wang Gang is introverted and seldom communicates with others. Among the interns, he only has more contact with Lin Fei.

Through communication, Lin Fei knows that Wang Gang prefers to see women, especially the photos of mature women.

However, it's not for nothing, so he has a lot of creativity and ideas about underwear design. He often communicates with Lin Fei, which often makes Lin Fei surprised by his imagination.

Wang Gang is very suitable for design and research in meizishuang.

However, it's a pity that he, like himself, has no money and no sales ability. It's harder for him to stay than Lin Fei.

Seeing Wang Gang sitting next to him, Lin Fei knew that he was a brother in need.

"Lin Fei, Bai Qiang has just made a speech here. The main idea is to belittle you." Wang Gang whispered.

"Did you stay?" Lin Fei did not respond to Bai Qiang's case, but looked at Wang Gang and verified.

Wang Gang showed a bitter smile on his thin face and shook his head.

Lin Fei nodded, indicating that he already knew.

At this time, Bai Qiang on the other side stood up and bowed slightly to Xiao Mingzhe, then congratulated him: "Hello, Xiao Dong! Congratulations on your promotion. "

Xiao Mingzhe is like a mute, just nodding.

In the process of taking back his eyes, Bai Qiang sees Xiao Mengshan. His eyes are hard on her body and face. In the past, when he saw Xiao Mengshan, he just looked up, which is out of reach.

Now, he is no longer the chairman of the board, which makes him feel nothing special, even

I've had a little sex.

"Congratulations on the promotion of chairman!" Other interns who stayed stood up and congratulated one after another.

Xiao Tian didn't know that Xiao Mingzhe was as miserable as being roasted on the fire at the moment. He was still happy in his heart, and his face was even more complacent.

From then on, I will be the son of the chairman of the board of directors. At that time, I will be in the meizishuang group, under one person and over a thousand people.

Let alone the beautiful women of the group, that is, the female stars and graphic models employed by the group, can we just follow the rules?Want money, have money!

To be powerful, to be powerful!

Thinking of this, Xiao Tian felt that his hollowed out body was filled with infinite vitality.

Bai Qiang was the first one to take his head and looked at everyone. When he saw that Lin Fei and Wang Gang were whispering, he didn't say congratulations, and his mouth showed a proud smile.

"Lin Fei, you didn't stay, did you?"

Lin Fei shook his head.

"Even if you don't stay, you should have a basic courtesy. Don't you know He Xi when Chairman Xiao just took office?"

"If you are such a man without vision and demeanor, don't say that meizishuang is the most common job, I'm afraid you are not competent, because you are not worthy."

"A man should have a man's mind and tolerance. He should not be arrogant in victory or discouraged in defeat. He should not have the heart of being an adult. You're terrible. "

Bai Qiang saw that Lin Fei shook his head and didn't speak. He became more angry and despised, and began to talk down the lessons.

The quiet meeting room once again became Bai Qiang's performance space.

"Bai Qiang, that's enough! How about Lin Fei? Do you need to comment? " Wang Gang really can't see it. For the first time, he stood up bravely and scolded Bai Qiang angrily.

Baofei was surprised to see Wang just sitting beside him.

It was as if I had known Wang Gang for the first time in three months.

"Ha, ha It's like birds of a feather flock together. Look at you two bears. They are both losers and can't leave behind. How happy are these people to attend today's meeting between the chairman and interns? If I, please, I won't come. "

"And what ability do you have to speak for Lin Fei? You are not as good as Lin Fei. "

"Lin Fei, if you're a man, stand up and talk about how unmanly you are. What's your feeling when your girlfriend is robbed and your head is green?"

Wang Gang stimulates Bai Qiang and makes him more unscrupulous.

"Enough!" All of a sudden, a woman's angry voice rang out!

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