Wang Mengyao couldn't calm down any more. She stood up and yelled at Bai Qiang.

The moist fundus of her eyes, let her heart pain and tangled performance incisively and vividly.

If there is a chance to come back in her life, she will be very devoted to Lin Fei. She will never forget what is right for her, and will not be moved.

Unfortunately, there is no chance.

Today, it's all Lin Fei that Bai Qiang hits inside and outside, but it's all about her.

Wang Mengyao is embarrassed.

At this moment, although she knows that offending Bai Qiang is offending Xiao Tian, thinking of Lin Fei's strength, she seems to go back to the time when she believed in Lin Fei.

"Wang Mengyao, do you want to fly for Lin?"

Bai Qiang asked in a tone of doubt.

Thinking that Wang Mengyao is Zhang Qi's girlfriend, Bai Qiang doesn't dare to go too far.

Wang Mengyao looked at Lin Fei affectionately, squeezed out a smile, but two tears rolled down her cheek.

This scene is in Lin Fei's eyes.

However, he was not moved.

Of course, in the eyes of others, especially Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian's resentment flashed through his eyes. He thought that Zhang Qi had promised three people to "fight in groups". But he had made Wang Mengyao lust for many times. Now that Zhang Qi is arrested, Wang Mengyao is very affectionate to Lin Fei, which makes him feel that his things have been robbed by Lin Fei.



"Wang Mengyao, you are Zhang Qi's woman. Do you want to speak for Lin Fei?" Xiao Tian asked with a gloomy face.

"I'm not married to anyone." Wang Mengyao responded coldly.

"Oh, I rolled the sheets with director Zhang for countless times and gave Lin Fei a green hat. Now, do you think anyone will believe this?" Bai Qiang contradicts Xiao Tian with Wang Mengyao. He is very angry and goes back immediately. With that, I still smile at Xiao Tian.

With a bitter smile on her face, Wang Mengyao takes a look at the unmoved Lin Fei, and finally looks at Bai Qiang: "Bai Qiang, I admit that I was confused by Zhang Qi and that I didn't hesitate to sell myself in order to stay in meizishuang group, but my conscience didn't die. But you, in addition to relying on your parents and relationships, what strength do you have? "

Bai Qiang: "I..."

"The products you sell are either bought by your relatives or sold by your parents. Even so, your sales level is only average. In contrast, Lin Fei has nothing to do with it. He has become the sales champion of all of us with his two legs and one mouth. How can you compare with such a Lin Fei? "

Bai Qiang blushed like a back butt, unable to say a word.

"When you stand here boasting and belittling Lin Fei, have you ever thought that if you are replaced by Lin Fei, can you compare with Lin Fei? Can you help Lin Fei again? What's more, do you think other people don't know about the things you gave your girlfriend to Xiao Tian for fun? "


Everyone at the scene was surprised to see Bai Qiang and Xiao Tian.

"Wang Mengyao, don't talk nonsense, or I'll help you out." Xiao Tian was exposed in public and called out first.

"Wang Mengyao, don't bewitch people here. Do you think anyone will believe it? How can I let my own woman do that kind of thing? " Bai Qiang's face suddenly showed confusion, and then turned to gloomy, with a threatening tone said.

Ha, ha

Wang Mengyao burst out laughing.

"In this case, we all come to our internship group to have a look." Wang Mengyao finished, took out the mobile phone, to operate.

"My God! This woman is really Bai Qiang's girlfriend, and that's director Xiao Tian! "

"Bai Qiang, why are you still watching

"Tut Tut, the taste is so strong that it's a group fight."


In a flash, the meeting room was boiling.

Bai Qiang and Xiao Tian were pale, sweating and speechless.

Xiao Mingzhe used to sit on the throne like a needle. He has been trying to comfort himself as if he were an elder sitting here. Now when he heard that his son was so bad, he covered his heart with anger and turned pale.

"Wang Mengyao, where are you from?" Xiao Tian calmed down and asked angrily.

"What Zhang Qi shared with me, don't treat me as a fool. I know you and Zhang Qi's little ideas, but I'm not a bitch like Bai Qiang's girlfriend." Wang Mengyao said with a sneer.

"You, you, get out of here! Meizishuang won't hire you. " Xiao Tian pointed at Wang Mengyao and said aloud.

"Xiao Tian, if you don't have to drive me away, I will go myself." Wang Mengyao said, turned to look at Lin Fei, tears, affectionately said: "Lin Fei, I want to say sorry to you! Today, this is the only thing I can do for you, if God gives me a chance to come again, I will love you

Wang Mengyao says that and stares at Lin Fei. She hopes that Lin Fei can say something to keep herShua!

Everyone in the meeting room looked at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei sat there quietly, looking at Wang Mengyao, but he didn't have any expression, as if he didn't hear, and he was not moved at all.

"Lin Fei, Wang Mengyao has changed her mind. You can think about it." Wang Gang gently poked Lin Fei with his hand and said.

Lin Ke'er stands behind Lin Fei, holding the corner of his clothes with nervous hands for fear of Lin Fei

Xiao Mengshan also looked at it. Her secretary said that she was very clear about it.

This Lin Fei came here, gave him too much surprise, let her to Lin Fei or very much appreciate, at the moment, she really want to see what kind of choice this man will make.

Lin Fei sighed. "It's gone, let's go! I have found my love now. You pursue your happiness. We are fair. "


There was a breath back in the room.

It can be said that Wang Mengyao is second only to Xiao Mengshan and Lin Ke'er in the whole conference room. Even Bai Qiang is salivating. Lin Fei

Even if Wang Mengyao goes to bed with others, what happens?

How many women roll sheets with countless men before and even after marriage? It's nothing strange. I didn't expect Lin Fei to refuse!

Wang Mengyao raised her hand and wiped her tears. She looked at Lin Fei and said with a bitter smile, "Lin Fei, I'm sorry!"

Then he ran out of the meeting room.


The heavy sound of closing the door in the conference room awakened the shocked people from their meditation.

"Lin Fei, you also immediately consciously get rid of me." Xiao Tian is completely angry at Wang Mengyao's performance and throws the fire on Lin Fei's head.

Lin Fei ignored it directly.

"Lin Fei, you'd better get out as soon as possible, or I don't mind leading you out like a dead dog like last time." Bai Qiang then said arrogantly.

Lin Fei's face did not change, but his eyes had flashed cold light. What he was looking for was the person who dragged himself out that day.


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