"Lin Fei, I'd like to be your lover!"

As soon as Jingzhu and Hanbing's words came out, there was a sound of breathing in.


All eyes look at Lin Fei at the same time.

If the statement just made is shocking enough, then this sentence is undoubtedly as shocking as the 10 magnitude earthquake, which makes everyone incredible.

Of course, I can't believe it.

You know, any one of them can make countless men crazy. Many people even know that in the TV competition on that day, the ice protectors once fought fiercely with Lin Fei of Mu Feixuan for the first place.

It's hard to find such a beautiful woman.

Nowadays, two beauties express their love at the same time, and they are willing to, and they are still lovers who don't ask for fame.

It's, it's exciting for men.

However, thinking of Lin Fei's wealth, everyone was relieved.

"Ah! Money! There's no beauty who doesn't love money. "

"Yes! If Lin Fei didn't have so much money, how could he be a lover? "

"Green tea whore, too!"


Calm down of the public, have to speak, tone more sarcastic and bored.

"Do you think Lin Fei will agree?" The Dragon girl smiles and asks Mu Xinxuan.

Mu Xinxuan has always been calm. "He won't!"

Ruo Xue and Xiao Mengshan look at Xiang Mu Xinxuan at the same time and are surprised at her answer.

"So confident?" Longnu asked with a smile.

Mu Xinxuan did not answer.

Although the time with Linfei is not very long, but Linfei love persistence and persistence, she believes Linfei will not agree.

"Lin Fei, four years in University, you have a lover, but I have been paying close attention to you."

"You help me to study here, buy Dongfang City for me, solve my worries, and let me feel good, but you refused me for the first time."

"The last time you made me a god overnight on the cuttlefish platform, from that moment on, I have loved deeply without regret, but you refused me for the second time."

"Today, you can refuse me, but I want to let everyone know that in this life, I have to marry you!"

The green tea whore of the students at the scene deeply stung Mu Xinxuan.


"They used to be classmates!"

"It has been rejected twice by Lin Fei."

"Who is the woman Lin Fei really loves?"


Many students at the scene can't help but start gossiping.

"Lin Fei, I'm very simple! It's falling in love with you and wanting to be with you. " What Jingzhu said is simple and clear.

Lin Fei's eyes fall on Han Bing's delicate face full of tears. There is a touch of pity in his eyes. At the same time, there are more regrets and helplessness.

"Han Bing, I'm sorry! I can't hold another woman in my heart. "

"Jingzhu, you are still young. You should find someone worthy of your love."

The scene is quiet again.

He refused.

Lin Fei faces two beautiful women's proposal to show his love and refuses it mercilessly.

The refusal is very simple!

The refusal is very direct!

The rejection is heartless!

"In this life, I have to marry you!" Han Bing's words still reverberate in people's ears.

Love is so persistent, love is so firm, but Lin Fei still refused, shocked everyone.

The Dragon girl looks at Mu Xinxuan with a smile on her face.

Smart woman!

Confident woman!

Elegant woman!

At the moment, if other women had already stood up, they would have run to Linfei and declared their sovereignty to Hanbing and Jingzhu, but she did nothing and trusted Linfei very confidently.

This makes her understand why Lin Fei is so crazy about Mu Xinxuan.

Ask, such a woman, who will not like, do not love it?

"Lin Fei, we can really just be lovers, as long as we are by your side." Han Bing raised his tearful face, looked at Lin Fei, and said in a choked tone.

"Love is not vows, nor love, nor rhetoric! It's a kind of responsibility and responsibility. "

"Bingbing, if I were Lin Fei, would you still love me? Do you want me to be a betrayer of love? "

"I have been betrayed by love, so what I hate most is love betrayal. You don't want me to betray my love, do you

Although Lin Fei's tone is soft, his attitude is still very firm.

Han Bing covers her face with her hands and squats down slowly, sobbing.

Lin Fei couldn't bear it, but he insisted on his attitude.

Men can be domineering, but not domineering.

Men can be affectionate, but not promiscuous.

To be a man, we should have responsibility, understand responsibility, not selfish possession.A commitment is a responsibility. Responsibility is to be able to shelter the loved one from the wind and rain, and bring security to them.

Lin Fei has only mu Xinxuan in his heart, so he can't accept it and doesn't want to hurt Han Bing more deeply.

At the moment, Han Bing can best understand the meaning of Lin Fei's words. She has seen Wang Mengyao betray Lin Fei with her own eyes, and she deeply hates it.

Lin Fei's loyalty is also responsible for her.

But, there is a kind of love called can't let go.

"Lin Fei, you're good!"

"Lin Fei, I support you!"

"Lin Fei, I apologize for what I just said!"


All the students stood up and looked at Lin Fei with thunderous applause.

The innocence of love!

The truth of love!


The big screen is closed and the live broadcast on the cuttlefish platform disappears.

"Lin Fei, I don't care who you love. Anyway, I'm in love with you. I must be your woman."

Jingzhu's face turned red. Thinking of today's confession, Lin Fei almost ignored himself. He was even more angry. He stamped his feet and turned away.

"Lin Fei is a real man!"



"+ 10086"

the scene thundered again.

Sitting under the stage, Mu Xinxuan's expression is still calm, but her eyes are filled with joy and brilliance.

Love, need test!

This is Lin Fei in front of Xiao Mengshan, if snow and other face to express themselves, once again refused other women.

She was also moved by Lin Fei's true love, but

Looking at these girlfriends around her, she couldn't bear it and was also full of contradictions.

"Ha ha! I didn't expect that Lin Fei was still a sentimental species! " With laughter, beckfin came up in a tuxedo.

Full of spirit, elegant temperament, just like a master who can appreciate and guide the country.

"Beckfin, how was Jingzhu's piano?" Lin Fei takes back his mind, looks at Beck Fen and asks with a sneer.

"Just so!"


There was an inspirational sound at the scene, and then --

"the foreigner blowing the bull's skin!"

There was an outcry in the crowd.

"Well! Just tell the truth. "

Beckfin looked around, his eyes full of pride.

Lin Fei didn't argue, but just smile.

"Beckfin, I hope you don't let me down."

"Don't worry! I'll let you know what a real pianist is and what a real pianist is

"The disappointment I'm talking about is that you have been teaching in Jianghai University for three years for free."

"Lin Fei, you..."

Ha ha

Lin Fei laughs and steps down.

"Lin Fei, I must prove that no one can surpass me!" Beckfin is crazy.

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