People, the biggest pain is to lose what they love most.

Although beckfen has not lost at the moment, Lin Fei's three years of free teaching is undoubtedly a great stimulation for beckfen who loves money.

For the sake of money, they can all go along with Shen Liangpeng and crisno. If they don't have money, they are not crazy and angry!

And Lin Fei's words, no doubt to him is to stimulate, so will be so angry and angry.

"Beckfin, don't be fooled by Linfei. He's deliberately provoking you."

Cried crisno from under the stage.

Although beaten a little bleak, but he still came, to witness Lin Fei's failure, to witness beckfin's victory.

After hearing this, Beck Fen suddenly woke up and turned to look at Lin Fei, who had gone away. His eyes also showed a sneer -

How could he be so easily angered?

As for Lin Fei, he didn't care at all. For him, he didn't pay attention to beckfen.

After experiencing the high mood just now, the audience gradually regained their composure and began to watch quietly. They knew that the climax of tonight was coming.

Just now, the cooperation between Jingzhu and Han Bing is perfect, but Mei Haohan once pointed out that Jingzhu's piano skill is only form but not spirit. Although he was instructed, it sounds very good to them, but beckfen's appearance makes them feel different immediately.

Although not happy, there was still applause, especially from crisno and others.

Host in accordance with the procedure, after Beck Finn introduction, ready to leave, but do not want Beck Finn will stop, stretched out his hand to the microphone said: "I want to say two."

The host is a Leng, out of politeness will be handed the microphone Beck Fen.

Beckfein was very polite. He took the microphone and glanced at the audience. "I have made a formal bet with Lin Fei in this performance. If I lose, I will be a free teacher in Jianghai University for three years. At the same time, I will be a teacher who wins me. If I win, your school will send the picture of Tang Palace ladies. "


Originally, I just thought that winning or losing was related to the number of foreign students, but now it has something to do with the painting of Tang Palace ladies, which makes people puzzled.

Guo pengquan is frowning, looking for Lin Fei, but did not see the figure.

"Just now you howled and screamed for that little girl's piano. I think it's very funny. To be honest, she plays the piano at a certain level, but it's really average. It's just like Jianghai University. Although it has 80 years of history, it's very poor in many aspects. Being a teacher here is a decline of self.... "

Self decline!

Like an exploding bomb, the 33 teachers who just took the initiative to sign a contract with Jianghai University were very ugly and caused an uproar. Many people even stood up to scold, scold and criticize.

"Beckfin, what makes you think so?"

"Don't forget that if you lose, you will be a teacher here."

"Damn it! It's too much. Your mouth stinks like a trash can. "


The scene began to be chaotic, and even some people wanted to rush onto the stage.

He insulted not only Jianghai University, but also the teachers. It was too much.

Beckfein's words at the moment are even worse than those of crisno yesterday.

Seeing that the scene was more chaotic, the host rushed out to stop it.

"Please be quiet!"

"Mr. beckfin, please apologize for what you just said."

The male and female hosts respectively said.

"Sorry? Why apologize? Am I wrong? "

On the contrary, there was more contempt.

"You see, people can't stand such a little evaluation of you. Am I wrong?"

The scorn on beckfin's face was even more undisguised.

"Yes, fart!"

The students and teachers at the scene were enraged.

However, beckfein did not pay any attention to it, let alone restrain himself. Instead, he looked at Mei Haohan under the stage.

Mei Haohan looks at the stage with a serious face. Jingzhu's performance just now is good, but he knows that in front of beckfen, he is just like a child who has just learned to play the piano, which can't be compared with him at all.

"Mei Haohan, do you think I'm better than Jingzhu?" Beckfein asked with a mocking look on his face.

Mei Haohan did not speak.

Beckfin gave a sneer and then raised his voice.

"Mei Haohan, do you dare to stand up and say that you are not inferior to me?"

Mei Haohan's face was very ugly, but what beckfin said was the truth.

Over the years, beckfin has won almost all the piano awards.

Facts have proved that his piano skills are extraordinary, but also to the peak state.

Mei Haohan couldn't say a word.

Beckfin's provocation and humiliation once again angered others.

"Get out of here!""We don't welcome you!"

"A man without culture."


The scene was in chaos. Many people rushed out of their seats to get on the stage and were finally stopped by the security guard.


Beckfin gave a sneer.

"I can't hear the truth at all. It's ridiculous."

With that, he walked slowly to the piano.

Beckfin sat down, put a finger to his mouth and made a gesture of silence.

"Be quiet!"

Guo Peng stood up at the last moment and yelled at the students.

The scene was quiet.

Guo pengquan looked up at beckfen on the stage.

"Mr. beckfin, I hope you can be a little modest before the result. Don't forget that crisno's national basketball team is 32 points ahead of us and has been reversed."

Guo pengquan's words are neither humble nor overbearing, but they are extremely sharp, with a strong self-confidence.

This self-confidence, in fact, he did not know where to come from, but thinking of Lin Fei, he chose to believe.


Guo pengquan's voice had just dropped, and the audience immediately applauded and cheered one after another.

On the contrary, beckfein's sneer was more intense. He looked at Mei Haohan, "you should know better than them what the gap is."

"Ding Dong..."

Words fall, hands fall, the sound of the piano rises, and the pleasant sound comes.

As soon as the sound of the piano rings, it immediately brings the noisy public mood into the piano.

Sometimes I feel like I am in a mountain stream, and the melody is like the flowing water.

Sometimes I feel like I am in the sea, and the melody is like the waves.

Sometimes I feel like I am in the mountains, and the melody is like the sound of birds and the sound of chickens.

Sometimes it seems to be in the rain, the melody is like a storm.


A song, full of life and beauty.

Beckfin's crazy playing makes everyone calm down, deeply involved in it, and addicted to the beauty of music.

"This is Beethoven's who is the free man. "

Mei Haohan suddenly opened his eyes and blurted out.

As a piano master, he is familiar with all Beethoven's masterpieces, but it is the first time for him to hear such a perfect performance of this song who is a free man, which makes him extremely shocked.

"A great pianist is a great pianist." Mei Haohan could not help but sigh to himself.

People on the scene immediately felt a strong invisible pressure.

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