Half an hour later, Qin Feng, Li Qingfeng, Zhao Ren and others arrived one after another. Looking at the Huatian Hotel in ruins, all of them were cool.

Want to come forward to ask Lin Fei injury, directly he refused.

"Zhao Ren is responsible for arranging the residence of these people, Li Qingfeng is responsible for arranging the security, and Qin Feng is responsible for checking these people just now..."

After finishing the arrangement, Lin Fei left with a smile on his face!

"Where are you going, Lin Fei?"

Mu Xinxuan and others called out, and Longnv followed.

Lin Fei said, "I'm going to relax."

People were surprised.

Long Nu stares at Lin Fei in the eyes, "I accompany you."

"No more."

Dragon Girl asked: "how to deal with this matter?"

Lin Fei glanced at the ruins and said, "I'll solve it."

Mu Xinxuan, with a tight heart, hugged Lin Fei's arm and said, "don't go!"

Lin Fei gently hugs him in his arms and kisses him on his forehead. "Don't worry!"

"Don't go!"


Jiang Yu with a large group of police, stop Lin Fei's road.

After the explosion, the whole city was in turmoil, and she came as soon as she got the report.

Seeing that Lin Fei and others were safe and sound, I took a breath. Although I didn't see it, I still had a sense of survival.

In fact, not only Jiang Yu, but also Lin Fei and others have a sense of survival.

At the moment of the explosion, everyone was thinking that if it wasn't for Lin Fei's notice, he would have been buried in the ruins and would have died.

Compared with them, Lin Fei himself understood this kind of near death, but he almost lost his life.

"Officer Jiang, I'm injured. I want to go back to bed with my wife for treatment. Do you want to take care of it?" Think of today Jiang Yu and his pull card, threat after three days of danger, Lin Fei said impatiently.


Mu Xinxuan's face turned red to the root of her neck.

Jiang Yu's hand extended to his waist.

"Lin Fei, hurry to deal with the wound." The Dragon girl came forward, took Lin Fei's arm and walked away.

"Lin Fei, take care of yourself. Don't die one day. You don't know how to die."

Jiang Yu took back his hand and said angrily.


"Officer Jiang, don't worry. I'm Lin Fei. I can't die."

"Lin Fei, damn you!"

"Officer Jiang finally told the truth - I hope I die." Lin Fei has a funny smile on his face.

Jiang Yu's face is excited, the corners of his mouth twitch, very aggrieved, very angry. "Why not blow you up!"

"Enough! Jiang Yu, you don't know how miserable Lin Fei was Mu Xinxuan spoke sternly with Jiang Yu for the first time.

Jiang Yu, like Mu Xinxuan, is even more angry. "This kind of scum, it's good to die."

Lin Fei's face is gloomy, "don't worry, I will live well before the scum dies."

With that, he walked straight away.

Mu Xinxuan and Longnu followed.

After Lin Fei left, Ren Kening and others also arrived. When they learned that no one was injured, they breathed in their hearts.

In the new residence, four women, Mu Xinxuan, Xiao Mengshan, Ruo Xue and long Nu, sit on the sofa and stare at the bathroom. There comes the sound of running water.

Lin Fei takes a bath in it.


The mobile phone rings suddenly. Lin Fei picks it up, clicks it open, looks at the message, and exits directly. The cold light flickers at the bottom of his eyes.

In five minutes.

"It's slower than bathing a woman!" The Dragon Girl in the living room stood up and said discontentedly.

"What could have happened?" Xiao Mengshan is still nervous.

The Dragon girl was stunned and then walked over.

Dong Dong!

"Lin Fei, have you finished washing?"

There was no response.

Mu Xinxuan and others who follow are worried.

"If I don't open the door, I'll break in." Cried the Dragon Girl.

There was no response.


The Dragon girl kicked the door directly.

The bathroom is empty, the tap is on, the sound of running water is heard, and the bathroom window is open.

The Dragon girl ran to the window and looked down. It was dark.

"Lin Fei went to revenge?" Mu Xinxuan asked nervously.

"Damn it Dragon Girl scolded angrily, ran out and began to make a phone call.

She can't leave. She is responsible for the safety of three women.

After what happened today, she was more cautious.

When Mu Xinxuan thought of Lin Fei's "I'll solve it", she was worried about it.

The antique street in Jianghai city is dark at the moment. Except for the street lamps, there is no one in sight.Most of the antiques are from underground, so they are more or less stained with some Yin Qi.

At night, it's not only cold but also terrifying.

So no one will come here except during the day.

Moreover, even in the daytime, the people who come here are full of masculinity, otherwise no one will come.

The Tianbao auction house in antique street is also quiet, and you can't see anything special from the outside.

At the moment, the light in the basement of Tianbao auction house is bright. There are more than twenty people sitting in it. The man sitting in the middle is Gong Dong.

There were ten people on his left and ten on his right.

In the middle stood a man of about 40 years old in Khaki overalls, with tools hanging from his waist.

"You said that the loud noise just outside, has it been successful?"

Gong Dong spoke.

However, this time, Gong Dong's face was not as modest as before, and even his eyes were more fierce and domineering.

The man on the other side shivered and quickly calmed down and said, "no accident, it must have been successful."

Gong dongleng snorted, "I want 100%!"

"I can guarantee 100 percent that no one knows."


"They have the highest vigilance and the most professional is Longnv, but she is not here today. I will arrange it after receiving the notice, so there is absolutely no problem."

The man affirms to say.

Gong Dong's face was a little soothing.

"Brother, how about we send someone out to have a look?"

It was a man in his thirties, covered with tendons and scars on his right face.

Gong Dong raises his hand. "Now I want to be an outsider."


The other side is very obedient, promise, return to the original place immediately.

Gong Dong leaned back in his chair, his eyes slightly closed, and his face showed the momentum of strategizing.

In the quiet Antique Street, there are footsteps.

Not urgent, but with a strong domineering.

If someone saw it, he would feel like a knight who came to fight in the middle of the night.

He is Lin Fei.

When I was just taking a bath, I received a message from Li Qingfeng, saying that everyone in Huatian Hotel was short of an electrician.

Later, according to the surrounding monitoring, the man left 15 minutes before the explosion, and finally locked himself in the antique street -

Tianbao auction house.

Lin Fei jumped out of the bathroom window and rushed here.

When I came to Tianbao auction house, I looked at the place where I had been once and succeeded in shooting the picture of Tang Palace ladies, and there was a complex flash in my eyes.

I don't want to believe it, but sometimes I have to.

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