Antique Street is quiet.

Tianbao auction house is also quiet.

At least from the outside, even the sign light didn't come on.

Lin Fei stops 20 meters away from Tianbao auction house. Shenzhi enters the space and goes directly to the mall to find the human skin mask. He spends 10 million yuan to buy one.

When the divine consciousness acts on the human skin mask, the mask immediately turns into a red light and disappears in its original place.

Lin Fei's originally handsome face is gone. Instead, it is a face full of hatred, terror, and even unlimited killing.

This face, even in the daytime, will be like hell.

It's late at night now, and it's also the most gloomy place like antique street.

Lin Fei's strong murderous spirit and ugly mask make him like a demon from the underworld.

Lin Fei steps to Tianbao auction house to speed up the pace.

Twenty meters!

Ten meters!

Five meters!


All of a sudden, the whole building of Tianbao auction house sounded an alarm. Hiding on the ground, Gong Dong and others stood up and looked nervous.

This is the monitoring technology that Miyagi has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to introduce from abroad. It's called to prevent antiques from being stolen. In fact, it's for early warning.

"Dong Ge, what should I do?"

Just stepped out of the tendons man asked.

"Be quiet!"

Gong Dong calmed down after a short period of tension.

No one will find out.

Sure enough, the alarm soon disappeared, and everyone breathed.

The next second, however, they were more nervous.


There were footsteps in the auction house.

Tendon flesh man holds the sharp knife in his hand and looks at Gong Dong, waiting for him to speak.

Gong Dong raises his hand to signal silence, then takes out his mobile phone and clicks on the software.

Soon, everything in Tianbao auction house was in his eyes, just


Gong Dong couldn't help but cry, and the mobile phone fell out of his hand.

Tendons and other people rushed forward, looked down, just one eye, also can't help but scream out.


Ugly face, strong murderous, let them although through the mobile phone, can feel the cold breath, fear began to spread in the body.

Although the call is not big, it is enough for Lin Fei, who has a high concentration of five senses.

He had already stepped towards the basement.

Gong Dong and others saw that he was the first to cover his mouth, and others followed.

The basement was quiet.

Lin Fei lost his target and stood at the entrance of the basement, looking around.

After a stalemate for three minutes, Lin Fei suddenly smiles.

Because the human skin mask is a layer of skin, completely combined with the human face, it can't be seen.

Therefore, Lin Fei's smile drives the whole mask to twist and deform. It's like a demon with a big mouth. It's more scared, more terrifying and more creepy.


The people in the basement can see clearly from the mobile phone screen and can't help shouting again.

Lin Fei's eyes are locked at the entrance of the basement. His smile becomes more arrogant and his mask becomes more terrible.

Suddenly, he raised his foot and stomped down.


There was a huge noise, and the ground of the hall on the first floor split into countless pieces.


Strong shock, let the following people scream unceasingly, the voice is clearer.

"Get out of here!"

Hearing this, everyone was even more nervous and could not help roaring.

Gong Dong couldn't calm down at the moment, his eyes couldn't help shrinking, and finally he stood up abruptly.


Twenty people on both sides of the body at the same time straight waist, looking at the palace east.

"Get out."

Words fall, Gong Dong presses the button casually, squeak!

The floor above the basement is divided into two parts, and the lights inside immediately illuminate the first floor of Tianbao auction house.

Tendons man holding a sharp knife, the first to rush out.

However, just appeared, suddenly in front of a figure flashed, still not see, the hand of the knife has been removed, the next second, cold neck.


The voice of the man with tendons has not been called out completely, and his body falls back freely.

The others who followed behind had no time to react, so they fell down and rolled back to the basement.

After a plop, ouch, one after another.


As soon as the pain came out, the scream rang out.


It was called out directly.When the tendons fall down in front, the body leans back, and the blood at the neck is out of control. It's like a faucet spraying in the air.


Gong Dong, who was walking behind, took a breath of air. "Who are you?"

"People?" Lin Fei asked in surprise.

This rhetorical question doesn't matter. It makes them feel more scared, isn't it human?

The scene was even more tense.

At the moment, under the basement light, Lin Fei's masked face makes people see it more clearly and more scared -

there are two drops of blood on it, which just fall on both sides of his mouth, just like a vampire.

"Are you a man or a ghost?" Gong Dong spoke again with courage.

Lin Fei didn't answer, but his eyes had already fallen on the water and electricity worker in Khaki's dress, and he was immediately killed -

this man is the one under monitoring.

"Are you as handsome as I am?"

Gong Dong

"Are ghosts as ugly as I am?"


These people were so depressed that they almost threw up.

"Who are you?"

"Just as I passed a building, a group of fierce ghosts who had just been killed came to me to avenge them."


Gong Dong and others quickly retreated.

They are not afraid of Lin Fei, but of his sentence "the ghost who just died beg me to avenge them". Can the ghost beg others?


Then -

in front of us is the ghost!

"How did you get here?"

"I smell the body of the person who just died, and follow the breath to find here." With that, he looked at the electrician next to him.


The hydropower worker shivered and sat down on the ground. "I, I didn't do anything."

Lin Fei sneered, "you didn't do anything. Why are you so nervous?"

"Dongge, tell him I didn't do anything." The electrician is in a hurry. I'm afraid.

In front of Lin Fei, no matter how you look at him, he is a devil.

His words proved that he was a devil. How could he not be afraid?

"What do they do for you? I'll double that. " Gong Dong stood up and said.

Lin Fei's eyes flashed and joked, "really?"

"That's right."

"They have some beautiful ghosts. I want to enjoy them. Can you find more beautiful ghosts than them?"

"Don't say it's a female ghost. Even if it's a real person, I can find it." Seeing Lin Fei's lust, Gong Dong calms down.

"Why do you believe it?"

"I'm the manager of Tianbao auction house."

"I don't believe it!"

The water and electricity worker was in a hurry. "Don't worry, brother Dong's words are absolutely credible. Behind brother Dongge is... "

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