
Gong Dong pretended to cough twice and interrupted.

Water and electricity workers wipe their forehead sweat.

"Don't worry, woman. I can make you feel free to enjoy it."

Lin Fei pretended to be interested. "Do you have so much money?"

"Money, for me, is the number, is..."

"Behind Dongge is the richest man in Jiangnan City."

Water electrician again urgent roar said.

Lin Fei's face is more happy.

"Are you from the Zhao family?"

"You're not a ghost?"

The palace east vigilantly counter asks a way.

"Does it matter?"

"Ghosts shouldn't know this. They lied to us!"


After confirming that it was not a ghost, the people who were just very nervous suddenly calmed down and then looked at Lin Fei with less fear.

"NIMA's, it's a masked guy."

"I've almost been fooled. I have to kill him today, or there will be no place to put my face in the future."

"Be careful, everyone. This guy is very good."


People on the scene are like playing hormones, and they have courage in an instant.

"Name it?" The person nearest to Lin Fei stood up and yelled.

"No need."

"We don't kill the nameless..."


Stand out of the people have not finished, Lin Fei's knife has been directly into each other's heart.


"Go! There will be someone with you soon. "

Lin Fei's tone was light and cloudless.

However, I was very indignant when I heard that.

"Together, cut him off!"

Gong Dong made a speech.

Lin Fei's eyes look at Gong Dong, who is still Gong Dong. The only difference is that his face is more murderous and his body is more domineering than before.

A piece of melancholy!

He knew that he had been cheated.

When Hong Xu and Gong Dong met in the black car for the first time, they were so modest.

For the second time, at the alumni meeting organized by Shen Liangpeng, Gong Dong took the initiative to speak for himself. He was so righteous.

For the third time, I begged myself to buy the painting of Tang Palace ladies to protect the cultural relics and not to lose them.

Humility, justice, and feelings, such a man, who does not want to make friends?

It's just -

it's all acting.

For the first time, Lin Fei felt that he was being teased.


It's burning.

"Boy, go to hell!"

When the hydropower workers thought of their performance, they were the first to rush over.


When the wrench in his hand was far away from Lin Fei, his body had already taken off and fell heavily in the distance.

"Sword array, encircle!"

Gong Dong is commanding outside the circle.

Shua Shua!

The others waved their swords, and immediately three people attacked Lin Fei from three sides.

Perfect angle, impeccable.

However, Lin Fei didn't care at all. He sneered and suddenly jumped up.


Three knives together.

Three people are stunned.

There was a flash of white light.


Three screams at the same time, bang bang! Three bodies fell back, blood like tendons of men, spraying in the air.

Just, more.

The picture is more red.

There is more fear in aestheticism.

Gong Dong and others were shocked at the scene.

"Come along! We are not alone on the way to hell. "

The knife in Lin Fei's hand naturally droops, and a drop of blood condenses at the tip of the knife. He wants to drip, but he doesn't drip all the time. There is an extremely oppressive murderous air.


With a low roar, the remaining 15 people rushed up together.

The formation spread out, one man attacked, and the others Besieged from all directions. It was obvious that they were well organized.

Lin Fei avoided dodging this time and went directly to meet the attacker.

The other side's knife stabbed directly at Lin Fei's heart, obviously holding the idea of dying together.

Lin Fei sneers at the corner of his mouth. The knife in his hand suddenly rises when he is less than five centimeters away from him.


At the moment when his opponent's knife just touched his clothes, Lin Fei's knife had gone directly into his opponent's heart.


Scream a, then seven orifices gush blood, the body straight backward.

The other 14 people who were preparing to attack were shocked to see this scene.

However, Lin Fei didn't give them reaction time at all. His body turned quickly and flashed in front of 14 people in the twinkling of an eye.Ah, ah!

Dong Dong!

A series of screams followed by a series of falling voices.

Come on!



Gong Dong, who hasn't moved his hands all the time, was shocked to see this scene. He was stupid on the spot.

The electrician lying on the ground was even more scared to pee his pants.

He now has a sense of survival, just rushed up, if Lin Fei wants to kill him, even if he is ten, I'm afraid he has already died.

"You, who are you?"

Gong Dong always thinks that he is cruel enough. However, in front of Lin Fei, he suddenly feels that he is a pediatrician.

Lin Fei didn't speak. Instead, he swayed and came to the hydropower workers.

Feet on the water electrician's arm, eyes like two swords, looking directly at the water electrician.


"I was forced, too!"

Lin Fei did not speak, the electrician has understood Lin Fei's intention.

"Shut up

Gong Dong cheered.

"It's him! He ordered me to do it The water and electricity worker pointed to Gong Dong.

"What does he want you to do?"

"He asked me to sneak into Huatian Hotel and stare at every move of Lin Fei and others. He asked me to install a time bomb in Huatian Hotel today to blow up Huatian Hotel and kill Lin Fei and others."

Although the water and electricity workers didn't know it was Lin Fei, they knew it must have something to do with it when they saw that the other party came here and directly started killing people.

A bloody corpse lying on the ground made him extremely afraid and even more afraid of death.

Lin Fei's face was cold. "Who are your companions?"


"Just yourself?"

"Just me. The Huatian Hotel was originally the property of the Zhao family. After it was acquired by Lin Fei, the Zhao family worried that Lin Fei was suspicious of those people and was afraid to show his feet. In order to stay with me, they let other people leave. "


Lin Fei takes a breath of air-conditioning. Before, the manager of the hotel was very happy about Lin Fei's high salary, but he resigned a few days later. He didn't understand. He thought it was really what the manager said and went out to fly alone.

I didn't expect it was arranged by the Zhao family.

"Why does he want you to plant a bomb today?" Lin Fei points to the east of the palace.

"I don't know! It is estimated that Zhao Guodong asked him to do it, and he arranged it for me. "

Lin Fei looks at Gong Dong, but Gong Dong Fei is not afraid. Instead, he straightens up and glares at Lin Fei. "If you don't want to be chased all your life, please kneel down and beg for mercy immediately and let me kill you with a knife!"

Gong Dong calms down at the moment, and his eyes are full of ferocity, just like a demon who doesn't kill people.

Even if Lin Feigang had just killed 20 people, in his eyes at the moment, he was also dismissive.

"Why do you want to harm Lin Fei?"

"Harm? Funny. Is that necessary? "


Lin Fei's eyes contracted, and his face became more terrible.

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