"It's just my job to kill him."

Gong Dong said it was extremely calm and natural.

This puzzled Lin Fei.

"You have a grudge?"


"Why is that?"

"I'm a chess piece arranged by the Zhao family, so naturally I have to serve the Zhao family. Lin Fei, are you satisfied with this answer? "

Gong Dong said at the end, suddenly called out Lin Fei's name.

Lin Fei was surprised.

I didn't expect that Gong Dong would recognize himself.

"You don't have to deny that even if you wear a mask, your figure can't change. As a person playing with antiques, a pair of eyes is the capital to eat. " Gong Dong is very proud.

"Gong Dong, you contacted me just to kill me?"

"Yes! Since you annexed Ye's family in Jiangnan City, Zhao's family has begun to lay out plans for you. Originally, I met you by chance and actively invited you to Jianghai city. I just didn't want you to come, but I didn't come to me directly, which disrupted our plan. "


Lin Fei inhaled, his eyes wide open, and looked to the east of the palace.

The Zhao family is cruel enough to calculate for such a long time.

In retrospect, when he had no contact with Gong Dong that day, he should have doubted that he could take the initiative to speak for himself.

However, what shocked him even more was the Zhao family's practice, which started the layout so early, and he was unprepared.

Gong Dong saw that Lin Fei was shocked and raised his mouth. "Lin Fei, are you shocked?"

"Yes." Lin Fei's answer is very simple.

"The Zhao family is known as the richest man in Jianghai city and the richest man in Jianghai province. Do you think it's really as weak as he shows?"

"Do you think what you did in Jianghai city is the same as what Jiangnan City did to clean up the Ye family?"

"In the same way, the Zhao family is not the Ye family. Will he not guard against it?"


He was afraid of the cold air in the back of the hotel.

Gong Dong is more proud. "Since you came to Jianghai City, the Zhao family has been laying out for you, but do you know why the Zhao family has never started?"

"Why?" This is Lin Fei's question from the bottom of his heart.

"Money! The Zhao family is waiting for you to put all your money into Jianghai city. "

"Zhao Guolong was caught not to save, is to anesthetize you, let you think that the Zhao family does not have the strength to fight back, this will make you more crazy, after you all put in, is when the Zhao family takes over the net."

"If you have been killed by the explosion today, will it be difficult for the Zhao family to get all kinds of investment in Jianghai city? At that time, will Zhao Guolong be released easily? "

Although Lin Fei was wearing a human skin mask at the moment, he could not see his true colors clearly, but his face was as ugly as if he had been severely beaten.

Always self-confident, that victory in hand, strategizing their own, at the moment there is a sense of being played as a monkey.

At this moment, he had a kind of fear from the bottom of his heart to the Zhao family.

Without little Lori's warning, I'm afraid Jianghai city is now a time for celebration of the Zhao family's great rise again.

Pride will defeat!

Lin Fei complained about himself.


Suddenly, the white light flashed in front of Lin Fei's eyes, and three sharp daggers came at Lin Fei's throat, heart and abdomen.

When the wind came, Lin Fei quickly cleared up his mind, and his body instinctively dodged to the side.


As soon as the figure flashed, Gong Dong's body had reached the stairway.

"I want to run!" Lin Fei was angry.

Ha ha

"Lin Fei, I'm just saying this to distract you. Otherwise, do you think I'll spend so much time with you?"

Gong Dong kept on talking and running away.


Lin Fei hummed coldly, the cold light of his eyes flashed, the sharp knife in his hand was thrown, and his body moved at the same time.


The sharp knife turned into a white light and shot towards the east of the palace.

When Gong Dong heard the wind, he rushed forward with a sharp knife flying over his head.

He was shocked. He didn't expect Lin Fei to react so quickly. He rolled out of the basement and entered the hall.

I got up from the ground and ran towards the door, ignoring the scratch.

However -


When Lin Dong ran to the door, he suddenly saw a flash in front of his eyes. Then the shadow of a fist became bigger and bigger, and finally hit him in the face.

With a huge noise, Gong Dong's body soared and fell heavily on the ground. The ground that had been crushed by Lin Fei was dusty and full of gravel.


Gong Dong uttered a sad cry.

Just want to climb up, suddenly feel a heavy body, Lin Fei's right foot has stepped on his chest.

"Lin Fei, you..."

"If I didn't pretend to be curious, how could I hear so much useful news?" Lin Fei asked jokingly."Are you kidding me?"

Lin Fei's eyes flashed regret, "not all, some of what you said I didn't think of, just like you, I never doubted, and even regarded you as a friend."

Cough, cough


Gong Dong's face flashed with complexity.

"Yes! In my opinion, there is no interest struggle between us. We should not be enemies. It's just a pity... "

"Ha ha Lin Fei, if you want to go further, if you want to really become a person who can control the fate of others, you need to be ruthless and domineering. Now you will lose to the Zhao family sooner or later. "

The human skin mask on Lin Fei's face became more terrifying. "What else do you want to say?"

"Lin Fei, you can't fight the Zhao family. Although I lost today, you will be killed by the Zhao family."

"I'm just a piece of the Zhao family, and there are many pieces like me in Jianghai city."

"I don't believe you can wipe out the Zhao family, and I don't believe those people will tolerate your arrogance all the time."

Ha ha


Gong Dong coughed up a mouthful of blood. "Lin Fei, I'll wait for you on huangquan road. Come on, do it

At this moment, Gong Dong was very domineering and determined to die, and he had a kind of hope for liberation.

Lin Fei's eyes fell on Gong Dong's bloody face. "Have you said enough?"

"There are many more, but I don't want to tell you any more." Gong Dong said proudly.

"Well, talk to the right person." Lin Fei's words fall, his feet fall.


Feeling the great pressure from Lin Fei's feet, Gong Dong made a huge scream.


"Lin, Lin Fei, you really want to kill me!"

"Just now you said that if you want to go further and really become a person who can control the fate of others, you need to be tough and domineering. I remember. I'll start with you today. "



With Gong Dong's blood gushing out, Lin Fei's feet fell completely.

Gong Dongtou tilted to the side and died.

Lin Fei drew back his feet slowly and looked at the basement.

At the moment, if someone saw Lin Fei, his eyes and body showed a touch of unprecedented domineering and overbearing.

Gong Dong hurt his feelings.

Gong Dong also let Lin Fei grow up thoroughly.

He went to the basement again

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