At the gate of Yuntian club, a bus stopped.

Lin Fei and Xiao Mengshan, with 20 security guards, press Zhang Dahu, Wang Qian, Li Mei and Lao Zhou down from the car.

In the distance, the lights were bright, and many reporters drove over. They were attracted by today's report.

"Call the door!" Lin Fei looks at the security guard and orders.

Guo Dake, the security team leader, took the lead to walk out of the crowd and towards the gate of Yuntian club.

At the moment, Yuntian club is still full of money, there are still many people in it.

The security guard at the gate had seen Lin Fei and others for a long time, but he thought that this was the headquarters of Shanjiang organization. He didn't pay attention to Lin Fei and others at all, so they didn't come.

It was not until Guo Dake walked past that the security guard at the gate met him. "Who?"

"Find the person who organized Shanjiang to settle accounts."


The security guard was directly laughed at. "Man, we're all colleagues. We're just security guards at the door. Can you do without bragging? Do you know where it is? "

The security guard of Yuntian Club regards Guo Dake as a fool.

"I know!"

"I know I'm still pretending to be forced, isn't it..."


Before the security guard finished, Guo Dake kicked him off.

"Too much nonsense!"

Just now Lin Fei's domineering in xiangmeier underwear company, he learned, now let's call, say good is to call, say bad, that is to smash the field.

As the security team leader, I am duty bound.

He also hopes to be appreciated by Lin Fei. It's not only money, but also a chance to make a brilliant life.

So, he is very straightforward!

He's very direct.


The security guard flew out of the body and directly knocked the door of Yuntian club open.


Welcome Miss at the door and the players in the room all screamed out in horror.

The other three security guards have rushed over with their batons. Without saying a word, they began to attack Guo Dake.

Bang bang!

Guo Dake turned around and hit the three people's faces with three fists. The three people's bodies immediately flew out like a kite with broken lines.

People running out of the house saw three people coming face to face and screamed again, which made the scene more chaotic.

Guo Dake has made the whole Yuntian Club uneasy.

He put his hands behind him and looked into the room of Yuntian club with a proud look on his face.

"Where's the security? I'm looking for death

Hula, hundreds of people rushed out of Yuntian club, each with a swing stick in his hand, tattooed on his body, seven not satisfied, eight not angry, eyes full of anger, face full of ferocity.

All of a sudden, the whole square is full of endless murders.

Guo Dake stands still.

The security guard around Lin Fei wants to step forward, but Lin Fei stops him. He knows that every security captain Li Qingfeng arranges is not simple, and he also wants to see Guo Dake's strength.

"Ask Sima Qing to get out of here."

Lin Fei did not let down, in front of hundreds of people on the other side, Guo Dake is still calm and calm.


"Who are you? How dare you call brother Qing's name directly? "

"Let's go together and kill the son of a bitch!"

"Yes! The earth has been broken on his head. He must be killed! "

All of a sudden, the scene was in chaos.

"Be quiet!" All of a sudden, there was a big bang in the crowd.

Then came out a man of medium build and stocky appearance. "My friend, where are you from? What are you doing here?"

"Are you Sima Qing?"


"Then go away!" Guo Dake is very proud.

"Friend! Not everyone in our cloud club can smash the scene. Be careful that you don't know how you die. "

"I think my brother is also a security guard. If you want to be a security guard here, I'll take you in."

"As for hurting my brother, I explained to brother Qing that he would give me face."

The man saw Guo Dake's skill is good, moved the heart of solicitation, very arrogant said.

"Did you hear what our brother said? Brother Ba is the third leader of Shanjiang. He has a great face. "

The other boys quickly stood up for sunba.

"Big brother? Do you have face Guo Dake asked with a sneer.

"Yes Sun Ba responded with pride.

"Your face is nothing!"

Guo Dake's words fell, and when he arrived, he boxed straight at Sun BA in front of him.

Sun Ba is also a practitioner. He is also a master of Huang Jing. However, he has no ability to evade Guo Dake's straight fist, and he just watches it coming.Bang!


His fist fell on Sun BA's face again. Sun Ba flew up and fell back heavily.

"Big brother!" A group of younger brothers yelled, and many of them met directly and helped them with open arms.


Sun Ba didn't fall to the ground in the end, but he knocked down a piece of his younger brother.

"You, you are killing yourself!" Sun Ba covered his sore nose and face and scolded angrily.

"Come, don't you say you have face? Come on, let me see what your bloody face looks like? "

Guo Dake said jokingly.


Sun BA was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Guo Dake's words are too exciting.

"Up! Kill him for me Sun Ba finished and waved to his younger brother.

These people are desperators. It's useless to keep up their strength. Now when they hear sun BA's words, they all rush forward.

Of course, the more important thing is that sun BA was beaten. They want to show their loyalty in front of sun ba.

Hundreds of people, shouting and rushing, are like a group of hungry wolves.

However, instead of being afraid, Guo Da suddenly moved his body and rushed into the crowd like a downhill tiger.


A big punch will fly to the enemy.


A backhand fist breaks the right enemy's arm, and then bends over to avoid the enemy's swing stick. He takes the broken enemy's swing stick in his hand and looks for the moon from the bottom up. Bang bang! A series of sticks sound, more than a dozen bodies fell back quickly.

When the enemy fell down, he brought down his companions behind him, and hundreds of them fell in half in an instant.

Guo Dake didn't stop. He waved his stick and rushed forward. There were more than a dozen gangsters standing in front of him. At the same time, he waved his stick to meet him.

Guo Da didn't dodge. He raised his arm and attacked violently. CLICK!

A burst of breaking sound, three hit on his swing stick at the same time broken, and he and swing stick safe.


The gangsters behind took a breath and began to retreat.

They have been fighting for a long time and have rich experience. They know that Guo Dake is a real practitioner. Even when there are rivers and mountains, it is estimated that no one is Guo Dake's rival except the boss pinchao.

The enemy retreated for a moment, and Guo Dake came to sun Ba again.

Grab the collar and pull it to your arms.

"Stop it all!"

A blast!

The scene was quiet for a moment.

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