Catch the king first!

Guo Dake's thinking is very clear, because of this, just in the face of the enemy's hegemonic attack, he is still so calm, still adhere to the attack.

There are no downed thugs at the scene. They lie on the ground and forget the pain. They look at Guo Dake stupidly.

Sun Ba, like a chicken, was carried in his hand.


Sun Ba responded with a roar.

"Son of a bitch! Put me down, or you'll die here today. "

"If you dare to be arrogant in Yuntian club, you are fighting against our whole mountain and river."

"Call people! Call someone at once and kill him for me! "

Sun Ba, as the third person of Shanjiang organization, is used to being bossy and domineering. He bullies others all the time. When does he appear to be bullied?

So very angry, very angry.


Guo Dake is very straightforward, and directly throws sun Ba to the ground like a leather ball.


Sun Ba let out a scream.


The next second, more tragic calls came, Guo Dake's feet heavily stepped on Sun BA's body, like a mountain pressing on Sun BA's heart.

"Boy, cough You, you are so useless. I must ask someone to kill you. "



Guo Dake directly kicks sun BA in the waist.


Sun Ba made a pig like cry.

"Call people! Do you want to call someone for me! Tell brother Qing to find someone to chop them. "

Sun Batong showed his teeth, facial features deformation, but still very tough.

Reporters at the scene can't help worrying about Guo Dake. You know, although Shanjiang is a remnant of Jiangshan, people in Jianghai city know very well how powerful Jiangshan is.

"Lin Fei, why don't you call the police? It's not good to make a big noise. "

Some journalists who have a good relationship with Lin Fei have already offered advice.

"Ha ha As you can see, my people just used to shout. It was their people who were impolite and took the initiative to attack. We were in self-defense. "

"What's more, the rest of us didn't do it. If it's a big deal, I'm afraid it's their problem."

"What's more, we're just looking for justice when we're attacked by Shanjiang. Shouldn't we clean up this social scum?"


No more words!

Lin Fei was right, but didn't he recognize that he was concerned about him and spoke for him?


The room of Yuntian club was restless, and then a group of people came out from it.

"Who doesn't have eyes to make trouble here? Do you want to die?" Before people arrived, a fierce voice had come out.


Reporters look at the door, came out of a bare upper body, the whole body tattooed cuntou man, a face of ferocious and domineering.

"Brother Qing, help me!"

Seeing the person coming, sun BA was the first to call out.

"Boy! You are the security guard of which company. Come here and look for death With that, Sima Qing came to Guo Dake angrily.

Guo Dake stepped on Sun BA's feet and made great efforts.


Sun BA's cry became more miserable, and Sima Qing's anger rose again.

"You're done! You have to die Sima Qing words fall, people to the side, fists toward Guo Dake hard hit over.

Guo Da didn't dodge and fought back against Sima Qing's fist.


With a dull sound, Guo Dake and Sima Qing stepped back three steps at the same time.

The two men looked at each other in shock.

"Yo! Boy, I can't see that there are still two children. No wonder they are so arrogant. " Sima Qing said in a strange voice.

As the boss of Shanjiang, Sima Qing is the most powerful person in Shanjiang organization. He used to be a small leader in Jiangshan. He has always been known for his bravery. On that day, Lin Fei exterminated Jiangshan. He just escaped because he was sent out to carry out the task and was not in Jianghai City.

But in his view, if he was in Jianghai city that day, he would never let people destroy Jiangshan, because he has the ability to protect Jiangshan.

In fact, all the time, he was also a good general under pinchao. Pinchao even gave Sima Qing some advice, so he was so powerful.

I just didn't expect that I met a little security guard today and even got a draw.

"Boy, brother Qing didn't get angry. I'd better get down on my knees and beg for mercy."

"Brother Qing thought that in those days, one person swept a street and one person fought alone."

"There are countless people who are injured by brother Qing. If you don't want to be one of them, kneel down and beg for mercy immediately."

The younger brother saw that Sima Qing and Guo Dake were able to share the same interests, and immediately began to shout."Boy, if you regret it now and beg for mercy on your knees, I can not only let you go, but also let you join my organization and give you a position of top four."

My younger brother's compliments made Sima Qing feel complacent and overjoyed.

"Join your organization?"

"This is for your face!"

"Bah! I will not work in collusion with you to help the tyrant! "

"Asshole! You want to die! "

Sima Qing roared and rushed over again.


The two hit each other hard again.

This time, although they were psychologically prepared, they still took two steps back.

Sima Qing felt that his whole arm was sore, but he looked at Guo Dake fiercely and confidently.

"Clear up! Get rid of the reporters

Sima Qing is going to kill Guo Dake.


Suddenly dozens of little brother ran to the reporter.

"We are journalists. If you dare to attack us, you will be exposed."

"Yes! Be careful that we will expose your cloud club. "

Seeing that Sima Qing's people really want to fight against them, these reporters are in a hurry.

"Exposure? Good! I'll show all the women when they shoot them, and then I'll show them how beautiful they are

Sima Qing is extremely arrogant.


The reporters at the scene were a little nervous and confused. They looked at each other and some of them were ready to pack up and run.

"Protect Journalists!" At Lin Fei's command, the remaining 19 security guards clattered and stood in front of the reporters, forming a protective wall.

The reporter took a long breath.

Sima Qing's younger brother was stunned.

"Up! Kill them, continue to kill these reporters! "

Sima Qing is crazy now.

Shanjiang these little brothers are very obedient, shake the stick, attack towards the security.

"Lin Fei, let your security guard protect us. We must expose Shanjiang's criminal behavior today."

"Yes! We want to give you and xiangmeier underwear a fair deal. "

"Shanjiang organization must disappear from Jianghai city today."


The reporter this next angry, completely chose to stand in the Lin Fei angle.

"Lin Fei?" Sima Qing asked with a puzzled look.

"Yes! I am Lin Fei. " Lin Fei came out laughing.

Sima Qing instantly understood why the scene was like this.

"Good! Now that they're all here, I'm sorry. "

Sima Qing's face was cold.

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