Antique Street, Jianghai city.

This is a place with a long history. It used to be a place where some people bought and sold antiques more than 100 years ago.

Later, although the city developed, it did not change the trading place except for reconstruction and expansion and renovation of shops.

Therefore, it has become an important place for antique trade in Jianghai city.

The explosion of Tianbao auction house did not make the business here depressed. On the contrary, it made more businesses rise.

There is a Tibetan shop in the antique street, which is one of the best in the whole antique street.

At this moment, although it is day, but the door is closed.

In the manager's office on the second floor, a thin man with bright eyes was very alert at the moment.

In front of him stood an old man in a grey robe with triangular eyes.

It's Kinko.

Compared with his vigilance, the old man is very calm. "Hong Sixing, what do you think about my proposal?"

"Mr. Jin, I've thought about what you said. Although it's very tempting, our Shuanglong club's ability is limited. It's really not suitable for you..."


Hong Sixing's words have not finished, the mobile phone suddenly rang up.

He picked up the phone, is a text message, click to see the above information, suddenly face changed, and then full of anger.

"Elder Jin, I've agreed to that."

Jin Ke is a Leng, just heard Hong Sixing various reasons, still thinking about how to deal with Hong Sixing, did not expect a SMS, all changed.

"Good! very nice! Then I'll wait for your good news. "

Jinke didn't ask the reason, then she turned and left.

Hong Sixing didn't smash the table until Jinke left. He said angrily, "Lin Fei, I have nothing to do with you, and I don't want to deal with you. I didn't expect that you should unite with the Lu family to deal with me. Hum! I will make you pay a heavy price. "

Hong Sixing finished, took out his cell phone and began to make a call.

Soon, a group of people rushed to many ordinary communities.

Lu Qing kept her promise and came to xiangmeier underwear company the next day. She was very professional. She learned about various products of xiangmeier underwear company, inquired about various production links, and studied and contacted the lawsuit provided by Aili group of M country in the early stage.

Three days later, in the office of the Department of Commerce.

Lin Fei, Xiao Mengshan and Lu Qing arrived on time.

This time, crisno and Zhou Li still arrived ahead of time. The only difference is that they were followed by several people, all wearing white gloves and holding bags for packaging goods in their hands -

obviously, this is the evidence Lin Fei asked for.

At nine o'clock, Ren Kening and Xu Zhiguo appeared in the conference room.

Ren Kening glanced at Lin Fei and found that there was one more woman. However, when you see something in the hands of the staff standing behind crisno, you feel a little uneasy.

Director Kong took a look at Ren Kening, who nodded.

He coughed softly. "According to the negotiation between the two companies last time, are the two sides ready to hold the second negotiation this time?"

"We are ready, and we are very well prepared. We will give Lin Fei a big surprise." Crisno said haughtily.

Zhou Li next to him began to distribute materials again.

When it was sent to Lin Fei, "Lin Fei, don't you want to tear up these data again?"

Zhou Li said with a defiant smile on his face.

Lin Fei sneered, "Zhou Li, you are just a follower, a dog."

"Lin Fei, your mouth is really..."

Lin Fei's eyes stare. Zhou Li is so scared that he quickly covers his mouth and swallows back his words.

His teeth have not been dealt with up to now. He is really afraid of Lin Fei's violence.

"Leaders, you see, the scars on my teeth and face were all beaten by Lin Fei after the last meeting. He was violent. Don't you care?"

Zhou Li begged in a pitiful way.

Xu Zhiguo's face was gloomy. "Is that true, Lin Fei?"

Lin Fei did not speak, but nodded to admit it.


Xu Zhiguo slapped the table, "Lin Fei, you are also a grand chairman. How can you be so savage? Why is the quality so low? "

At the last meeting, Lin Fei didn't wait for them to coordinate, so he directly announced the decision to hold the meeting three days later and put them aside, which made Xu Zhiguo very upset. Today, he broke out directly.

"Lin Fei, you have to give us a written explanation about this." Horsepower saw Xu Zhiguo furious, immediately followed by shouting.

Lin Fei didn't seem to hear it and ignored horsepower.

"Lin Fei, do you hear me?" Horsepower has stood up.

"Thank you for getting justice back for me! Lin Fei is the most unreasonable chairman I have ever met Zhou Li fanned the flames."If Huaxia enterprises want to really develop, people like Lin Fei need strict management. Otherwise, it is not only the company that has problems, but also the whole Huaxia will be discredited."

Said crisno, with a look of bitterness and deep regret.

This makes Xu Zhiguo feel even more angry.

Horsepower is very good at observing words and expressions, and has seen Xu Zhiguo's anger. He quickly continued: "Lin Fei, you'd better apologize immediately, otherwise all your companies will be blacklisted in the future, and we will impose restrictions on exports."

The negotiation has not really started yet. A complaint from Zhou Li has caused civil strife, and even started to draw swords against Lin Fei.

Chris Nuo is very happy with China and the United States. This is the strategy he and Zhou Li have worked out. Let these official masters be dissatisfied with Lin Fei and keep putting pressure on him. In this way, Lin Fei will be in a passive position and they will fight for the initiative in negotiation.

Now, as expected, very satisfied.

Ren Kening did not speak, just looking at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei just smiles and doesn't say a word.

Xiao Mengshan is really like secretary Lin Fei at this time. She doesn't say anything.

"Lin Fei, are you talking?" Horsepower saw that Lin Fei didn't speak and became more arrogant.

"Leaders, you see that Lin Fei ignored you. You can imagine how domineering and vicious he was when he hit me."

Zhou Li said that he was even more aggrieved, so he just cried.

Lin Fei raised his head and looked at the staff of the Department of Commerce, who happened to be the staff of the last time. "Is there a surveillance video in this conference room?"

The staff was stunned at first, but they nodded and said, "yes!"

"Then you can find out the video three days ago and show it to everyone."

The staff immediately looked at director Kong.

"Let's play it." Director Kong is not very satisfied with Xu Zhiguo and Ma Li. Seeing that Ren Kening has not made a statement, he knows that he is supporting Lin Fei, so he has no hesitation.

When Zhou Li heard that he was looking for a video, his proud face disappeared, and he became nervous and even scared.

Crisno's eyes kept turning and thinking. He realized that the problem was not right and quickly spoke

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