"Don't look. We'd better hold on to the negotiation! It's business Crisno said, sitting up straight, looking very serious.

Zhou Li already understood Lin Fei's intention. He was nervous when he heard that he wanted to watch the surveillance. Now crisno broke through and immediately said, "forget it. Don't apologize."

At the moment, Xu Zhiguo and Ma Li feel like eating Xiang. It's like trying very hard to grab good things and want to give them to others. As a result, they don't want them anymore, and their flattery is more like slapping on a horse's hoof.

"You don't want it?" Lin Fei looks at crisno and Zhou Li and asks jokingly.

"No more!" Two people angrily said.

"You don't want me! I want you to see if I play Zhouli, right? "

Lin Fei's voice was suddenly very loud and domineering.


Everyone took a breath.

Xu Zhiguo and Ma Li's face became more and more ugly and depressed.

Director Kong looked at the staff and said, "what happened that day?"

"Director of the report office, the first sentence Mr. Zhou said when he saw Mr. Lin that day was in English. Mr. Lin asked in Japanese..."

Did not watch the video, the staff will tell the situation of the day.

Originally, Xu Zhiguo and Zhou Li, who were angry with Lin Fei, were quite depressed. After listening to the staff's narration, their faces turned black and white. They were almost rude on the spot.

I've been teased!

Just think of their own performance, two people have been slapped face feeling.

Not to mention Lin Fei, even they would despise Zhou Li.

"A person who doesn't speak his native language has the face to say that he is Chinese."

Zhou Li has a hot face.

"If a person doesn't fight for the interests of his own country and let others trample on him, how can he face to be in a high position and criticize others?"

Xu Zhiguo and Ma Li's faces are as black as black clouds in June, and they are also hot.

"All right! Lin Fei, hurry up the negotiation

Ren Kening saw that Lin Fei was angry and his face was beaten, so he quickly stood up to make it over.

If it continues, it will be more embarrassing for both sides.

"I'll leave it to the secretary." Lin Fei's words are very artistic.

Tell Xu Zhiguo clearly, he is in Ren Kening face, not to give you face.

Ren Kening sighs in his heart. Lin Fei is too sharp.

On the contrary, although crisno was just depressed, he was even more happy. Lin Fei was adding partners to him. "Zhou Li, now report the latest findings to Director Xu."

Post it in time to get closer to Xu Zhiguo.

Zhou Li sat up straight, opened the materials just distributed to everyone, cleared his throat, and glanced at Lin Fei with pride.

"Dear leaders, Lin Fei's proposal in the last negotiation was very good, which showed the sincerity of xiangmeier underwear company in solving this problem, and we admire it very much."

"According to Mr. Lin Fei's suggestion, we went back to conduct an in-depth investigation, and the results were shocking, which shocked us incomparably."

When Zhou Li said this, he deliberately stopped and looked at Lin Fei with regret and even sympathy in his eyes.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

People at the scene have begun to quickly turn up the data. When they see the number, their eyes are straight.

And Zhou Li's voice just sounded at the moment. "After investigation, the products exported by xiangmeier underwear company this time caused 15000 people to be infected with HIV. After expert identification and judgment, each person has to pay at least 200 million M national currency."


There was a sound of breathing in, and all eyes looked at Lin Fei.

Horsepower and Xu Zhiguo have just become pig liver color faces, and now they are extremely wonderful.

Idiot! It's about people like Lin Fei. Last time there were 15 people, but now there are 15000 people. Fortunately, not all people in M country carry this virus, otherwise Lin Fei can't afford to pay for it.


Xu Zhiguo slapped the table.

"Why is this so serious? Has no one ever checked the production of xiangmeier underwear company? "

"Nonsense! This is a serious production accident! Check! It must be investigated severely! "

"All relevant departments should bear the responsibility and never tolerate it."

Xu Zhiguo, who has been holding his breath, now roars out completely.

Ren Kening's face is also in a cold sweat. He is not afraid of Xu Zhiguo, but if it is so serious, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Lin Fei, has no one checked your company's daily production? Didn't the relevant department check it? " Ren Kening asked in a cold voice.

Lin Fei's heart warms. Ren Kening is very kind to him. He seems very serious. This is an opportunity for him to refute and explain.

"Secretary Ren, if you believe me, Lin Fei, just wait. I'll give you a satisfactory answer later."What Lin Fei said is meaningful.

Ren Kening frowned and did not speak.

"The answer? Lin Fei, what answer can you give us? Do you know how serious this is if it's true? It's killing people. It's a huge insult to the quality of Huaxia's products. It's hard to predict the adverse impact! "

Horsepower in the side can't wait to roar out.

Horsepower's anger, on the one hand, is Lin Feigang's arrogance and stimulation, more importantly, he is also worried that xiangmeier underwear company really has so many problems.

If it's true, I'm afraid the negotiation will be completely lost. When he and director Xu go back, they will surely be ridiculed or even criticized, and they will be in a hurry.

At such times, director Xu can't speak, so he naturally stands up and yells.

However, I really hope that this is not true.

"Lin Fei, I know your way too well. I like to pretend to be deep, and I like to show calmness at this time."

"But it's not basketball skills, it's not piano skills, it's a fact. Do you think you can change it?"

"1.5 trillion, converted into your Chinese currency, that is 12 trillion, ha ha..."

Crisno is very happy at the moment, and has a feeling of finally venting.

All the time, Lin Fei gave him too much painful memories. Today, he finally found the opportunity to vent. Naturally, he wanted to trample and vent. He wanted to let Lin Fei sign immediately.

Xiao Mengshan and Lu Qing have been sitting beside Lin Fei calmly. They seem to have a plan.

Lin Fei looked at Ren Kening, "Secretary Ren, this is our export record."

With that, Lin Fei stood up and sent the account book to Ren Kening.

Everyone was in a daze. What's the use of the account book?

Ren Kening opened the account book and saw the list of export quantity. His eyes suddenly lit up.

Xu Zhiguo is also very curious. He turned around and saw it.

It's just a glance, and it can't be taken back.

Crisno looked at the two people's expressions, although curious, but confident said: "governor Ren, director Xu, is there a problem with this account book?"

"Yes! Of course! And it's a huge problem. "

Ren Kening said at the end, his voice was a little excited.

Crisno was stunned.

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