"Altay, give me the antidote." Bao Zhi was in a trance, but he still rushed to Altay, who was lying on the ground and could not move.

"Get out of here!" Lin Fei pushed Bao Zhi aside.

This kind of doctor without conscience and medical ethics deserves retribution.

Lin Fei lowered his head and began to search Altay.

Take out a porcelain bottle, a whistle and a bag

The most frightening thing is to pull out a snake with a golden crown.

The whole body of the snake is golden. If it's not for the thin scales, the lines can be seen in the light. From a distance, it can easily be regarded as a yellow gold chain.

Golden crowned snake, with strange shape, must be highly toxic!

Lin Fei stepped back. Yu Shui, who had been hit by Altay, was lying on the ground in agony. Seeing the golden crown snake, he ran away while climbing.

Bao Zhi has been trying to control himself, staring at the objects Lin Fei pulled out.

When he saw the golden crowned viper, he cried out, "kill it! Kill it! It's Altay's own poisonous snake. "

Bao Zhi's voice was loud, and the already tense atmosphere in the ward was even more tense.

Lin Feigang just saw the poisonous snake. Instinctively, he was a little scared and threw it on the ground. Hearing Bao Zhi yelling, he rushed over to trample it to death. However, the Golden Delicious poisonous snake reacted quickly and went into the house.

"Don't let him into Xiao Mingyi's body. There is a female snake in his body. If two snakes come together, we will all die!" Seeing this, Bao Zhi was in a hurry.

Altay was lying on the ground. Although he could not speak or move, he had good ears. When he saw the golden crown snake looking for a mate automatically, his eyes flashed a sneer.

Live and die together!

The golden crown Viper has been with him for a long time and fed with essence and blood. It has already been connected with his heart. Knowing the danger at the moment, he naturally has to fight hard.

And looking for a mate, the unity of two snakes, it will play an amazing lethality.

The golden gourd snake rushes into the house, but no one dares to stop it. The people inside are scared to death and run out one after another. Lin Fei wants to rush in, but is blocked by the people who rush out twice in a row.

Lin Fei stamped his feet in a hurry!

Xiao Mengshan's mother and daughter, leaning on the corner of the ward, were also stunned.

When the golden crown snake climbed to the hospital bed like lightning, Xiao Mengshan didn't know where the courage came from. She rushed over and grabbed it with her hand. She fell directly to the wall beside her.

The golden crowned Viper twisted twice on the ground and tried to climb on to the bed, but the speed was obviously slower.

Xiao Mingyi on the bed, cover the quilt suddenly shaking, then yellow light flash, toward Xiao Mengshan.

What Xiao Mengshan just relied on was an exciting force. When she finished throwing, she was so scared that she trembled all over and stood in the same place.

"Meng Shan, stay away!" Just as Lin Fei rushed in, he held his waist and quickly jumped to one side to avoid the attack of the golden crown snake crawling out of Xiao Mingyi's body.

Xiao Mengshan instinctively embraces Lin Fei in both hands, and then the whole person leans on Lin Fei's arms, still in panic.

Lin Fei didn't have time to pay attention to all this. He quickly put Xiao Mengshan aside, took out Sheng Dan and put it into Xiao Mengshan's hand and said, "save people immediately."

Then he ran to the two snakes.

The two snakes had gathered together, tightly wrapped around each other, Shua, climbed out of the door, and ran to Altay, who was lying on the ground.

"Kill him! Kill him

Bao Zhi's face showed fear, his facial features were deformed, and he yelled at the top of his voice.

Lin Fei started fast and rushed through, but he was still half a beat slow.

When he got to Altay, two snakes just got into Altay's mouth.

Lin Fei hit the fists of the two snakes and finally stopped in front of Altay.

He can't kill!

Altay looked at Lin Fei with a touch of pride in his hatred, which was a kind of satire to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei reproached himself in his heart. Although he had the ability of Xuanwu, he had little combat experience. Besides, he only practiced three moves in Tianlong boxing manual, so he didn't catch two snakes.

Lin Fei turns and walks to the ward. Altay is no longer in his charge. Jiang Yu and others will deal with it.

He just walked out three steps, suddenly felt the wind behind him, and then came the cry of Jiang Yu "be careful".

Lin Fei left leg to the side across a step, the whole body to one side, the right hand raised, hard to swing a punch, just is the "Tianlong boxing" storm again, as if a strong wind blows, Altay's body like a fallen leaf general fly out, heavily fell on the wall, and then fell to the ground.

Lin Fei turned and looked at Altay on the ground. He was lying on the ground and tried to get up, but instead of standing up, he got up. His head, body and legs formed an angle, just like a crawling snake.

"Destroy that whistle quickly. He has been combined with Gu Ming now. If he gets the whistle, he will kill innocent people indiscriminately."Bao Zhi's face turned red. He covered his head with his hands and said faintly.

On the ground, Altay heard that he was going to destroy the whistle. He suddenly climbed up again and wanted to attack Lin Fei.

Lin Fei saw clearly this time that Altay's abandoned hands and feet were still abandoned, but his mouth was miraculously able to move. His action of jumping on himself was more like a snake with a big mouth.

Lin Fei took a breath of cold air. It was the first time that he saw it.

In the past, I often heard that Miao people are special, and there are all kinds of poisonous insects and strange methods. But I have never seen them. I didn't expect that there would be such strange things.

He didn't dare to be careless. He took out the whistle he had just put in his pocket and looked at it carefully. It was like an oval egg with red, blue, black and white stripes. There was a round hole at one end and seven holes on one side of the oval belly. He didn't know how to use it, but he would destroy it.

Altay saw Lin Fei take out his whistle, and his body was in a state of contraction. His head was raised abruptly, just like a snake on high alert, ready to attack.

Lin Fei directly ignored this, holding the whistle with one hand, without hesitation, with a click, directly crushed.

I don't know whether it's the sound or the action of Lin Fei. Altay attacked again like crazy.

This time, when he attacked, he hissed in his mouth. If his mouth was wide open, he could swallow a person's fist directly.

Lin Fei waved his whistle powder directly at Altay, then moved his body to the left and punched him in the stomach.

If this punch hits, Lin Fei believes that it will definitely pierce Altay's body.

It's not that he wants to kill people, but Altay is like a madman now. He has lost his mind. If he doesn't stop it, he may hurt people at any time.

"Lin Fei, stop it!"

The river rain suddenly a fierce drink spreads.

Lin Fei was stunned.

Altay's head, flying into the air, turned more than 90 degrees and ran to Lin Fei's heart.

Lin Fei wants to avoid, but it's too late. Just as he's going to raise his hand to stop it, there's a crackling sound

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