
Altay fell heavily at Linfei's feet. His head began to bleed.

Lin Fei raised his eyes and saw that the gun in Jiang Yu's hand was still emitting light smoke.

Lin Fei didn't understand.

Jiang Yu has already rushed over. She pushes Lin Fei away, raises her foot and kicks him. She confirms that Altay is dead. She breathes a long breath.

He looked up at Lin Fei and glared at him.

Lin Fei saw a kind of sincerity in her eyes, and he understood.

Jiang Yu is helping him, because the fight just now is bound to kill him. At that time, no matter what the reason is, there will be a lawsuit, and she is the best choice.

This makes Lin Fei not understand Jiang Yu.

"Solution, antidote! Give me the antidote Bao Zhi is lying on the ground now and begins to talk.

Lin Fei took out Altai's belongings, came to Bao Zhi and threw them on the ground, "find them yourself!"

Bao Zhi is like a thirsty pedestrian in the desert. Seeing the water, he uses all his strength to get up, shakes his hands, opens a porcelain vase, pours out one and eats it.

After taking it for less than a minute, Bao Zhi felt that the scenery in front of him was no longer blurred, people were no longer spinning, and his head was no longer so swollen and painful.


At this time, lying on the bed, Xiao Mingyi, who had announced his death, uttered a low voice, and then slowly opened his eyes.




Xiao Mengshan and Xiao's mother's cry and cry came at the same time.


The medical staff, who had been scared silly, heard the cry and cried out in fright.

You know, it's more than an hour since Xiao Mingyi announced his death. It's hard to imagine that people are still alive.

"Where am I?" Xiao Mingyi asked in a weak voice.

"Hospital! You've been in a coma in the hospital for ten months Xiao's mother looked at her husband affectionately and said.

"It's like I'm dreaming. Every day I can see a golden snake with a golden crown crawling around in front of me, which makes me scared and helpless." Xiao Mingyi tells the story powerlessly.

"Dad! It's all right. It's all over! " Xiao Mengshan held her father's hand and comforted her.

"Bao Zhi, now that you are back to normal, what's going on?" Lin Fei looks at Bao Zhi and asks.


Everyone's eyes are on Bao Zhi.

Bao Zhi sighed and knew that he had been exposed. He said with regret: "a year ago, Xiao Mingzhe found me and gave me a million yuan, so that I could find a way to keep Xiao Mingyi in hospital for a long time. When I saw money, I agreed. "

"However, Xiao Mingyi was very ill at that time, and could not meet Xiao Mingzhe's requirements at all. I thought of Altay, who had helped me to cure many difficult and miscellaneous diseases. He readily agreed, but he asked for five million. Xiao Mingzhe nodded his head and agreed. In this way, we three planned together, and Altay would take his life Gu nourishes Xiao Mingyi.... "

Bao Zhi did not finish, immediately felt countless cold eyes looking at him, his eyes showed a strong hatred.

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! It's all about money. It's all about fame and wealth! "

At last, Bao Zhi, with tears on his face, knelt on the ground and slapped himself.

Just now, after experiencing the horror and pain of Zhonggu, he had a new understanding of life and a new fear and terror.

"Xiao Mingzhe, it's Xiao Mingzhe again!" Xiao Mingyi said angrily.

"Dad! Xiao Mingzhe has been arrested now. He wants me to bail him out before tonight, otherwise my grandfather will... "

Before Xiao Mengshan finished speaking, she was too crying to speak.

"Grandfather? Silly girl, if your grandfather is alive, how can he attack me? " Xiao Mingyi said with moist eyes.

"What's going on?"


"Three years ago, your grandfather retired from meizishuang group and handed over the company to me. Xiao Mingzhe was very unconvinced, so he took advantage of a family gathering to give your grandfather toxic drugs, and the antidote was in his hands, so as to coerce me to give him more than half of the money I earned every year."

"Then why don't you call the police?" Jiang Yu asked.

"Ah! I want to call the police, but your grandfather won't let me. He doesn't want the reputation of the Xiao family to be damaged, and he doesn't have the heart to let Xiao Mingzhe face prison. "

"Then what happened?" Xiao Mengshan asked anxiously.

"Two years ago, your grandfather died because he was old and depressed and couldn't take the antidote in time for a long time. Xiao Mingzhe saw the loss of your grandfather's platform, so he planned to attack me. At that time, I was struggling with whether to report the case or not. As a result, one day he Zhiping invited me to dinner. He drank too much and felt uncomfortable, so he came to the hospital. After that, he was not clear about what happenedHiss!

Everyone took a cool breath.

This, this game is deep enough, fierce enough!

Isn't it Bao Zhi, Xiao Mingzhe and Altay who are connected behind?

While weeping, Xiao's mother wiped her tears and said, "Mingyi, you are lying in the hospital, but Mengshan is suffering. She thinks her grandfather is alive and gives half of his income to Xiao Mingzhe and his son every year. The rest is spent in the hospital to treat you and save your life. The most exasperating thing is that xiaomingzhe forces Mengshan to make an engagement with he Zhiping's son he Jie."

"What? I want them to pay for everything


Xiao Mingyi was so excited that he coughed violently.

"Dad! Don't get excited. This incident has already alerted the police. They will investigate. Xiao Mingzhe has been put into prison, and he Jie is also investigating. With Bao Zhi's confession, it is estimated that the case will be investigated soon. "

Xiao Mengshan patted her father on the back and comforted her.

Xiao Mingyi nodded, trying to mix the breath.

No matter the medical staff or the police, including Lin Fei, seemed to be listening to stories or watching TV dramas.

It's, it's pure greed of human nature!

"How did you do all this, Meng Shan?" Xiao Mingyi calms down. Thinking of these complicated relationships, he looks at Xiao Mengshan and asks.

Xiao Mengshan's face turned red. Then she looked at Lin Fei and found that he was always calm and smiling.

Xiao Mengshan nodded to him, showing gratitude, and then told what happened today.

"Lin Fei, auntie, I'm sorry. I'm here to apologize to you!" After hearing this, Xiao's mother stands up and bows to Lin Fei to apologize.

Lin Fei quickly comes forward to help Xiao's mother. "Auntie, your reaction is human. It shows that you have a deep relationship with Mr. Xiao. I envy you."

Will Xiao Xuan be more moved to take care of his family than to take care of his children in the future?

However, just think about it, immediately shake your head and smile bitterly.

I don't know when we will meet?

"Mr. Lin, thank you for saving me, saving our family and freeing my daughter. You are now the major shareholder of meizishuang group, and we will withdraw from meizishuang in the future. I hope you can bring meizishuang to the better. " Xiao Mingyi looks at Lin Fei and says sincerely.


"How are you?" A deep voice outside the door interrupted Lin Fei.

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