
The medical staff at the door heard the voice, they all consciously separated to the left and right, and then came a man about 50 years old, combing his hair, square face, thick eyebrows and big eyes.

He was followed by a 30-year-old young man in black trousers and white shirt, with a briefcase in his hand, dressed as a secretary.

"Hello, Dean!"

The medical staff saw the men coming in and began to say hello one after another.

Ouyang Ming nodded to the crowd, and his eyes fell directly on Xiao Mingyi's face. Seeing that he was still alive, his eyes were round.

"President Ouyang, don't be surprised, my father didn't die."

"Lao Xiao, what's the matter?" Ouyang Ming and Xiao Mingyi were classmates from childhood and old friends for many years. They asked directly.

"Ah! It's too much to say! " Xiao Mingyi and Ouyang Ming held hands together and sighed.

"Tell me about it!" Ouyang Ming sits directly beside Xiao Mingyi's bed and looks at the old classmate who wakes up. It's joy and excitement from his heart.

Xiao Mengshan told the story again.

Ouyang Ming was still surprised at the beginning. When he heard that at the end, his face had become as gloomy as water. All the medical staff in the room were too scared to make a sound.

"Captain Jiang, take Bao Zhi away first. I'll report to the higher authorities about him and deal with it as soon as possible."

Ouyang Ming took a look at Bao Zhi, whose face was as gray as ashes. Finally, he looked at Jiang Yu's face and said.

"No problem!"

Jiang Yu agreed very readily.

Ouyang Ming's eyes once again fell on the faces of other medical staff. "After so many inspections, don't you see a snake in Mr. Xiao's stomach? Didn't you check his blood? "


Everyone bowed their heads and remained silent.

"You all go back and wait to be examined." Ouyang Ming is really disappointed with these doctors.

"Forget it, they did their best." Xiao Mingyi said on one side.

Ouyang Ming smiles bitterly and shakes his head. Jiangnan No.1 Hospital is mainly responsible for this, especially for poisoning patients. If the Xiao family holds on, they don't know how much responsibility they will bear.

"Lao Xiao, I'm responsible for this. As for your medical expenses, I will refund them in full, and then make compensation according to the compensation regulations. "

"No!" Xiao Mingyi doesn't want to embarrass his old classmates.

"Lao Xiao, don't talk about it. You don't know if you are lying in the hospital bed. For more than a year, in order to cure you, Meng Shan has been living entirely on credit cards. As a grand chairman, will anyone believe that? "

Ouyang Ming's words shocked everyone in the house.

Xiao Mingyi and his wife look at Xiao Mengshan at the same time.

Xiao Mengshan was in tears, but she had a smile on her face. "Uncle Ouyang, if you don't say that, my father will be fine."

Xiao Mengshan's words are very easy, but they strike everyone's heart heavily.

Lin Fei, in particular, finally understood why some shareholders proposed to sell shares at today's shareholders' meeting, but Xiao Mengshan did not buy them.

Half of her money was allocated by Xiao Mingzhe, and half was used to treat her father. What else did she have?

Lin Fei can't help but feel a pang at the thought of her pain, which makes him more satisfied with Xiao Mengshan, the female president secretary.

Excellent character!

"Just wait for the result. I'll deal with it now. " Ouyang Ming finished, stood up and walked to Lin Fei, reached out his hand and said, "Mr. Lin, you are an expert. Can we sit down when we have time?"

Ouyang Ming didn't know what Lin Fei's life and death pill was, but he was absolutely surprised to have this magic!

As a president and a doctor, he knows the value of a prescription, so he is eager to establish a relationship with Lin Fei.

"All right! I will come to you on my own initiative. " Lin Fei has guessed Ouyang Ming's intention. He wants to make money now. Naturally, he will not miss any chance to make money.

"It's all gone!" Ouyang Ming looked at other medical staff and said.

Take a long breath in the water, turn around and be the first to escape.

Unfortunately, he has long been in the eyes of Lin Fei.

"That doctor, have you forgotten how to leave?"

One second before and Ouyang Ming also smile face relative Lin Fei, the next second, already face big change, gloomy like water, looking at the water said.

I got a kick out of the water.

Everyone's eyes were on Lin Fei.

"I said, wherever I see you, get out of here! Now that you're alive, it's time for you to keep your promise. "

"I, I'm going now!" Yu Shui said awkwardly.

"I'm talking about getting out of here!"

Lin Fei suddenly raised his voice and said.


"President, he is not giving our hospital face. I was saving people at that time. You have to decide for me!"Yu Shui turns his head and looks at Ouyang Ming with a face of grievance.

"Yu Shui, you can either follow suit and get out of here, or get out of the hospital, your choice!"

Yu Shui's voice just fell, Ouyang Ming said very simply.

Yu Shui

Ouyang Ming's eyes on Yu Shui have long been full of anger. As Xiao Mingyi's doctor in charge, his family has spent more than 100 million yuan on medical expenses a year. All kinds of imported drugs have been used, but he didn't check the reason. What's the use of this kind of doctor?

It's not that Ouyang Duoming needs to pay for the medical expenses earlier than the medical expenses.

Now Lin Fei slaps his face in the water. He doesn't mind adding fuel to the fire.

"Go away!"

Lin Fei has no patience.


Yu Shui was startled. Then, under the gaze of the crowd, he lay on the ground and rolled out.

As a postdoctoral student studying abroad, Yu Shui has always been very arrogant. Now when he is asked to go out, he feels that he has no face and is full of resentment. He is extremely embarrassed and slow.

Lin Fei didn't have so good patience. He walked over and banged his foot!

Give me an acceleration!


Yu Shui's cry echoes in the corridor on the sixth floor.

"Quack! I only know how to make money. "

"How many people are killed by quack doctors like you because they have no money!"

"How many people are killed by quacks like you in order to cure diseases? You are the executioners of modern society. Take care not to bury! "

Lin Feifei said that the more angry he was, the more he chased after him, and he had two feet in front of the water.

Yu Shui's cry is more miserable, just like a killed pig. His cry is shrill and frightening. Let other medical staff feel chilly.

However, they feel hot face, because Lin Fei's scolding is a thorough slap in the face, even Ouyang Ming feel ashamed.

Jiang Yu, as a policeman, for the first time, she didn't stop her. She even admired Lin Fei's actions. This is the real man.

Xiao Mengshan looks at Lin Fei with a kind of blurred vision. The man's image is getting bigger and bigger.

When people go, there are three members of the Xiao family and Lin Fei left in the house.

"I'll see you off, Mr. Lin!" Xiao Mengshan finished and walked towards the door

Xiao Mingyi and Xiao's mother have a meaningful smile in their eyes.

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