Super Monk

Chapter 1165

"Brother Zhao, how do you know that middle-aged man just now is a fake boss and can't afford jade?" Ji Ling follows Zhao Fugui to get on the car and asks curiously.

"Just now, the middle-aged man had oil in his nails and calluses on his hands. He was probably a car repairman. How could he be the boss. It's that woman who is stupid. This person is obviously a one night stand con! " Zhao Fugui shook his head and said.

These days, it's not the swindler's skillful means, but some women's desire to ascend to heaven is too strong, and they are crazy about money.

Just like the last time several guys at the gate of Chengdu University rent luxury cars to cheat guns. It costs hundreds of yuan to rent a similar luxury car a day. Once they stop at the gate of Chengdu University, female college students volunteer to take the bait every day. They all want to take a shortcut.

When Zhao Fugui finished his shopping, he drove Knight XV out of the city. After he came out from the exit of Xicheng District, Knight XV drove along the country road to the new campus of Rongcheng University.

Rongcheng's expressways and national roads are north-south, while there are only urban and rural roads in the West and East. Moreover, the west city is more remote, and the towns are far away, so the development is slow.

If it wasn't for the special consideration of the city, the new campus of Chengdu University would not be built there. However, in the western suburb of Chengdu, there has been a good opportunity for development in the past two years. The largest logistics center in Central China is going to be built here.

As long as the new campus of Rongcheng university takes root here and the logistics center is built, Xicheng will soon be connected with it.

Knight XV drove farther and farther, and soon he turned on a newly built road. In front of him, you can see the end of the road in the campus of a small city.

Now the ghost village has completely disappeared, and you can't see what it used to be. Li Siyi, one of the former school flowers of Chengdu University, died here. I'm afraid few people can think of her now.

Since the last time Li Siyi and her ghost son appeared once in Chengdu, these two ghost things have never appeared again. An Xin also went to the United States and didn't contact Zhao Fugui for some time.

The new campus of Rongcheng university has more than 20000 freshmen and sophomores. Only a large part of the new campus has been built, and another part is still under construction. The high walls surround the areas that have not yet been built.

There are some houses under construction outside the main entrance of the University, which are built by nearby villagers. In the past, all the fields around the ghost village were abandoned, and the nearby villagers didn't dare to come to work. Now the new campus has been built, and with popularity, these villagers want to earn money from college students.

"Check in and out!" When Knight XV drove to the gate of the new campus, a security guard stopped Zhao Fugui's car. Zhao Fugui found that there were seven or eight security guards at the gate of Rongcheng University, and the number of security guards was a little more.

"Our school is also very strict. Without a student ID card, people outside can't get in at all, unless they are driving, but they have to register. If you want to find someone, first register your identity with the security guard, then say who to look for, and then let the security guard inform the teacher! The management of our school is almost catching up with that of the military academy! " Ji Ling said helplessly.

"Strict management is also for your safety, which is a good thing!" Zhao Fugui registered his identity, and the security guard checked it. Then he waved to the security guard in the security room, and the railing of the door money was opened. Zhao Fugui drove directly into Chengdu University.

It's already more than five in the afternoon. After the beginning of autumn, it's dark early, and the sun has begun to set. It's OK at daybreak. As soon as it gets dark, Zhao Fugui feels a strong Yin Qi lingering in the school.

In the new campus, the huge vitality of 20000 young students can't even disperse this strong Yin Qi. It seems that it will take a long time to use it to kill Yin Qi.

"Where is that?" Zhao Fugui opened his eyes and looked around in Chengdu University. He suddenly pointed to the black house behind a teaching building and asked.

The house was only three stories high, with a strange shape, a bit like a church, and the whole house was painted black.

"It's the school's utility room. Usually there are school workers looking at it, and people are not allowed to get close to it!" Ji Ling shook her head and said that she didn't know. She didn't notice there at all. Zhang youwan said, "Mr. Zhao, is there anything unusual there?"

"Nothing. I just think black houses are rare!" Zhao Fugui shook his head and said.

Zhao Fugui didn't tell the truth. In fact, the house should be the eye of the seal under the Fengshui master from Hong Kong province. Although Zhao Fugui doesn't know these Fengshui arrays very well, he can see the flow of popularity and local atmosphere in the new campus.

The popularity and mobility of the new campus are all centered on this black house. Obviously, this should be the eye of the array. I'm afraid the school workers are looking at the black house for the sake of the house. Someone accidentally damaged the eye of the array.

The geomantic master who was invited before is still good. If you don't have this array, I'm afraid the popularity of Chengdu University alone can't hold down the following things.

"Brother Zhao, our dormitory is in front of us. We don't have classes today. We will continue to have classes tomorrow! This university is really strange. Don't all the freshmen have parties? There is no party here, and students are allowed to travel so far to the old campus. What a toss! " Ji Ling said."Maybe the school leaders have their own considerations. Get off the bus and wait for me for a while." Zhao Fugui said.

"Oh Ji Ling nodded, opened the door and got off the car. Zhang youwan and Ji Ling's roommates also got off the car. Zhang youwan originally wanted to say hello to Zhao Fugui and left, but Zhao Fugui didn't get off the bus. Zhang youwan was also embarrassed to leave without saying hello.

Sitting in the car, Zhao Fugui takes out the bracelets and pendants, slightly runs Daoli, injects Daoli into the bracelets and pendants, and uses Daoli to build two small defensive arrays in the bracelets and pendants.

This practice is similar to Kaiguang. Buddhism can do it, and Taoism can do it, but Zhao Fugui's practice is a little stronger than Kaiguang's.

"Lingling, the bracelet should be taken every day, no matter when it can't be taken off!" Zhao Fugui personally put the bracelet on Dai Jiling's wrist. Ji Ling was a little embarrassed. He felt like he had received a token of love. But it's not romantic to send the token of love. Ji Ling had a wild idea.

"Miss Zhang, I hope you can keep this pendant close to your body. Don't take it off easily when you wear it on your neck. You are different from Lingling and ordinary people. Be more careful! " Zhao Fugui said to Zhang youwan again.

"Thank you Zhang youwan hesitated, didn't know what to think of, this just accepted the pendant, and solemnly took on the neck.

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