Super Monk

Chapter 1166

"Brother Zhao, next time you have time to play with us!" Ji Ling waved to Zhao Fugui with a bracelet.

"Well, I'll come to you next time I have time!" Zhao Fugui nodded and said, "go back to the dormitory, it's getting dark!"

"Goodbye, Mr. Zhao!" Zhang youwan also said hello to Zhao Fugui, then nodded to Ji Ling and turned to the office of the teaching building.

Ji Ling waved to Zhao Fugui and walked happily to the dormitory building with his three roommates.

Zhao Fugui looks at Ji Ling and Zhang youwan's back and looks thoughtful. The natural spirit is rare in China. But now there are two people in Chengdu, and they have contact with Zhao Fugui. It is obvious that their appearance has something to do with Zhao Fugui.

But Zhao Fugui doesn't know what the appearance of Ji Ling and Zhang youwan has to do with him, but the secret will be revealed one day, Zhao Fugui thought.

Zhao Fugui watched Ji Ling disappear in the corridor of the dormitory, turned to see Ji Ling who had entered the teaching building, and turned to walk to the campus.

The new campus of Rongcheng University covers an area of nearly 200000 square meters. At present, more than half of it has been built, and the rest is the gymnasium and several buildings.

The building still under construction is dead at night, just like the ghost house and the unfinished building. The campus that has been used is full of lights, but after dark, the students in the campus are in a hurry, most of them stay in the dormitory and don't come out.

Zhao Fugui walked around the school, and soon determined that the original location of the ghost village was near the black house, with the black house as the center. If Li Siyi and her boyfriend had not gone to the evil well in the middle of the ghost village, they might not have died.

"Well, what are you doing stealthily? You can't come here. Go, go Just as Zhao Fugui walked into the black house, the light of a flashlight suddenly flashed over, and the two security guards called to Zhao Fugui nervously.

"Are you here to watch the night? Have you found anything unusual recently? " Zhao Fugui raised his hand to cover the light and asked, looking at the two security guards.

These two security guards are both 40 or 50 years old and look very nervous. I'm afraid young security guards who can find other jobs won't come here to work.

"Abnormal? Nothing unusual? Hurry up, or we'll call the security team! " When two security guards heard Zhao Fugui's question, they looked even more nervous. One security guard said in a hurry.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not a bad man! If you stay here to watch the night, if you hear anything or see anything, don't mess about. Don't move anything in the house Zhao Fugui said.

"There's nothing moving here, you go, go!" A security guard was ready to shout when he took out his walkie talkie. Zhao Fugui didn't want to cause any trouble, and he didn't want to say more. He turned around and left.

"Lao Li, why don't you tell him what we heard in the evening? Maybe he is still an expert and can help us!" See Zhao Fugui left, a security just nervous said.

"What an expert? How can there be such a young expert! I think he may be a reporter, just want to ask things and write! The school leaders give us more than 3000 high wages a month, because we are bold and tight lipped. If there is news that we are haunted, the school leaders will definitely open us up! " Lao Li said.

"There's a little truth in what you say, that is, the house is full of people at night. I always hear people scratching the door with their nails at night. Ah, I'm scared every day!" Another security guard said he had palpitations.

"Don't scare yourself. Can such a big school be haunted?" While emboldening himself, Lao Li suspiciously used his hand to light Xi Zhao. Then they entered the black house and closed the door tightly.

"The flow of people's and earth's atmosphere is relatively smooth. The great array should not be damaged. It should be OK!" Zhao Fugui just looked at the black house from a close distance, and felt that the big array in the school was maintained well.

There's no problem with Da Zhen. Zhao Fugui let go and left the school with Knight 15. After 7 p.m., the school is strictly forbidden to go in and out, and Zhao Fugui has to leave before 7 p.m.

Knight XV slowly drove to the school gate. Zhang youwan stood at the office window of the teaching building and watched Zhao Fugui drive away. Then he walked downstairs with some information.

Most of the places in the teaching building are dark. There is almost no one in the whole teaching building. Only the voice control lights turn on and off when they are on. However, Zhang youwan does not seem to be afraid and goes down the building slowly.

When Zhao Fugui left the school with Knight XV, it was suddenly dark outside. The newly built road lamps had not been installed, there was no village around the campus, and even a car could not be seen on the road. It was completely a wilderness.

Zhao Fugui drove Knight XV to look back at the new campus behind him. A faint shade slowly enveloped the school. The dim light seemed unreal. It looked like an island in the dark, filled with the smell of terror.

Although this place is remote, Zhao Fugui has an amazing spirit and nothing can show up. He drove for nearly two hours across Rongcheng district and didn't return to Xiaowan village until more than 8 p.m.Heilongtan water park in Xiaowan village has completely stopped operation. Chen Yihan has designated an area for tourists to fish, but Heilongtan bar is very busy.

Last time Liu Feifei came here to hold a cottage concert, which made the bar famous. Recently, the bar is almost full every day, and the business of the snack street night market is getting better.

"Fugui, where did you go this afternoon? You didn't show up when the tomb opened today! " Chen Yihan asked when he saw Zhao Fugui coming back.

"I went to the new campus of Rongcheng University in the afternoon. It's not very peaceful there. I went to have a look!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Liu Feifei, what about them? Didn't you go to Paris to protect her? I haven't asked why you came back so soon! " Chen Yihan asked in surprise.

"Something happened in Paris. It was a bit dangerous. We came back after the concert. We arrived at noon today! When they arrive, they will go to the provincial capital, where there is another activity! " Zhao Fugui said.

"What's the danger? Are you all right? " Chen Yihan asked nervously as soon as he heard that it was dangerous.

"A little trouble, no one's hurt!" Zhao Fugui said, "how are you doing recently? Let me have a look! "

Zhao Fugui opens his heavenly eye and looks at Chen Yihan. Chen Yihan blushes slightly. Subconsciously, he raises his hand to block his chest. He looks at Zhao Fugui angrily and says, "every time you use heavenly eye, I feel embarrassed. Do you often use heavenly eye to peep at beautiful women?"

"How can it be, absolutely not!" Zhao Fugui quickly denied that even if there was such a thing, Zhao Fugui would never admit it.

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