Super Monk

Chapter 1180

"Richness, just come here, just come here!" Mr. Wang sat up excitedly from the hospital bed, swept away the ill spirit on his face, and said excitedly.

"Don't be too excited, old man. Mrs. Wang and Mo Mo are OK. Do you know where brother Wang is now?" Zhao Fugui quickly reached for Master Wang and said.

"If it's OK, if it's OK, I'm scared these days. I'm afraid that Wan Jun and Mo Mo will have an accident!" Master Wang grasped Zhao Fugui's hand tightly and said, "Yuanming was taken away by those people. I don't know where he was locked up!"

"Dad, haven't you met Yuanming? I'm afraid something has happened to him! " Mrs. Wang said with tears.

"Don't worry, sister-in-law. Those people haven't got the shares of the company yet. Brother Wang will be fine for the moment!" Zhao Fugui comforted Mrs. Wang.

"Richness, what's your plan? Those people are very powerful. Yuanheng and Yuanyi have become their running dogs. Only Yuanzhou wants to save Yuanming! " Mr. Wang said.

Wang Yuanheng and Wang Yuanyi are Wang Yuanming's cousins and nephews, and Wang Yuanzhou is Wang Yuanming's half brother.

"Master, tomorrow I'm going to hold a temporary general meeting of shareholders to regain control of the situation of Dongsheng Group and force those people to appear. As long as those people appear, we can find brother Wang Zhao Fugui said.

"Well, what those people want is the Dongsheng Group. If something happens to the Dongsheng Group, they will certainly show up!" Mr. Wang nodded and said.

"Tomorrow, I will invite the old man to come forward to suppress the opposition of the board of directors!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Tomorrow, I will fight my life to help Yuanming get the company back!" Mr. Wang nodded and said.

"I'm going to make some arrangements tonight. It's up to tomorrow!" Zhao Fugui said that he also has some relations in the provincial capital, which can be used.

"Richness, there's something I haven't told you. Come out and I'll tell you!" At this time, Mrs. Wang suddenly said, Zhao Fugui went out in a daze and had a secret talk with Mrs. Wang for a while.

The next day, Zhao Dongzi and his wife drove to the villa headquarters.

"Go and inform the directors of the board of directors to hold an extraordinary general meeting. All shareholders must be present in an hour!" Mr. Wang yelled at the Secretary of the Secretariat, then followed Zhao Fugui and Mrs. Wang into the conference room.

The Secretary of the Secretariat looked at Mr. Wang in shock, and then rushed to make a phone call. In less than an hour, the executives and directors of Dongsheng Group rushed to the meeting room.

"Uncle, why did you come to the company all of a sudden? What about the people who take care of you? " Wang Yuanheng is arranged to go to the Chengdu Branch. His brother Wang Yuanyi sits in the head office. Seeing the old man Wang appears, Wang Yuanyi looks ugly and asks.

"Take care of me? Those things are my prisoners Mr. Wang snorted coldly and said, "you sit down for me, it's not your turn to talk now!"

As soon as Wang Yuanyi's face changed, Mr. Wang reprimanded him in front of so many shareholders and executives of the company, which made Wang Yuanyi's face a little difficult, but he didn't dare to contradict Mr. Wang, so he just sat down with an ugly face.

"It's important to call you here today. There's something wrong with Yuanming. Dongsheng Group can't be leaderless. Today we want to discuss the candidate of acting president of Dongsheng Group!" Mr. Wang said, looking at the people in the meeting room.

Wang Yuanyi's face is full of joy. Wang Yuanming is not here. He is also the Wang family. Besides Wang Yuanzhou, the acting president is most likely him.

"Mr. Wang, you are Mr. Wang's father. Mr. Wang is not here. The position of acting president belongs to you! Now the people in the group are unstable. It's just you who need to be in charge of the group! " One shareholder stood up and said.

"Yes, Mr. Wang is also a person who has seen big waves. Now Dongsheng Group is in danger internally, and its external enemies are eyeing us. It's said that Beijiang industry wants to buy us. Our big company is developing well. Why should we let them buy us? I also support Mr. Wang to take command!" Another shareholder also said aloud.

"Dad, my brother has an accident, and the company is not stable. We really need a Wang family. You are not old enough to take over Dongsheng Group!" Wang Yuanzhou also pretended to agree.

Dongsheng Group is now in chaos. The Wang family has only two seats on the board of directors, one is Wang Yuanyi, the other is Wang Yuanzhou. Although they have no shares in Dongsheng Group, they can attend the board of directors as senior executives.

Mr. Wang is now very old and has a serious illness in the first half of the year. Wang Yuanzhou never believes that he has the energy to manage the crisis ridden Dongsheng Group.

If Mr. Wang can't control Dongsheng Group, the most suitable person must be his own son. Now the more clever he is, the closer the acting president is to him.

"I'm old, and I don't have the energy to manage such a big company. What's more, I don't have the ability to lead the company through the crisis. The company needs a young man with courage and ability to control it!" Mr. Wang said.Wang Yuanzhou's face became more and more excited when he heard these words. The meaning of these words was clear. Was it true that he was going to take charge of Dongsheng Group?

"Dad, don't worry. I won't let you down. I will manage Dongsheng Group well before my brother comes back!" Wang Yuanzhou stood up excitedly and couldn't wait to say.

Wang Yuanyi's face sank and he looked ugly. But there was no choice between his son and his nephew. Everyone would choose his own son. Although he looked ugly, he had no choice.

"You have been working overseas all the time. Although you have rich experience, it's hard to avoid that you don't know much about the domestic form. This problem is very likely to be caught by the enemy!" Mr. Wang said calmly.

"What do you mean, dad?" As soon as Wang Yuanzhou's face changed, he heard some bad news.

"Uncle, Yuan Zhou was abroad all the year round. He really didn't know the form of our Chinese culture, and he was short of contacts. Now Dongsheng Group is in danger. Everyone in the Wang family has to contribute. I'm willing to take the post of president of Dongsheng Group for the time being! " Wang Yuanyi said quickly.

"Brother, what do you mean? Are you going to argue with me? " Wang Yuanzhou's face was ugly.

Most of the shareholders and executives in the meeting room soon split into two sides and argued, with only a few remaining neutral.

Mr. Wang carefully observed these people and said quietly, "you two don't have to fight. After all, Dongsheng Group was founded by Yuanming himself. In his absence, the position of acting president should be done by his family!"

"What?" Wang Yuanzhou and Wang Yuanyi's face suddenly changed. They didn't expect this result.

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