Super Monk

Chapter 1181

"My brother's family is left with his sister-in-law and Mo mo. Mo Mo is so young that I don't want to talk about it. His sister-in-law is just a girl. What ability does she have to take charge of Dongsheng Group?" Wang Yuanzhou said reluctantly.

"Are you questioning my decision?" Wang Laozi looked at Wang Yuanzhou discontentedly and asked.

After the disappearance of Wang Yuanming, Wang Yuanzhou has been very clever. He thought he didn't betray, but Zhao Fugui just asked a question, and Wang understood.

Zhao Fugui asked at that time, as long as the people of the Wang family support Wang Yuanming, who else has not been imprisoned?

The Wang family's supporters of Wang Yuanming take Mr. Wang as an example, which one has not been locked up, but Wang Yuanzhou has not been locked up. On the contrary, he has done a good job in Dongsheng Group, which only shows that he has already defected.

Wang Yuanzhou has defected. How can Mr. Wang let him be the acting president.

"Dad, I'm not questioning your decision, but I can't watch you push Dongsheng Group into the fire pit. My sister-in-law has no ability to manage Dongsheng Group!" Wang Yuanzhou said.

Anyway, he has the support of those people and is not afraid to tear his face with the old man. Those people have promised that as long as he is a good dog, wealth, power and money will be given to him.

Wang Yuanzhou immediately winked at Wang Yuanyi. They were determined to follow those people. Wang Yuanming's wife must not be allowed to take charge of the company.

"Yes, Yuanzhou is right. My sister-in-law has no ability to manage Dongsheng Group. I can't let her destroy Dongsheng Group!" Wang Yuanyi also said immediately.

Wang Yuanzhou and Wang Yuanyi both said that. Some shareholders and senior executives immediately echoed and all opposed to letting Mrs. Wang take charge of the situation in the company.

"My cousin and brother are right. I have no ability to manage Dongsheng Group!" At this time, Mrs. Wang suddenly said.

"Brother and sister really have self-knowledge. You can rest assured that although you can't be the acting president, the company's annual dividend will still be given to you, so that you and your niece will have no worries about food and clothing!" Wang Yuanyi was overjoyed and said busily.

Wang Yuanzhou is also excited. If Mrs. Wang takes the initiative to quit, the position of acting president will definitely be his. At that time, he will be in charge of Dongsheng Group.

"I really don't have the ability to manage Dongsheng Group, but I propose a person to take the post of acting president!" Mrs. Wang didn't look at Wang Yuanyi at all. She said without expression.

"Who do you want to propose? We Dongsheng Group can't let outsiders take charge! " Wang Yuanzhou asked with a change of face.

"For Wang Yuanming, I'm afraid that some talents are outsiders?" Zhao Fugui stepped forward and said, "from today on, I'm the acting president of Dongsheng Group. Mrs. Wang is the chairman of the company. Who has any objection?"

All the shareholders in the meeting room were wide eyed, and a small shareholder even "poof peeped" the tea he had just drunk. Who the hell is this guy? Can you be acting president?

"I have objection. What qualifications does this guy have to be the acting president of Dongsheng Group?" Wang Yuanzhou was the first one to stand up and ask.

Wang Yuanzhou, a big black man, has never seen him before, and he is still so young. What is his ability and qualification to be the acting president of Dongsheng Group?

He's a big returnee from Wall Street, but Mr. Wang doesn't like him. Why is this guy? It's ridiculous.

"I'm also against it. I will never agree to let a person of unknown origin be the acting president of Dongsheng Group. Who knows who this guy is?" Wang Yuanyi is not slow to call a way.

"Zhao Fugui is a shareholder of Lin's medicine. He invented the longevity pill and treatment spray. He has the best ability of networking. He is also the most trusted person in Yuan Ming. I support him as the acting president." Mr. Wang said in a deep voice.

"I support him on behalf of Yuan Ming!" Mrs. Wang also said.

"The old man and his wife have made their stand!" Shareholders and executives of a group of companies look at each other and don't know what to do.

"Ridiculous, he is not a member of the Wang family at all. Why is he in charge of Dongsheng Group? Not only I don't agree, but also we won't agree! " Wang Yuanzhou cried.

"We haven't seen this man before. Who knows who he is? You can't just pull him back from the street and let him be the acting president of the company? We will not allow you to put people in at random! " A company executive yelled.

At this time, the reaction in the meeting room suddenly exploded, and everyone began to talk.

Most people have never met Zhao Fugui. Many people think that he is not suitable to be the acting president of Dongsheng Group. However, some people think that since Mr. Wang and Mrs. Wang support Zhao Fugui, he must have something extraordinary. Maybe he has the ability to be the acting president.

"Who is against it but the three of you?" Zhao Fugui put his hands on the big table of the conference room. Looking at the people in the conference room, he asked faintly.

Wang Yuanzhou and Wang Yuanyi immediately winked at their people. In the meeting room, seven or eight senior executives and two small shareholders immediately stood up."We also object. We will never agree to let this man of unknown origin act as the acting president of the company!" The people cheered.

"Well, as acting president, I now announce that Wang Yuanzhou and Wang Yuanyi have been expelled from the company and removed from all their posts. From today on, they are not allowed to step into the company! You guys Zhao Fugui pointed to those who supported Wang Yuanzhou and Wang Yuanyi and said, "now you go to the personnel department to submit your resignation, and you are also fired!"

Several people's faces suddenly changed. Wang Yuanyi yelled, "what qualifications do you have to fire us? What are you doing? "

"Well, you still want to fire us? I now propose that the board of directors vote for me to act as the acting president of Dongsheng Group Wang Yuanzhou ignored his face and yelled directly.

"I agree!" At this time, Wang Yuanyi did not fight with Wang Yuanzhou, and the first one raised his hand and agreed.

"I agree, too!"

"I agree, too!"

As soon as Wang Yuanyi agreed, those who supported him and those who had supported Wang Yuanzhou immediately raised their hands. For a moment, most of them were in the conference room.

"See? This is what people want, the power of democracy! " Wang Yuanzhou pointed to Zhao Fugui and yelled, "now I'm the acting president of Dongsheng Group. I now announce that you three have been kicked out of the board of directors. Leave me now!"

"Are you a fool?" Zhao Fugui looked at Wang Yuanzhou pitifully and said, "how many country bumpkins raise their hands and think they can vote on behalf of the United Nations? Return to the people's aspiration and democracy? Dongsheng Group is a private enterprise. It's Wang Yuanming's company. You dare to vote for anything. Do you really think it's your family? Anyone who doesn't want to do it now can go away at once! "

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