Super Monk

Chapter 1255

"Sister an, sit down and I'll pour you tea later." Ji Ling runs to lock the door and pour tea for an Xue.

"Thank you An Xue takes tea and thanks Ji Lingdao. She watches Zhao Fugui go into the bedroom and check Zhang youwan.

Zhang youwan's condition is a little strange. An ordinary fever can't make people coma for such a long time, but Zhao Fugui checked it out. Except for some fever, Zhang youwan's other physical conditions are very good, and there is nothing abnormal.

Zhao Fugui frowned, opened his eyes, put his left hand on Zhang youwan's snow-white slender wrist, injected a force from his hand, and began to examine Zhang youwan's body carefully.

Daoli slowly flows to her body along Zhang youwan's arm. Zhang youwan is very strange. She is a natural spiritual body with no talent, but there is no trace of cultivation in her body.

Zhang youwan's physical background is no worse than Ji Ling's. even Ji Ling's body has begun to show signs of cultivation. Zhang youwan is two years older than Ji Ling, so there should be no sign of cultivation. Zhao Fugui was a little strange, but he didn't think much about it.

After all, although Zhenwu circle is interested in the qualification, it is not the only one. Moreover, it may be that Zhangjia people do not want Zhang youwan to be involved in Zhenwu circle.

Daoli slowly turns around Zhang youwan's body. Zhao Fugui finds that her body is OK. Zhao Fugui frowned and thought about it. Is there something wrong with Zhang youwan's brain?

With this idea in mind, Zhao Fugui controls Daoli and slowly enters Zhang youwan's brain, ready to explore her brain.

Just when Zhao Fugui's Daoli enters Zhang youwan's brain, Daoli is about to approach Zhang youwan's knowledge of the sea. Zhang youwan's knowledge of the sea suddenly has a huge reaction.

"What is it?" Zhao Fugui was slightly stunned. Before he could react, a fierce breath suddenly appeared from Zhang youwan's sea of knowledge, which broke Zhao Fugui's Daoli in the blink of an eye. "So strong!"

Zhao Fugui was shocked and immediately understood that Zhang youwan knew something in the sea, and she was very strong. She was really not an ordinary person.

"Is it something in the sea that affects Zhang youwan and makes her unconscious all the time? But why so coincidentally? Just in time for today! " Zhao Fugui said to himself strangely.

"Brother Zhao, what's the matter? Is Sister Zhang seriously ill? " Ji Ling came over and asked with concern.

"Nothing. She's not seriously ill, but she's been in a coma all the time. It should have nothing to do with the fever. I'm not sure!" Zhao Fugui thought about it and said.

"When will Sister Zhang wake up? She's been sleeping all day! " Asked the concerned LINGJI.

"I don't know. I may wake up in a moment, or I may wake up tomorrow!" Zhao Fugui thought about it and said.

"I hope Sister Zhang can wake up early!" Ji Ling worried said.

"Don't worry. She'll be fine. It's late. Go to bed early." Zhao Fugui said.

"Well, where do you sleep at night, brother Zhao? I'll sleep with Sister Zhang at night. The room next door is for brother Zhao to sleep with you! " Ji Ling thought and said.

"Well, go to sleep!" Zhao Fugui nodded, walked out of the room, and closed my door with his backhand.

In the living room, an Xue is holding a tea cup, drinking tea while carefully looking at her mobile phone. Her mobile phone is full of information about ghost village sent by the Municipal Bureau.

"I don't know when the news will be available over there. Officer an, you should go to bed early. Who's your bedroom? I sleep on the sofa at night!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Forget it, I won't sleep. There may be news at any time. Go to sleep!" An Xue hesitated for a moment and said that she was embarrassed to sleep in front of Zhao Fugui.

"Go to sleep. It's no use sitting like this. If it's OK tonight, it will be busier tomorrow." Zhao Fugui advised a saying.

"All right then!" An Xue thought about it, nodded and went into the room and closed the door.

Zhao Fugui looked around the room and looked at the time. It was already ten o'clock in the evening, and the night was already very deep. Zhao Fugui looked around and saw nothing unusual. The ghost general was also around. He casually took a pillow, pulled a blanket, and shrank on the sofa ready to sleep.

Night, deeper and deeper, waves of sleepiness poured into my heart, Zhao Fugui was about to fall asleep, suddenly felt a bedroom door was opened, after a few seconds, a quiet step sounded.

Zhao Fugui was about to open his eyes to see who was coming out. At this time, he suddenly felt that the blanket had been lifted, and a warm body with a light body fragrance had retracted into his arms.

Zhao Fugui instantly felt who this person was. It must be Ji Ling. Only Ji Ling's body can be so delicate. An Xue and Zhang youwan are taller and better.

Ji Ling doesn't sleep well at night, so he runs to him and shrinks into Zhao Fugui's arms. Zhao Fugui smells Ji Ling's Dharma fragrance and is stiff. He doesn't know what to do.

Although Ji Ling is young, she has been well-dressed since she was a child, and her development is not slow. She shrinks into Zhao Fugui's arms, and Zhao Fugui doesn't even know where to put her hand.Zhao Fugui's practice of Taiping daoshu and Qibu bengtian boxing was originally full of Qi and blood. After smelling Ji Ling's faint body fragrance, he couldn't hold on for a while.

"Ji Ling, why do you come here if you don't sleep well at night?" Zhao Fugui finds that he can't hold on any longer. He asks in a low voice. He doesn't dare to speak too loud. Otherwise, if he is seen by an Xue or Zhang youwan, he will despise his character seriously.

"Brother Zhao, I'm afraid. I always think there will be danger these days!" But Zhao Ji's face is very shy, but his face is not comfortable.

Ji Ling is a natural spirit, and her six senses are much sharper than ordinary people. She must be aware of the crisis.

"Don't be afraid, it will be OK. You go to sleep with Zhang youwan. I'll protect you outside!" Zhao Fugui touched Ji Ling's long hair and comforted her.

"I don't want to sleep with brother Zhao!" Ji Ling hugs Zhao Fugui tightly and says.

At this time, in the quiet room, there was a knock on the door of the two bedroom room.

In the dead environment, the sound of knocking on the door makes people feel cold. Ji Ling is scared and shakes all over, holding Zhao Fugui more tightly.

Zhao Fugui raised his wrist and took a look. It's midnight now. Who will knock at the door at this late hour?

"I'll see. You stay in the room!" Zhao Fugui patted Ji Ling on the back to show her not to be afraid. Zhao Fugui came down from the sofa and walked to the door.

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