Super Monk

Chapter 1256

"Brother Zhao, is he a bad man?" Ji Ling a face nervous, tightly grasp Zhao Fugui's clothes, followed Zhao Fugui down the sofa, barefoot hiding behind Zhao Fugui, afraid to say.

"Just look at it!" Zhao Fugui's face is dignified, and he walks directly to the door of the room. Ji Ling follows Zhao Fugui, looking scared.

At this time, snow's room also heard the voice of speaking, she seems to be answering the phone, while answering the phone while getting up.

Zhao Fugui looks out from the cat's eye of the door. There is a strange woman in her twenties and thirties, not Ji Ling's roommate, nor the two corpses that disappeared today.

Zhao Fugui didn't see anything unusual from this woman. After thinking about it, he opened the door. The woman outside was wearing pajamas and looked like a teacher in the dormitory.

"Who are you looking for?" Zhao Fugui looked at the woman and asked.

"Miss Li, didn't you ask for marriage leave to go home?" Zhao Fugui doesn't know this woman, but Ji Ling seems to know her. Ji Ling sees this woman and subconsciously appears behind Zhao Fugui. He is surprised and asks.

Before the woman answers, an Xue's door is suddenly opened. An Xue comes out in a hurry and says, "richness, Ma Xiaoling, another roommate of Ji Ling, has found her. She has been attacked, but nothing has happened. The person I sent just found her. The one who jumped off the building and disappeared today is not Ji Ling's roommate!"

It's not Ji Ling's roommate. Zhao Fugui is shocked. It's not Ji Ling's roommate, it must be Zhang youwan's roommate. No wonder the criminal police and security personnel can't find the missing person in the student dormitory, because the missing person is not a student at all.

Isn't Zhang youwan's roommate Mr. Li? As soon as Zhao Fugui's face changed, he felt the appearance of a cold light.

Li teacher's hand does not know when has taken out a kitchen knife, in Ji Ling's frightened eyes hate to her cut in the past, in the kitchen knife is about to cut in Ji Ling, Zhao fuguimeng a pull Ji Ling, pull her behind.

Li did not cut in Ji Ling, the tip with an arc-shaped machete homeopathy to Zhao Fugui's body a stab. How could Zhao Fugui be afraid of the kitchen knife? He didn't even plan to hide.

But the next moment, Zhao Fugui felt a sharp pain in his chest. The kitchen knife pierced Zhao Fugui's skin and slightly penetrated into the meat. How could that happen?

"To die!" Zhao Fugui's face sank, and he shot out with his only movable left hand. He didn't use the seven step smashing fist, but only used the strength of his body. But even so, Mr. Li seemed to be hit on the head by a heavy hammer and flew out directly.

Zhao Fugui looked down and saw that the small wound on his chest was surrounded by a strong resentment of death. It was this thick resentment of death that hurt Zhao Fugui's body.

"Roar!" Mr. Li, who was kicked open by Zhao Fugui, spits out black and filthy things from his mouth. The blackness in his eyes disappears quickly, and all of them become white. In the blink of an eye, people who were normal just now become ferocious like fierce ghosts.

Mr. Li flipped his limbs and climbed onto the wall with his hands and feet. It looked terrible. Ghost will be aware of the danger, chop saber a knife cut, Li teacher fierce jump, avoid this knife, directly to Zhao Fugui rushed over.

"What is this?" An Xue was stunned by the monster in front of her eyes. She pulled it out subconsciously and asked nervously.

"Protect Ji Ling!" Zhao Fugui snorted coldly, stepped forward fiercely, not retreating but advancing, and shot out with one punch.

"Start the mountain!"

If Luo zhantian had known about the first step of seven step kungfu, he would not have thought that Zhao Fugui used his unique boxing skills to deal with ghost corpses.

In the blink of an eye, Zhao Fugui punched the ghost corpse in the chest. This teacher Li had already jumped to death this morning. Kaishan one punch directly tears open the protection of the spirit of death and resentment, and punches through the ghost corpse's chest in the sound of bone burst.

Ghost corpse roars through Zhao Fugui's arm, his fingernails soar, fiercely pinches Zhao Fugui's neck, and bites Zhao Fugui's face with his filthy mouth.

Ji Ling and an Xue have been scared silly, this thing was Zhao Fugui a punch broke the chest, but unexpectedly nothing, can attack Zhao Fugui.

An Xue is completely shaken, can this thing really be regarded as a person?

Zhao Fugui can only move his left hand. Otherwise, he will not give the ghost a chance to get close to him. His dark teeth and smelly mouth are in front of him. Zhao Fugui's eyes are full of cold light. He grabs the ghost's head with his backhand, pulls it directly, and fiercely bumps it against the door frame on the right side.

"Click!" A burst of broken bones sounded instantly, and the ghost's head was smashed directly under the great power of Zhao Fugui.

But even so, this thing is not dead, headless body hanging on Zhao Fugui, desperately struggling to continue to attack Zhao Fugui.

"Bang bang bang bang!" At this time, an Xue suddenly reacts and shoots several shots at the ghost corpse's body. She keeps shooting all the bullets in the pistol cartridge, nearly destroying the ghost corpse's body in a short distance, and the ghost corpse slowly stops struggling.As soon as the ghost corpse dies, the broken corpse rushes out with black insects. All these insects are dark, and they have already been polluted by the strong blood evil spirit.

"What are these things?" An Xuefei quickly changed a bullet clip and looked at the corpses and insects on the ground in horror.

"A controlled corpse, I've never seen before!" Zhao Fugui got rid of the filth on his arm and said solemnly, "I'm afraid Qin Yue and Zhang Yanyan's corpses have become this kind of thing!"

"Brother Zhao, what happened to Zhang Yanyan?" Ji Ling is also frightened, but after all, she has come into contact with Zhenwu circle and knows that there are many incredible things in the world. Her adaptability is better than an Xue, and she is not scared.

"Well, she jumped this morning!" Zhao Fugui didn't plan to hide Ji Ling at this time, he said directly.

"Those two bodies must still be in the school. I'll send someone to have a look!" An Xue said immediately.

Zhao Fugui nodded, and then found the abnormality. An Xuegang even fired several shots, and there was no movement in the dormitory building. The silence was terrible, which was very abnormal.

Zhao Fugui is about to check, just at this time, the direction of the bedroom suddenly came the sound of broken glass, hear this sound, Zhao Fugui's face suddenly changed.

"No!" Zhao Fugui immediately rushed to the bedroom. In Zhang youwan's bedroom, the window was directly torn open, and Zhang youwan on the hospital bed had disappeared.

"Sister Zhang has been taken away!" Ji Ling cried in horror.

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