Super Monk

Chapter 1261

"Don't look that way!" Seeing the bloody scene over there, Zhao Fugui frowned and immediately said to an Xue.

"What?" An Xue doesn't know, so she subconsciously looks over there. The hot policewoman's face turns pale instantly, and an Xue lowers her head and vomits madly.


"What's the matter with this distinguished guest? Is it uncomfortable? " A middle-aged farmer came over and looked at an Xue's big yellow teeth. Then he turned his head fiercely and yelled, "don't you see that the distinguished guest is uncomfortable? Why don't you pour the tea for the guests

"Here comes the tea!" Other people seem to be very afraid of this middle-aged farmer, busy to pour tea, soon to an Xue over.

When an Xue saw the tea poured by these people, her pretty face was all replaced by fear. What kind of tea is it? Inside the tea cup are all red and black things similar to thick blood. There is an eye fluttering up and down, and it seems that the eye is still looking at an Xue. If she were a girl with less courage, she would have been scared to faint.

"If you don't feel well, have some tea!" The middle-aged farmer looked at an Xue strangely and said.

An Xue one hand tightly presses the waist not to wear a gun, almost can't help but want to take out a gun to work hard with this group of monsters, how can she drink such a terrible thing.

"Come on, an Xue, it's nothing to drink!" Zhao Fugui said and lifted the cup, but as soon as he lifted it, it seemed that his hand slipped and he fell to the ground. The cup fell to pieces, and the smelly things were everywhere. "I'm sorry, my hand slipped!"

Zhao Fugui looked at the middle-aged farmer and said with a smile. At the same time, Zhao Fugui clenched his fist with his left hand. As long as the middle-aged farmer dares to talk nonsense again, Zhao Fugui will hit the mountain on the spot to see what this guy is.

The cup of reddish brown smelly things fell on the ground, a group of people around even rushed directly to the past, lying on the ground greedily sucking on the things flowing on the ground, one by one face full of greedy look, even in order to fight for something on the ground, those guys almost did not fight.

The middle-aged farmer stares at Zhao Fugui fiercely. The corners of his mouth twitch constantly, and his whole face is twisted. It looks very terrible. An Xue can't help holding the gun in her hand and opening the insurance.

At this time, a huge rale suddenly rang, and a cheering cry came from the direction of the gate of the mansion.

"Here comes the bride!"

A red sedan was carried to the gate of the mansion. A group of people in red were playing suona and cheerfully surrounded the sedan.

When the middle-aged farmer saw the sedan chair appear, his face suddenly returned to a cheerful look, and he quickly walked to the gate of the mansion.

"Come on, get the bride out of the sedan chair!" The middle-aged farmer went to the gate of the mansion and yelled.

"The bride is getting out of the sedan chair!"

When the crowd yelled, a gaudy man with a picture on his face reached out and lifted the curtain of the sedan chair. It was only at this time that Zhao Fugui suddenly found that the mansion was full of men, and there was no woman. The only woman was probably the bride who had just got out of the sedan chair.

The middle-aged farmer happily led the way. The bride was surrounded by a group of people, wearing a big red cap, and walked to the main hall door.

"Wealth, is it Zhang youwan?" An Xue put the gun under the clothes and asked in a low voice.

"I can't see it. It looks a bit like my body, but I can't see my face. I can't be sure!" Zhao Fugui frowned. His heavenly eyes were greatly suppressed in the ghost village. He could not even see through the bride's veil.

"What about that?" An Xue asks nervously, this ghost place she really can't stand fast.

"Don't panic, wait and see what these people are up to!" Zhao Fugui said with a frown.

A group of people cheerfully welcomed the bride to the center of the main room, and let the bride stand there. Then there was a huge sound of gongs, and the gaudy man on his face came out.

"The cook starts to serve. Let's welcome the bridegroom!" The flamboyant man on his face yelled. The cook in the corner of the yard opened the steamer, and the steaming white fog came out. Then the dishes were served.

An Xue's face turned pale when she only looked at these dishes. Even Zhao Fugui frowned when she saw them. These so-called "dishes" were made by chopping up the corpses.

As soon as the dishes were served, Zhao Fugui and their table was soon filled with "people". Those people didn't care about Zhao Fugui and an Xue at all. They were like hungry dogs rushing at food, and they just used their hands to pull everything on the table into their mouths.

Some people chew with a broken hand, others chew with a broken foot, and some even devour the bloody viscera. All the "people" in the yard are eating, but only Zhao Fugui and an Xue don't move.

An Xue turned her head disgustedly and didn't dare to look at these people. At this time, a man in Chinese bridegroom's clothes walked rigidly into the hall of the main room.

Just now, the middle-aged farmer was sitting in front of the bride and groom, and there was a figure beside him, but the figure never moved."Worship heaven and earth!" With a loud cry, the bride and groom in the bright red wedding dress bow to the door of the main house. However, Zhao Fugui finds that both the bride and groom seem unable to bend down.

"Two worship high hall!" After paying homage to heaven and earth, the two newlyweds turned around and bowed to the two people sitting under the main hall.

"Husband and wife worship each other!"

After paying homage to the field and the hall, it's the couple's turn to pay homage to each other. The two newlyweds are relatively powerful and bow slightly to each other.

"Old parents take seats, new people take seats, let's go!" The gaudy man on his face yelled with joy. Then the middle-aged farmer, his mother, the bride and the bridegroom began to take their seats, but they were in the main room, not in the yard.

"Rich and noble, I'll lift the bridal veil. If she's Zhang youwan, we'll leave immediately after saving people. If she's not Zhang youwan, we'll leave here immediately. I can't stand it any more!" An Xue's face is ugly to say, her a hand didn't leave the gun, an Xue used great perseverance just didn't immediately pull out the pistol to shoot at these monsters around.

"Don't be impulsive. How can you lift the bridal veil?" Zhao Fugui increasingly believes that the bride is Zhang youwan, because she did not eat anything on the table.

"You don't care what I do, you are ready to do it!" An Xue stands up slowly. As soon as she stands up, the sound of swallowing and chewing in the yard stops. All the people in the yard look at her without expression.

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