Super Monk

Chapter 1262

So many bloody monsters suddenly look at an Xue without expression. An Xue is scared and shakes all over. She almost doesn't pull the trigger directly under her clothes.

Fortunately, these monsters just watched an Xue for a few seconds, and then they continued to eat. An Xue turned white and went to the main hall.

In the main room, a middle-aged farmer like man was lying on the table, pulling the flesh and blood from the table into his mouth like a starving ghost. His cheeks were bulging high, and his whole mouth almost seemed to be about to burst, but he didn't seem to be aware of it at all, and continued to push things in his mouth.

An Xue didn't dare to look at it again. On the table, the bride sat there motionless, so did the groom, even the groom's mother.

An Xue slowly walks over and takes a quick glance at them. Their bodies tremble slightly. The groom is actually a paper man. The paper man is dressed in the groom's clothes, and his face is painted with red lips. His facial features are vividly painted. Far away, he thought he was a real person, but in fact, he is a very common kind of paper man in a funeral supplies store.

The bridegroom's mother is more frightening. It is not a paper man, but it is a wax corpse. An Xue clearly sees that some melted wax water is slowly dripping on the ground.

There is nothing normal in this table. An Xue now doubts whether the bride is Zhang youwan, but if she is not Zhang youwan, where can Zhang youwan be taken?

An Xue bites her teeth and tightens the gun in her hand. At this time, she finds that her palm is full of sticky sweat, but she doesn't dare to take out her hand to wipe it. An Xue doesn't dare to let go of her gun at all.

After biting her teeth, an Xue slowly walks to the bride. As soon as she gets near the bride, the paper man groom turns his head and looks at an Xue, a pair of eyes that can't be described as weird.

Fortunately, in addition to the paper man groom, the other monsters on this table did not look at an Xue. An Xue calmed down, pretended to be unstable, fell to the ground, reached out and grabbed the bride's cover.

The middle-aged farmer immediately stopped and slowly raised his head. At such a close distance, an Xue clearly saw that there was a child's arm in the middle-aged farmer's mouth. His mouth was full of these flesh and blood. He looked at an Xue without expression.

"I'm sorry, I didn't stand firm!" An Xue reluctantly smiles and says to the middle-aged farmer with pale face.

The bride's veil fell to the ground. She really looks like a normal person, but she is not Zhang youwan, but a strange woman.

Zhao Fugui was shocked to see the bride's face. The bride looked a bit like Li Siyi. She was one of the three most beautiful women in Chengdu University. Later she became a monster, and now she has disappeared.

"Roar!" The middle-aged farmer stares at an Xue and roars fiercely. The flesh and blood in his mouth is everywhere. His yellow teeth turn black quickly and become sharp teeth. At the same time, even his eyes turn black.

"Roar!" At the same time, people in the whole compound roared. These "people" who just looked normal suddenly became monsters.

Seeing this situation, Zhao Fugui was about to lift the table and start, but at this time, the bride, who had been dull and unresponsive, suddenly screamed.

"Ah The bride let out a painful howl, and her stomach swelled like a balloon.

"Poof A dark baby's arm suddenly tore open the bride's belly and stretched out from her round belly. There was a grown-up baby in her belly.

"Monster, monster again!" Seeing the situation on the bride's side, these things in the courtyard cried out in panic.

"Quick, kill this monster, kill this monster!" The middle-aged farmer stood up fiercely, yelled with a ferocious face, and then rushed to the bride.

The monsters in the yard show a crazy and ferocious look and rush to the hall. An Xue is pushed to one side directly. These monsters even don't care about an Xue.

"Get out of the way!" Zhao Fugui runs into several monsters and pulls an Xue, who has been stunned, to one side. An Xue stares at the hall.

The middle-aged farmer pours down on the bride, reaches out his hand and pulls out the dark baby in the bride's stomach. It has no eyes and nose, and it has only a huge mouth cracked to the cheek.

What's more, there is a slender tail on the butt of this thing. It's not a baby. It's a monster at all.

"Kill this monster!" The middle-aged farmer gave a ferocious shout and threw the monster baby to the ground. Then he rushed to tear up the black baby monster.

The baby monster fiercely opened his mouth and bit on the middle-aged farmer's hand. He even bit off half of the middle-aged farmer's hand.

But at this time, a group of monsters in the yard all rushed up, and immediately tore the black baby monster to pieces. Not only the baby monster, but even the bride was completely torn up by these monsters.

"Dead, dead, dead monster, the village is safe!" The black baby monster was torn to pieces, and the villagers cried out happily."No, there's another one here. It must be these strangers who brought the monster to our village. Kill that woman, kill her!" The middle-aged farmer stares at Zhao Fugui and an Xue who have retreated to the gate and screams ferociously.

"Kill them, kill them!" A group of villagers turned into monsters with a shrill cry. The corners of their mouths lengthened and their teeth turned into sharp blades. These things completely lost their human form and landed on all fours. They rushed to Zhao Fugui and an Xue crazily.

"Go As soon as Zhao Fugui's eyes sink, he pushes an Xue to go outside. An Xue pulls out her pistol and is protected by Zhao Fugui. She runs to the door of the mansion.

"Roar!" A monster leaps to Zhao Fugui and an Xue. Zhao Fugui's eyes are shining and his fist blows out. The monster's head is like a rotten watermelon. At the same time, his body is driven away.

But the monster did not die, and the trunk of his head continued to rush towards Zhao Fugui.

"Bang bang!" An Xue also shot at the same time, the guns all hit these monsters on the head, blow them on the head, but just blow them on the head can't eliminate these monsters at all.

"You can't kill them, they're just like those ghosts!" Anxiue cried nervously.

"Keep going, don't stop, follow me!" Zhao Fugui gave a sharp drink and burst out with his fist. His fist strength was first contained and then sent out, directly smashing the bodies of these monsters.

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