Super Monk

Chapter 1277

Four or five hundred Simmental cattle are grazing leisurely in the cattle farm. The barn of the cattle farm is already full of winter fodder.

Now, in the cattle farm, Niu Laohan has added a lot of beans and Chinese herbal medicines to Simmental cattle. Since Zhao Fugui knew Zhenwu circle and the rarity of aura, he has greatly reduced the use of aura.

In addition to the black tripod which can form a spiritual spring every day, the spiritual spring on Daqingshan can be used a little less.

Zhao Fugui has now made it clear that the reason why heiding can turn ordinary water into spiritual spring is that heiding itself is a spirit gathering array, which can continuously absorb a large range of aura, and integrate these auras into the water to form spiritual spring.

Now the aura in the air is very thin, but it doesn't mean that there isn't any. For people, these auras are not enough. That's because the range of aura absorbed by the human body is very small, so the aura in the air is enough after reaching a certain concentration.

Heiding has no such limitation. It can affect a very large range, maybe ten miles, maybe dozens of miles, maybe hundreds of miles. There is no comparability between human beings and heiding. I'm afraid that the range of absorbing aura of great masters is not one tenth or even dozens of times that of heiding.

If it wasn't for heiding, the super gathering spirit array, Zhao Fugui would have completely cut off the use of aura. After all, when aura is so rare, it's too cheap to put it into the cultivation and production of Xiaowan village.

But at present, Zhao Fugui has a black tripod, and the aura that he and Chen Yihan take in every day is not too big. Lingquan is not a scarce resource for him in a short time, but Lingquan still needs to be saved in the province. Otherwise, if the experts find that Zhao Fugui has so many Lingquan, it will attract a lot of prying eyes.

"Uncle Niu, how are the cattle in the cattle farm recently?" Zhao Fugui looked in the cattle farm, and asked the old man who was mixing beans.

"Fugui, the cattle in our cattle farm are growing well and their fur is bright. You can see that all the teeth are very good. The cattle in our cattle farm are in very good condition now!" Old man Niu said excitedly as soon as he saw Zhao Fugui.

"It's going to be cold on the horse in a while. I'm going to launch beef hot pot in Wan village. Can the biggest cow be slaughtered now?" Zhao Fugui asked.

"It's not very cost-effective to kill a small cow now. It's only cost-effective to kill an adult cow. However, a half sized cow has the same advantages as a roast suckling pig. If it is slaughtered now, the beef will be more tender!" The old man said, "richness, you see, the cattle over there are the biggest cattle in the cattle farm. Before, they were all half stumped cattle drawn from the grassland, but now they are almost a head tall!"

Zhao Fugui looked in the direction that the old man pointed out. A group of half big cattle mixed in the smaller calves were very conspicuous. These cattle were not small. The biggest estimate was that they were 600 or 700 Jin, and the smaller ones were also 500 or 600 Jin.

If it grows up, a cow can weigh at least a thousand jin. But if it wants to grow up that big, even if it feeds more Lingquan water, it will be next summer.

"Those cows are almost growing. It's not worthwhile to wait until next year!" Zhao Fugui thinks about it and says that the dishes in Xiaowan village are medium and high-end. Time is money. It's not worthwhile to wait until next year. Moreover, these cattle are almost slaughtered, and we can buy another batch next spring.

"All right, let's do what you say!" The old man nodded and said without any objection.

"Then kill a cow today to see how the meat is. By the way, let's have a whole beef feast for the villagers to have a taste!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Well, I'll pick out the biggest one later!" The old man wiped his hands and nodded his head.

"When it's ready, send the beef to the village!" Zhao Fugui said.

The old man nodded and immediately went to arrange. Zhao Fugui came out of the cattle farm and went to Xiaowan village. At the same time, a pickup truck came from the urban and rural roads. As soon as the pickup truck came down from the urban and rural roads, it wanted to go to Xiaowan village.

"Hey, you can't go in. Park in the parking lot opposite Du!" A village security guard quickly stopped the pickup truck and said.

"You're not allowed to stop in a broken village. Are you looking for a cigarette?" The young man driving a pickup truck vomited his cigarette butt on the security guard and cheered unhappily.

"What are you doing?" The security guard quickly patted off the cigarette end and asked angrily, staring at the young driver.

"What are you doing? Get out of my way. Believe it or not? " The young man took out a U-shaped lock from the car and wanted to get off.

"Captain, there's trouble at the entrance of the village. Bring people here quickly!" The security guard stepped back two steps, quickly took out the walkie talkie and said.

"San Mao, forget it. We're here to do business. Don't delay the business. Pull over to the side of the road!" Sitting in the co pilot's seat, a fat man in his thirties said impatiently.

"I see, brother!" San Mao nodded and spat in the direction of the security guard. He cried, "dog, you are lucky, or I will kill you today!"Sanmao said, turning the steering wheel of the pickup truck and driving it forward, he didn't stop in the parking lot and stopped directly on the side of the country road.

There is a bus stop in front of the place, and usually no one stops the bus, which affects the bus, but the place is not managed by Xiaowan village, nor by the security guard.

"What quality!" The village security guard watched indignantly as the two people in the pickup truck walked towards Xiaowan village.

Fat men in their thirties and Sanmao walked into Xiaowan village with cigarettes in their mouths. They didn't go anywhere else. They walked directly to the cattle farm.

"Brother, you see, these local buns are all Simmental cattle. They don't even have any other cattle. Now the price of a kilo of Simmental cattle outside is more than 100!" Sanmao greedily looked at the cattle in the cattle farm, his eyes were like looking at a pile of money walking.

"These cattle are just a little small. The biggest one looks like six or seven hundred catties. The small one is estimated to be three hundred catties!" The fat man with a big gold ring took the cigarette out of his mouth and frowned.

"It's a little bit small, but it's better because of the large quantity. We won't have to do it again this year. Besides, boss Wang's stock shortage is large recently and the price is high. If we miss it, we can't meet it!" San Mao urged to say.

"But we're from other places. It's said that Zhao Fugui is a tightwad. He'll be in trouble if he meets a tough stubble!" The fat man with a face full of flesh said.

"I came to see Zhao Fugui yesterday. He broke his hand. Now he is disabled. What are we afraid of him for?" San Mao said with disdain.

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