Super Monk

Chapter 1278

"Brother, Zhao Fugui is disabled now. The village's security guards are useless. We can get tens of millions of dollars at least. Then we will have money for the Spring Festival!" Sanmao said.

"OK, let's do it. When Zhao Fugui has the ability, let him go to Wang. When we finish the vote, who can find us?" Said the fat man with a ferocious face.

After discussing, the two men began to look around the cattle farm. There were many tourists here, and their furtive appearance did not attract people's attention.

"If you two have nothing to do at noon, don't leave. Today, a cow was killed in the village, and you'll have a whole cow dinner at noon!" When Zhao Fugui returns to Xiaowan village, he goes to the snack street and finds Chen Yihan, the three girls who are eating shrimp dumplings. He says to Zhang youwan and Ji Ling.

"We have classes in the afternoon!" Zhang youwan said in an unnatural whisper.

"Sister Zhang, if you say you are not comfortable, please take a leave for me. I haven't had the whole beef feast yet!" Ji Ling is about to drool.

"How can I do that?" Zhang youwan said reluctantly.

"If you can't, let Fugui send you to school after lunch. It should be OK without asking for leave!" Chen Yihan said, "we haven't done the whole beef feast in Xiaowan village. Fugui bought a batch of Simmental cattle from the northern grassland. This is the first time to make beef. You should try it!"

"No, we don't have to. We can go back by ourselves!" Zhang youwan said in panic, how dare she let Zhao Fugui send her back.

"Sister Zhang and sister Chen have said that. Please call the school and ask for leave." Ji Ling begged to say.

"Well, well!" Zhang youwan is entangled by Ji Ling and has no choice but to nod and promise. She is afraid that in case Ji Ling refuses to go back to school, she has to stay until noon to have dinner. If there is not enough time to finish the meal, it will be more troublesome for Zhao Fugui to send them home. It's better to ask for a leave and go back to school after dinner.

In the morning, Niu Laohan directly took the largest Simmental cow to the village, invited the butcher of the village, and several people to help, killed the cow and began to prepare.

On the other hand, Zhao Fugui also called the chef of the small kitchen to be the chef. A group of villagers came to help. Some children in the village ran around to play. Soon, the cooking platform was supported.

"Richness, what do you think of the meat?" Old man Niu selected a piece of hind leg meat and showed it to Zhao Fugui. After a simple treatment, the blood and foam were removed, and all the fat lines appeared.

The texture of meat is like snowflakes. It looks very beautiful. Just look at the texture of this kind of beef, these Simmental cattle are not far away from Kobe beef.

"It looks ok, but I don't know how it tastes!" Zhao Fugui looked carefully and said.

"When the water boils, we'll start to do it!" Said the old man.

There are 78 dishes in total for the whole beef feast. However, today, it was hastily cooked. The chef in charge of the meal didn't prepare so many dishes. He only prepared 30 or 40 dishes.

"Fugui, how about I roll some noodles and make some beef noodles for you?" Ma Sao Zi came over with a bag of noodles and asked Zhao Fugui.

In the first half of the year, Mrs. Ma's family also opened a noodle shop in the northwest. The village developed greatly. They decided to go home only after they came back to see it. The main meals in the northwest are pasta, so it's a must to make pasta.

"OK, what's wrong? You can do it, sister Ma!" Zhao Fugui nodded and said in a loud voice, "if you have anything you want to do, you can also do it. Today we are going to give you a taste of something new!"

"Then I'll show you some beef balls, too!"

"I'll come, too!"

As soon as Zhao Fugui said it, the villagers immediately got excited and began to do what they were good at. Simmental cattle are rare in Central China. The beef eaten here is usually yellow cattle and buffalo. Simmental cattle are not common.

The chef of Xiaowan village is the chef, and many villagers have begun to help themselves. After a busy morning, the fragrance will come out at noon.

Not only the villagers, but also a lot of tourists came to smell the fragrance. Zhao Fugui would not refuse to come. Anyway, a cow is hundreds of Jin big, and it's worth eating.

"Fugui, try the sesame oil beef noodles made by Ma Sao, and the sliced beef on iron plate. It tastes better than the fried beef in stone pot in South Korea. I think our Simmental cattle, even if they can't compare with the 5A grade Shenhun beef in Japan, can match the 4A grade!" Chen Yihan served Zhao Fugui a large bowl of sesame oil beef noodles and a lot of beef on a plate.

These pieces of beef are cut into thin slices. They are cut with a knife instead of a machine. They are pressed on the red iron plate, then immediately picked up and smeared with some seasoning.

The beef is tender and refreshing, with delicate taste. Zhao Fugui tasted it, and the taste is not far away from Kobe beef. Compared with the beef with coarse fiber, the meat quality and taste of these Simmental cattle are more than twice as good, and it will be good to use these beef in hot pot business."The beef is really good. When the provincial capital is ready, several restaurants in Wan Village will launch special beef hot pot and beef pot!" Zhao Fugui nodded and said.

It's not just that Zhao Fugui thinks the food tastes good. After a glance, Zhao Fugui finds that even the reserved Zhang youwan is sweating.

The girl seems to like spicy food, and she can eat it very well. There is a layer of spicy oil on the sesame oil beef noodles. She has a fine sweat on her white forehead, but she is very happy.

Ji Ling is on the contrary to her. Ji Ling doesn't eat hot pepper at all. She doesn't eat anything as long as there are hot peppers in it. However, no matter whether it looks good or not, Ji Ling has to taste everything. When he meets the right person, he will eat a lot.

Zhao Fugui and the three girls had been eating for more than an hour. At last, he drank some beef soup, which was the end of the meal.

For the Simmental cattle of more than 700 kg, the villagers and tourists eat almost nothing left of the whole cow, and even the beef soup and miscellaneous soup are drunk clean.

Even so, many late visitors can only come back disappointed. Although there is a lot of beef, it can't hold so many people to eat. However, this whole beef feast has spread Simmental cattle in Xiaowan village among the tourists. As long as they have eaten beef, no one says it's bad.

"Brother, with this beef, it's much better than Simmental cattle outside. I think we can increase the price of Wang!" Sanmao mixed in the crowd, smeared oil on his mouth and said.

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