Super Monk

Chapter 1279

In the afternoon, Zhao Fugui and Chen Yihan send Zhang youwan Jiling to the village and give them a ride back to school. Zhang youwan resolutely refuses to let Zhao Fugui send them, but they want to go back by themselves.

The beef of Xiaowan village cattle farm has been widely recognized. Although the quality of Simmental beef is not as good as that of Kobe beef, it is at least one or two grades higher than that of domestic beef.

As soon as the whole beef feast was over, many tourists inquired about when beef would be allowed to enter the Wan Village cuisine, and the Wan Village cuisine products were all high-quality products.

After discussing with Chen Yihan, Zhao Fugui is ready to let the beef in Xiaowan village go on the market ahead of time, and the practice of beef hot pot is different from the current practice.

Zhao Fugui is going to use the old copper hotpot with charcoal in the middle to heat the hotpot instead of the present one. The new hotpot has the convenience of the new hotpot and the old one has the taste of the old one.

After a busy day, Zhao Fugui tried to figure out the fourth fist of Qibu bengtian boxing as usual in the evening, and then practiced Taiping daoshu. He tried his best to consolidate Taiping daoshu in the realm of bone refining. Zhao Fugui estimated that there would be at most one month before he could reach the realm of bone refining.

Zhao Fugui knew that the wick in the sea was suppressed under the pagoda again. The wick seemed to know that Zhao Fugui was not easy to be provoked. He was quite honest, but the wick was still unwilling to burn and didn't give up.

Zhao Fugui has no idea about this wick for the time being, and he doesn't know how to study it. Anyway, there are Taiping daoshu and pagoda, and this wick can't turn the sky. Zhao Fugui doesn't care about it, and is ready to study it slowly when there are any clues in the future.

Chen Yihan's cultivation of Daoli is also very fast. With the help of Lingquan water and his double cultivation with Zhao Fugui, Chen Yihan's cultivation of Daoli has reached a small success, but he lacks practical experience. Zhao Fugui considers whether he should take Chen Yihan to practice.

As the night gets deeper and deeper, everything in Xiaowan village gradually falls into silence. Only one or two barking dogs occasionally break the silence.

"Everyone's asleep. Let's go!" In the dead of night, a truck slowly came from the side of the urban and rural highway. There were five or six people standing on the two trucks. The lights were turned off, and even the tail lights were removed. They could not be seen on the dark urban and rural highway.

"Board down, San Mao, let's go!" The middle-aged fat man with a face full of flesh jumped from the co driver's seat of the truck and waved to several people on the truck. They immediately followed him and quietly ran to the cattle farm.

The two men on the side of the truck opened the compartment of the truck, put a big plank down from the compartment, and directly put the big plank down from the compartment.

In the dead of night in Xiaowan village, the patrolling security guards have already stopped. Zhao Fugui doesn't even have a few ghost slaves. Recently, there is nothing wrong in Xiaowan village, and he doesn't let ghost slaves and wolves patrol at night. Now there are many tourists in Xiaowan village, so it's not good if he scares tourists accidentally.

These people quietly close to the cattle farm, did not disturb anyone, soon they ran outside the barbed wire of the cattle farm, looked around a few times.

"Cut it out!" The middle-aged fat man waved and whispered.

The other two nodded, immediately took out the vice, a few times cut a big gap in the barbed wire, the middle-aged fat man took the lead, immediately took people into the cattle farm.

At night, a few cattle thieves went to the cattle farm in xitar. Sanmao took out two pieces of fat and threw them into the cowshed. Soon there was a slight sound of footsteps in the cowshed. After a while, the door of the cowshed was pushed open.

A few local dogs from the cattle farm fell behind the door and died of spitting. The two pieces of fat meat were smeared with highly toxic. The dogs would die as soon as they ate them. These guys have been familiar with this for a long time.

"Come on, don't make any noise!" The middle-aged fat man said in a low voice. Several people behind him immediately nodded, opened the door of the cowshed and pulled out a Simmental cow.

Simmental cattle are more docile and do not resist being led away by strangers. One cow follows these people obediently, and the rest of the cattle begin to follow them outside.

There are two night watchmen in the cattle farm at night, but the dog doesn't bark. They sleep in the farm tool room and don't hear anything. They don't find that someone is stealing the cattle.

One Simmental cow was brought out of the cattle farm. These people only steal big cattle. Basically, they steal cattle of more than 500 kg or 600 kg. There are only 100 of these cattle in the whole farm.

After a while, some Simmental cattle were pulled to the side of the truck. Sanmao happily led a Simmental cattle from the board to the lengthened truck, and soon led the cattle to the inside.

"Hurry up, hurry up, finish this vote tonight, go to boss Wang to collect money later, we can leave before dawn!" San Mao urged loudly.

A Simmental cow was moved to the truck, and was quickly pulled into the truck. In less than half an hour, the truck was half full. A cow stayed in the truck quietly, hardly making a sound.

"Almost, ready to go!" The middle-aged fat man with a face full of meat counted the number of cattle. He felt that it was almost done. He lowered his voice and cheered to several other people."Go, go!" Those people nodded and were ready to leave. At this moment, a man accidentally kicked a water basin in the corner. The basin made a loud "clang", which was particularly harsh in the silent darkness.

The middle-aged fat man suddenly changed his face and glared at his men. After waiting for a few seconds, the two men in the farm tool room opened the door and came out.

"What's the matter? Where did that come from? " The old man rubbed his eyes and came out. As soon as he looked up, he saw that someone was stealing the cow. He was about to yell. His head hurt so much that he fell to the ground with a scream.

The man who watched the night with him was also hit hard on his head by a hammer and suddenly fainted.

"Fool, let's go!" The middle-aged fat man with a face full of flesh cursed and immediately urged him to take the rest of the cattle away.

This group of people quickly involved in the cow to leave, the old man barely opened his eyes, full of blood stumbled to get up, staggered to Xiaowan village struggling to walk past.

"Fast, fast, close the car. Damn it, steal less than ten or twenty cows, and go quickly!" The truck was loaded with 50 or 60 cows. The middle-aged fat man scolded and immediately jumped on the co pilot to urge the driver to leave.

At the same time, Niu ran back to Xiaowan village, covered with blood, and climbed outside Zhao Fugui's Farmhouse Inn.

"Rich and noble, some steal cattle, some steal cattle!" The old man struggled and yelled.

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