Super Monk

Chapter 1465

Leng Xi didn't notice the abnormality, but Zhao Fugui suddenly opened the car window. Leng Xi immediately became alert. It's early in the morning. There's no sultry heat at all. It's still a little cold when the car window is opened. There must be a reason why Zhao Fugui opened the car window.

Leng Xi pretends to be alert in her eyes and looks around. She soon finds the light smoke coming out of the air conditioner hole. Seeing the smoke, Leng Xi felt tight in her heart. She quickly leaned her head against the window and slowed down her breathing, trying not to let herself inhale more smoke.

Ah Wu looked back in the rearview mirror, with a sneer in his eyes. The smoke from the air conditioner is a powerful anesthetic. As long as you inhale a certain amount of it, you can make people fall into a coma. This medicine was obtained directly from the medical college by ah Wu's boss, and he never lost it.

"Ah, I'm so sleepy. Didn't I sleep well on the plane?" Zhao Fugui pretended that he was not very sober and murmured.

"Boss, you certainly didn't sleep well, or you can sleep for a while and I'll call you when you get to the place!" Ah Wu quickly pretended to be gallant and said.

"Well, I'll get some sleep and call me when I get to the place." When Zhao Fugui said this, his head tilted, as if he had fallen asleep. Ah Wu saw Zhao Fugui like this, and his eyes suddenly showed a look of ecstasy.

Not long after that, ah Wu saw the flash of a flashlight on the side of the road, and immediately drove the car over there. Soon a group of people with moring knives came running from the dark.

Each of these people has a large number of tattoos on his face. A large number of tattoos can be seen everywhere on his bare arms and neck. The man in the head has a fierce face and is very dissatisfied when he sees ah Wu.

"Why is it so late tonight? I've been blowing all night!" Zhitian cheered discontentedly.

"President, today's regiment came too late, but I think they are all fat sheep. Today they have been able to harvest a lot!" Wu nodded in pure Japanese.

"Don't talk nonsense. It's almost daybreak. Let's move now. We have to leave before those idiots from the police station come!" Zhitian cheered.

"Hey Ah Wu nodded and immediately said with a flattering smile, "president, I have a pretty girl in my car. She is even more beautiful than Miss MEIHUIZI in Gewu town. She has a hot figure. She's not a loser today!"

"More beautiful than MEIHUIZI? Where is it? " Zhitian's eyes brightened, and he said aloud, "last time the leader of Zhuji society was assassinated, half of the venues in Gewu town were swallowed up by Yamaguchi group. If we can find a beautiful woman to send up, maybe we can connect with Yamaguchi group! Pull that beauty out first and I'll have a look! "

"Yes, president!" Ah Wu pressed the switch, and the locked door could not be opened. Ah Wu opened the door and immediately went to pull Lengxi.

"Ah, who are you? What do you want to do? " Leng Xi pretended to be panicked and screamed, and was pulled out stumbling.

"It's really a first-class beauty. It's too bad to give such a beauty to Yamaguchi group. If we sell her, we can get at least tens of millions of yen. We've got a lot tonight!" Zhitian laughs.

"There is a man in the car who is dazed and stripped of all his valuable things. We can't let the people in the police department find us!" Ah Wu said.

"Do it now!" Zhitian cheered.

"You guys are the ones who stun tourists and rob?" Before these people could catch Zhao Fugui, Zhao Fugui's voice suddenly rang and said.

Zhao Fugui originally thought that someone was aware of their actions, so he arranged it. However, listening to their conversation, it seems that these guys are mainly for their financial affairs, and they don't know what they do.

Wu saw Zhao Fugui open the door and get out of the car. He was completely shocked. His powerful anesthetic didn't work.

"Fool, why didn't this guy faint? He has seen our faces! " Zhitian's face changed and he yelled at ah Wu angrily.

"Catch this boy quickly, and you can't let him go!" Ah Wu also changed his face and cried out angrily.

"Boy, don't move, or I'll kill you!" Several members of the violence group pulled out knives similar to those of Li Chai and surrounded Zhao Fugui viciously.

"We are just ordinary tourists. Don't be impulsive. What do you do?" Leng Xi pretends to be afraid and asks Zhao Fugui nervously.

"We are the famous Zhitian violence group, the newly established violence group in Kyoto, which specializes in robbing you tourists. If you are honest, we will not kill you!" Zhitian exclaimed triumphantly.

"President, don't talk nonsense to them. If someone sees us, they will call the police for sure!" Ah Wu said quickly.

"You're right. Arrest them!" Zhitian cried fiercely.

"It's a lot of courage for you garbage to grab our head Zhao Fugui coldly stares at the guys of this group of violent groups and says.

"Damn you, how dare you call us rubbish and seek death!" Zhitian had never seen such a bold tourist. His face showed a ferocious look and he yelled, "cut off a finger of this boy and teach him a lesson!""Yes, president!" As soon as a group of members of the violence group's face sank, they rushed to Zhao Fugui. At this time, Zhitian was suddenly caught by his hair, kicked on his leg, and fell to his knees with a scream.

Several other members of the violence group were also brought down directly. Just now, the fierce and ferocious guys fell to the ground and screamed.

"Who, who dares to attack our Zhitian violence group?" Zhitian's face changed greatly and he cried out in horror.

"What kind of violent group do you guys deserve? You are the gangsters of kindergarten Lin kuangdong stepped on Zhitian's face and said with disdain.

"Damned bastards, who are you?" Zhitian was trampled on his face. Seeing that these people were just the Chinese tourists they thought before, Zhitian immediately regained courage and yelled, "you have offended our Zhitian violent group, you are dead!"

"Shut up. Now it's not your turn to shout. Who asked you to come to us?" Zhao Fugui motioned to Lin kuangdong to pull Zhitian up, patted Zhitian's face and asked coldly.

"You damned Chinese, let me go, or you will die!" Zhitian doesn't think these Chinese tourists are powerful at all. If they were caught by a violent group like Yamaguchi group, Zhitian would kneel down and beg for mercy, but several Chinese tourists didn't pay attention to Zhitian at all.

"Click!" Zhao Fugui's face was expressionless. He grabbed one of Zhitian's fingers and twisted it. Zhitian's fingers immediately became the shape of Mahua and were twisted off.

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