Super Monk

Chapter 1466

"Ah Zhitian uttered a shrill scream, and his face was twisted with pain. He didn't expect that these Chinese tourists were different from those Chinese tourists he had met before. He was so cruel.

"Your surname is Zhitian. What does Xinchang Zhitian have to do with you?" Zhao Fugui twisted Zhitian's finger and asked casually with a sneer on his face.

"Nobuta Zhitian is my ancestor. I have noble blood. You damned lower class! Let me go!" Zhitian's painful face was twisted, but he was unwilling to shout.

"Noble blood? Nobuta Zhitian is just a rebel, and he belongs to the kind of nobility that didn't succeed Zhao Fugui sneered, "but he's also a big and small figure. Although you're also called Zhitian, you're rubbish! Let me ask you again, who sent you here? "

"No one sent us. You're going to kill me, damned bastard!" Zhitian roared.

"Well, there's seed!" Zhao Fu Gui sneered, and his hand continued to twist. "Click" was another explosion. Zhitian's other two fingers separated outward, forming a big eight characters. Zhitian wailed like a sow in pain.

"I said, I said, it was someone who said that some rich Chinese people would come here tonight, so we came here. No one sent us. We just heard the news!" Zhitian didn't expect that these Chinese people were so cruel. He didn't dare to be brave and cried out.

"Someone let you off?" In Zhao Fugui's eyes, it was not a coincidence. There was an invisible hand behind it.

"Colonel, do you think the news of our coming has leaked out?" Zhao Fu Xi asked coldly, his voice lowered.

"It's very likely that the question now is, who leaked our information?" Zhao Fugui said coldly.

"What about these people?" Leng Xi also thought of this problem. The confidentiality level of this operation is very high. It's not that the relevant personnel can't know the details of the task. Unexpectedly, the information leaked out so quickly, which indicates that there is a traitor in their team.

"Take them all away. If they inform the police department, it will be difficult for us to continue our task. Take them to our contact point and let the people there control them first. After the completion of this task, the contact point will be abandoned and let the people at the contact point deal with them! " Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

"OK, get them in the car and take them all away!" Leng Xi said to them. Lin's taxi was also arranged by the Zhitian violence group. A total of five taxis were all controlled by them. It's a joke that these guys want to control the master and the half step master with a little smoke.

"Where are you going to take us, you damned Chinese!" Ah Wu cried as he struggled. It's a pity that no one is passing by on the suburban road. No one will help them call the police.

"Damn chinese? You are not a Chinese Cold Xi sneers, a hand knife directly cuts on a Wu's neck, directly makes this boy dizzy in the past.

"Get in the car!" Zhao Fugui and they got on the bus and rushed to the place where they got the weapons. Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice in the car, "let's not contact Cao man. I suspect that the traitors are in their team. We can't let all of us be exposed. We will act alone after we get the weapons!"

"Good!" Leng Xi nods, and she agrees with Zhao Fugui. Sikong Changge is in Cao man's team. Zhao Fugui's first suspicion is the guy in the Sikong family.

It's only a little more than one kilometer away from the contact point. Soon Zhao Fugui and his family arrived at the contact point arranged by Ou Zhihai, which is a farm. After Leng Xi sends out a sign, the door of the farm opens quickly, and an agent who has been ambushing here for many years rushes out.

"Who are they?" Seeing that Zhao Fugui had brought back so many people with tattoos, the agent was shocked and asked.

"They were called Zhitian violence group. They wanted to confuse us and rob us, but we caught them. These people will be locked up with you first. When our task is over, you will let them go! " Zhao Fugui said.

"Recently, a gang named Zhitian violence group came out of Kyoto. This gang is very arrogant. The police department is looking for them, but they always use lost sheep and fake taxis to take photos, so the police department has not been able to catch them!" The agent nodded and said, "tie them to the barn first. I'll deal with them later."

"Put them in the barn and tie them all up. What about weapons and equipment? We'll leave as soon as we take the weapon! " Zhao Fugui waved to Lin kuangdong and said in a deep voice.

"Come with me!" The agent turned around and took Zhao Fugui and they walked to the back of the farm. In a house on the farm, he moved a mechanism, and immediately a secret door was opened, behind which were all kinds of guns. "Here are all kinds of guns and matching bullets. You can choose for yourself."

"Barrett sniper gun, 12.7mm large caliber sniper gun, equipped with 10 times sight, has a maximum range of 6800m, close to 7km, accurate and effective range of 1800m, and the shooting error at this distance is not more than the size of a baseball. The 12.7mm sniper market belongs to Barrett. It's the king of large caliber sniper rifles. That's the gun! " Cold Xi eyes a bright, take down a heavy sniper to say from the gun rack."M16a1, good, powerful, stable performance!" Other people also began to choose their own weapons one after another. The master had little demand for weapons, but half of the master was different. They needed to provide firepower support, and guns were indispensable.

"All use shelled armour piercing projectiles, our mission target this time is not human!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

"Armor piercing bullets? I also have a batch of tungsten alloy arrow shaped armor piercing projectiles here! " When the agent heard that Zhao Fugui wanted armour piercing bullets, he immediately took out a small box from the armory. Inside the box were ten odd shaped warheads.

"Tungsten alloy arrow shaped armour piercing projectile is the most penetrating armour piercing projectile in the world. If Barrett sniper gun is equipped with this kind of warhead, it can even penetrate the armor of armored vehicles. I will take these warheads!" Without hesitation, Leng Xi picked up ten tungsten alloy arrow shaped armour piercing bullets and smashed them into her armed belt.

"Have you chosen the weapons? Check your equipment for the last time, and then we're going to get out of here! " Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

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