Super Monk

Chapter 1482

"Let's go!"

The whole hill and woods shook violently like a big earthquake. The whole base of Yamada pharmaceutical collapsed. The high walls fell like building blocks, and the buildings inside began to fall one by one.

Some panicked experimenters in the base also began to flee everywhere. Zhao Fugui looked back at the base of Yamada pharmaceutical, which will be completely destroyed in a few days.

"Go Zhao Fugui drinks, carries his backpack on his back and takes the lead to evacuate quickly outside the mountain forest. Leng Xi and Lin kuangdong jump up from their hidden position and quickly catch up with Zhao Fugui.

More than ten minutes after the explosion, the whole team of Zhao Fugui rushed to the front of the base and began to burn.

"Leng Xi, activate the evacuation procedure, we are waiting for the evacuation!" More than ten minutes later, Zhao Fugui waved his hand and lowered the speed of the March, saying to Leng Xi.

"Yes, Colonel!" Leng Xi directly uses the secret satellite phone to send out some encrypted passwords, which officially activates the evacuation procedure.

Zhao Fugui and their entire operation has developed a perfect evacuation plan. Once the task is completed, as long as the evacuation procedure is activated, soon there will be a receptive personnel to send them back to China.

"Did you get in touch with Cao man?" Zhao Fugui asked as they slowed down their march and walked out of the forest.

"I can't get in touch with them. They contacted us a few hours ago, but for the sake of confidentiality, I didn't reply to them, and then I couldn't get in touch all the time!" Leng Xi said.

"Cao man, they may have an accident!" Zhao Fugui's face sank and said that what he was most worried about was Sikong Changge's sudden attack. With his strength, although it was impossible to attack the three masters at one time, it was easy to have an accident if he was not careful.

"What shall we do, Colonel?" Leng Xi said solemnly that Sikong Changge was the strong man of master Shuangtian. His rebellion might directly threaten the survival of Cao man's team.

"Cao man, they have three masters besides Sikong Changsheng. Sikong Changge is not likely to attack them all at once. Now they can only go one step at a time and focus on the task." Zhao Fugui said after a while.

"Yes, this task is extremely important. We should focus on the task." Leng Xi is relieved when she hears the speech. She is afraid that Zhao Fugui will not attach importance to the task and affect the completion of the task. For this mission, the general secret service has paid a huge price and must complete this mission.

"Watch out and cover the formation. There are still many monsters in this mountain forest. Be careful!" Zhao Fugui looked into the dark forest and said in a deep voice.

"Keep your eyes wide open when the guard formation moves forward. Now that the task has been completed, the only thing we have to do is to go back alive!" Lin nods and says with a wave.

"Fan forward, pay attention to cover, we must go back alive!" A group of members of the special operations team immediately formed a fan-shaped team that could cover each other and move forward vigilantly.

"Colonel, have all those monsters in Yamada pharmaceutical base been killed? Especially No.1 and No.2, they are so terrible, so violent explosion should be able to kill them, right Leng Xi asked in a low voice.

"The strength of No.1 and No.2 is very strong, and their recovery ability is also very strong. I'm not sure if I can blow them up!" Zhao Fugui said solemnly.

Early rice wild nine male and No. 2 strength is very strong, but their recovery ability is also extremely amazing, these two points together make them very difficult to deal with.

"I hope they're dead. That kind of monster is terrible!" Leng Xi just took a look at HAYANO Nino from his portable micro-computer and was scared by his terrible appearance. This kind of monster really shouldn't exist in the world.

The special action team moved forward in silence for a while, and the sound of fire and explosion gradually faded away. Occasionally, a few strange shadows flashed through the mountain forest, which were carefully avoided by the team members.

"Five kilometers to go by the town!" Cold Xi looked at the GPS positioning, whispered to Zhao Fugui said.

"Let's get around the town, don't make trouble!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice. At this moment, Zhao Fugui's face suddenly changed, and he yelled "be careful!"

Almost at the same time, Zhao Fugui rolled to the side with Leng Xi in his arms. A black armed helicopter appeared like a ghost in the sky. In an instant, flames spewed out from both sides of the helicopter, and the metal storm composed of two bullets was smashed by the rock where Zhao Fugui and Leng Xi just stayed.

As the flames swept by, Zhao Fugui and Leng Xi, a member of the team nearby, had no time to react. They were immediately hit by the guns of the armed helicopter. Half of his body was exploded in an instant, and even there was no time to scream.

The other members of the special operations team changed their faces and immediately dodged. If they were just ordinary soldiers, even the soldiers of the special forces might not be able to react. Fortunately, most of these members were half step masters, and their reaction speed was far faster than ordinary people. One member died in battle, and the others immediately dodged the gunfire of the armed helicopter."Fire!" Lin kuangdong dodged the strafing of the gun, rolled on the ground and immediately pulled the trigger to strafe at the armed helicopter in the sky.

"Knock it down!" The other team members were also angry, pulled the trigger hard, opened fire on the armed helicopter in the sky, more than a dozen tongues of fire immediately intertwined and swept to the helicopter.

But the armed helicopter in the sky did a few skilful evasion actions to avoid the tongue of fire. A small number of bullets hit the helicopter and did not have much effect. They were all blocked by the armor of the armed helicopter.

"No, it's Apache!" Leng Xi's pretty face suddenly changed, and she lost her blood color. It turned out to be a long bow Apache armed helicopter. Against this kind of armed helicopter, which is the strongest in active service, even individual ground to air missiles may not be easy to use, let alone several assault rifles.

Moreover, the armed helicopter was still flying in the sky, and the strong individual combat strength of the special operation team could not be brought into full play.

"Captain, you try to cover me. If you can hit the engine or the pilot, maybe we can get it down!" Leng Xi bit her lip and immediately replaced the Barrett sniper rifle with tungsten alloy bullets.

But Leng Xi also knows that it's not a fixed goal. Apache is very dexterous. Now it's night, and she won't even have a 10% chance.

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