Super Monk

Chapter 1483

"Damn Huaxia people, these guys dare to go to Shantian pharmaceutical and blow up our secret base. We must destroy them all!" Apache's driver looked at the special operations team members on the ground with a ferocious face and growled.

"Apache is a killer of infantry and tanks. It's bad luck for these damned guys to meet us. I just need to move my finger to kill them all!" The gunner at the front of the cabin said grimly.

The long bow Apache uses a tandem seat. The front seat is the gunner, and the back seat is the pilot. The pilot is responsible for flying to avoid the ground attack, and the front gunner is responsible for attacking the enemy.

"Murakami, kill all of them, and those who destroy our Shantian pharmaceutical base will be wiped out!" Yelled the driver.

"Don't worry, Suzuki, I will kill them all!" The gunner nodded quickly and said, "it's a long bow Apache. The guys below don't even have anti-aircraft machine guns or heavy and heavy machine guns, not to mention surface to air missiles. It's impossible to kill their plane.".

Without weapons specifically aimed at armed helicopters, Murakami and Suzuki would never believe that their helicopters could be shot down by the enemy with just a few assault rifles.

"A few armor piercing bullets can't penetrate Apache's armor at all!" Lin kuangdong emptied a bullet and said with a look of despair on his face.

Apache's armor can not only resist the strafe of light machine guns, but even large caliber anti-aircraft machine guns. The armor piercing bullets fired by assault rifles can not penetrate Apache's armor and hit the enemy inside unless they hit the same place continuously.

Apache has an absolute advantage over the infantry who only carry light weapons. Lin kuangdong can only be slaughtered with his weapons.

"Colonel, we attract fire, cover your retreat, and send the antidote back. The antidote is more important than the lives of several of us!" Lin Hongdong fills the bullet again and shouts to Zhao Fugui.

"Instructor, we cover you to go. Crazy East is right. The antidote must be sent back to China. We must not let Yamada pharmaceutical's plot succeed!" Other special operations team members roared.

"Go away, Captain!" Cold Xi holding Barrett sniper gun, Barrett behind, want to climb to a tree next to. Climb a little higher. When Apache shoots low, she may have a better chance.

"It's just an Apache. I'll deal with it!" Zhao Fugui stares at the ghost hovering in the sky, without any intention of concealment, and appears directly in Apache's line of sight.

"Ha ha, this damned Chinese must have been so scared that he didn't even know how to dodge. Suzuki Jun, let's shoot at low altitude again and tear this damned Chinese to pieces! " Murakami saw Zhao Fugui appear in the field of vision, slightly a Leng, then proud laugh.

"Yes, Guitian, they have come here too. We can't let them take our credit. Kill these damned Chinese quickly!" Suzuki manipulated the long bow Apache to skillfully circle back, and then as soon as he pressed the nose, the long bow Apache immediately rushed to Zhao Fugui and their side, and the machine guns on both sides of the helicopter soon began to roar.

"Go to hell, damn chinese!"

"Captain, get out of the way. Even the master's spirit can't resist the gunfire of the armed helicopter. You will die!" Leng Xi's face changed greatly, and she cried out nervously.

The machine guns of the armed helicopter are super large caliber, especially the machine guns on both sides of the long bow Apache are 23 mm. This kind of machine guns can even tear off the armor on the top of the turret of the tank. The vigorous gas top of the master can resist the bullets of the assault rifle, and it is impossible to resist the strafing of this kind of machine guns.

As long as one or two air guns hit, the master can be seriously damaged. If he is hit by dense air guns at the same time, even the master will be killed instantly.

Zhao Fugui is directly exposed to Apache's shooting range. Once he doesn't escape Apache's strafe, I'm afraid Zhao Fugui will be seriously injured even if he doesn't die.

"Captain, get out of the way!" Lin kuangdong roared and fired wildly at Apache. The armor piercing bullet of the assault rifle hit the helicopter, and the bullet was deeply embedded in Apache's heavy armor, but it could not cause actual damage to Apache.

"Aim, aim, only one shot!" Leng Xi quickly climbed up the tree, took a deep breath, steadily put Barrett on the branch and began to aim.

Apache is like a ghost. Leng Xi can only see the tongues of fire from the machine guns on both sides of Apache. She can't see the specific positions of the driver and gunner. She can only find their positions by feeling.

Leng Xi has only one shot chance. As soon as she shoots, she will be detected by the driver's thermal imaging helmet. Apache is afraid that she will immediately launch air to surface missiles, giving priority to her sniper.

This shot is not only related to Leng Xi's own life, but also to Zhao Fugui and other members of the special action team. Leng Xi has never felt so much pressure. The whole team's life is on her shoulders.

"Death Leng Xi took a deep breath and pulled the trigger at the moment when she felt the best. The tungsten alloy arrow shaped armor piercing bullet revolves and shoots out of Barrett's muzzle. A tongue of fire lights up, and the tungsten alloy arrow shaped armor piercing bullet instantly appears in front of Apache."Damn it, there's a sniper!" At the moment Leng Xi shoots, Suzuki's hi-tech helmet detects Leng Xi's position. Suzuki's face changes greatly, but it's too late to adjust Apache's posture in the air.

Apache is not afraid of ordinary snipers, but there are still some risks in the case of heavy snipers or anti equipment snipers. If the anti equipment sniper gun or heavy sniper gun is accurate, it may hurt the driver or gunner in Apache.

In an instant, the tungsten alloy arrow shaped armor piercing bullet hit Apache. The high-strength bullet proof glass on Apache's side was immediately torn open. Even Apache's side armor was torn off. The tungsten alloy arrow shaped armor piercing bullet caused a terrible damage on Apache's armed helicopter.

"It's a special warhead. Kill that sniper!" Suzuki's face changed and he yelled.

"It's over, it's failed!" Leng Xi looks desperate, watching Apache quickly approach, and the air to ground missile on the flank of the machine gun has aimed at him.

"It's just a broken helicopter, dare to be rampant!" Zhao Fugui's eyes were cold and sharp. A two meter long golden long gun was formed on his hand. Zhao fuguimeng throws out his golden spear, which tears the darkness and instantly appears in front of Apache.

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