Super Monk

Chapter 1608

Five Humvees rushed out of the warehouse directly. There were four armed guards in each Humvee, a total of 20 people. Zhao Fugui brought eight people from the left army this time. In addition to Zhao Fugui himself, the remaining 11 people were violent bears.

"Plymouth Airport is on the west coast. It's only half an hour's drive away. I've marked out three vulnerable places. Be careful when you pass there!" The bear took out a map of Plymouth and pointed to three places with red circles on it.

"Captain, this is not Mosul. Who will attack us boring? Are you too nervous?" Mark said with disapproval.

"Shut up, mark, your carelessness will kill you sooner or later! Why do you think Lin's group pays us tens of thousands of pounds a day? " Bear glared at mark, then took out his walkie talkie and made a simple tactical report. They are obviously experts in this aspect. Zhao Fugui didn't express his opinions. On the contrary, the people of the left army listened carefully. All these are experiences gained by using their lives.

Five Humvees advanced in the night, and arrived at Plymouth Airport half an hour later. With all kinds of entry and exit documents, the bear entered the VIP user's apron directly from the special passage of the airport. Plymouth Airport is far less busy than Shangjing airport. After night, there are not many planes in the airport.

"What are you doing here?" When the motorcade entered the tarmac, Zhao Fugui saw Lin Yue with Zhang Hu with half of his face swollen, and many people from the Security Department of Lin's group also came. Zhao Fugui immediately frowned and asked.

"Mr. Zhao, I'm sorry this morning. It's all a little misunderstanding. I hope you don't mind. We're here to help today!" When Lin Yue saw Zhao Fugui, his attitude was totally different from that of the morning. He walked over with great enthusiasm, reached out to shake hands with Zhao Fugui, and said with a smile.

"I don't need your help for the task tonight, you can go!" Zhao Fugui didn't reach out at all. He said in a deep voice that there must be demons when things are abnormal. Lin Yue's attitude has changed so much. If there is no problem, there will be ghosts.

"Why is Mr. Zhao so cold? We are also for the sake of the company. The company's important equipment and materials are coming. As the head of the security department, no, no, vice minister, I must come to help!" Lin Yue didn't mean to leave. His face was stiff, but he said with a smile.

"Mr. Zhao, I'm really sorry in the morning. I'm a rude man with no brain and hot temper. Mr. Zhao, please don't mind!" Zhang Hu also hastily said.

Zhao Fugui looks at the two people whose attitudes have changed greatly and frowns tightly. There must be something wrong with the two guys' attitudes changing so fast. At this time, violent bear waves his hand, and a group of armed security guards immediately occupy the favorable terrain. Most of the people Lin Yue brings are the gangsters under his command. When these gangsters see Zhan long security guards coming, they all get out of the way.

"Here comes the plane, boss!" The bear pointed to the runway and said.

"You'd better not make trouble for me!" When Zhao Fugui saw the plane, he didn't care to talk nonsense with Lin Yue, warned them, and then walked outside the apron.

A Boeing 737 started taxiing on the runway. After a while, the giant quickly slowed down, taxied on the runway, slowly separated from the main runway and drove towards the apron.

After a while, the people on the plane came down. The plane was chartered by Lin's group, but there were not many people on the plane, only a dozen. The rest were all equipment and information.

"Mr. Zhao, this is Dr. Li Zhenning, the chief scientist of Lin group. Dr. Li Zhenning is now in charge of the research and improvement of some core products of Lin group. Please protect him!" Accompanied by these people came Lin zhinuo's secretary. After shaking hands with Zhao Fugui, Lin zhinuo's secretary introduced a white haired old man to Zhao Fugui.

The old man looked 70 or 80 years old. His hair was all white, but his face was red and he couldn't see much of his old state.

"Hello, Dr. Li. I'm the person in charge of safety here. I'm responsible for protecting your safety!" Zhao Fugui shook hands with Dr. Li Zhenning and said.

"Mr. Zhao, please!" Dr. Li said.

"Dr. Li, this way, please. We are ready for that!" Lin Yue came over and said, "Dr. Li, boss Zhao, you've come all the way. Don't be so nervous. The public security in Plymouth is good. It'll be fine. I'll be the host tonight. I'll invite you to Plymouth Hotel to have dinner and wash the dust for you. Boss Zhao, you must go with me, too!"

"No, these confidential information and equipment must be sent back to the company at the first time!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

"Mr. Zhao is right, and we are very tired after flying so long, so we won't trouble minister Lin!" Dr. Li also said politely.

"Bear, let's get on the bus!" Zhao Fugui didn't give Lin Yue the chance to object at all. He cheered directly. The bear Stormers immediately took action and soon arranged for everyone to get on the bus, and loaded the equipment and materials into the truck.

Lin Yue's face sank. He and Zhang Hu looked at each other, and there was a chill in their eyes. Their original plan was to treat Dr. Li. They cheated Zhao Fugui into Plymouth Hotel. Unexpectedly, both Zhao Fugui and Dr. Li refused. It seemed that they had to find another way.Lin Yue brought ten black Mercedes Benz with them. All the people who got off the plane were arranged in the Mercedes Benz, and the goods brought by the plane were also loaded into the minivan.

"Let's go, let's go!" See not cheat Zhao Fugui, tonight's plan can not be realized, Lin Yue impatient repeatedly urged, not waiting for Zhao Fugui their Humvee Road, Lin Yue their four or five Mercedes Benz car took the lead out of the airport.

"Keep the rest of the Benz in the middle, and we'll go too!" Lin Yue's people are still in trouble to stay in the team. Zhao Fugui doesn't care about them, so he arranges the team behind and drives out.

Two Humvees were in front, three Humvees were in the back, and five Mercedes Benz were all protected in the middle. After a while, they caught up with Lin Yue, and 15 vehicles formed a long team to drive to the direction of overseas affairs department.

"Ruan guess, they came out of the airport. Zhao Fugui and the Japanese wanted everything!" In the dark corner, a thin black figure saw the motorcade leave, and immediately took out the phone report.

"You take people to follow them and act according to our plan. Tonight we will not only grab what the Japanese want, but also kill Zhao Fugui and get a reward from Hongmen!" Said a cold voice on the phone.

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