Super Monk

Chapter 1609

"Boss, there are two cars following us all the time!" The motorcade walked twice, two dilapidated Ford cars followed from a distance, and the bear took out his walkie talkie and suddenly said to Zhao Fugui.

"The last Hummer slows down. Be careful!" Zhao Fugui glanced in the rearview mirror, took out his walkie talkie and said.

Immediately a Humvee in the team began to slow down, and there was a sound of bullets loading in the Humvee. Humvee's body and glass are bulletproof, and special reinforcement has been made. Unless it is RPG or heavy machine gun with armor piercing bullet, it is even shooting with heavy machine gun. Once the two Ford cars have problems, the people in the car can shoot them by lowering the window.

The last Hummer slowly slowed down and approached. The two Ford cars suddenly turned around and turned into a fork in the road, and soon disappeared.

"How dare a small thief like us follow us?" Bear asked with a walkie talkie. The two Ford cars just behind looked like the configuration of Plymouth street thugs. Those guys could not do anything except sell a small amount of drugs or rob two shops.

"Be careful, something may happen tonight!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice that the desolate road gave Zhao Fugui a faint smell of danger.

"Cheer me up!" The roar of the bear rang from the walkie talkie again, and the faces of the Dragon guards were dignified. The sound of loading bullets and checking ammunition soon rang out in the car. "Boss, what about the idiots in the cars ahead? If something happens, they're the targets! "

"I'll get in touch with them and get them to the back!" Zhao Fugui frowns. It's easier for a guy like Lin Yue to die, but he's all Chinese. He doesn't do anything that needs his life to fill in. Zhao Fugui picks up his walkie talkie and directly adjusts it to the public channel, so that the radio in the car can receive Zhao Fugui's voice. "Lin Yue, it may be dangerous later. Let your people back in the car!"

"Minister, Zhao Fugui said it might be dangerous!" In front of the five Mercedes Benz, there is a gangster who is tuning the car radio. When he hears Zhao Fugui's voice, he is startled. He quickly takes out his mobile phone and calls Lin Yue.

"There's a danger of fart. We have so many cars. Who dares to trouble us? Zhao Fugui is a fool. Ignore him Lin Yue growls fiercely, and then hang up the phone. He didn't cheat Zhao Fugui tonight. It's time for him to be upset.

"Minister, those guys under Zhao Fugui are all professional. We'd better be careful. I'm afraid it's really dangerous!" Zhang Hu said in a low voice.

"Afraid of a hair? Who dares to touch us? " Lin Yue is still hard mouthed, but he hesitated to say, "then slow down, drive slowly, let's wait for them to come up!"

"Yes, boss!" Just as the driver agreed, a dull noise suddenly appeared. A round hole suddenly appeared on the windshield of Mercedes Benz. The driver snorted and was directly hit in the head.

"Yes, yes!" Lin Yue screamed instantly. The Mercedes Benz suddenly lost control and hit the side of the road. Just when the car hit the side of the road, the sound of gunfire started like rain.

"Enemy attack

"Dada, dada, dada!" The piercing gunfire rang out furiously. Lin Yue's Benz hit the side of the road. The second Benz was directly exploded, blocking the way of the motorcade. There were more than a dozen shooters on both sides of the road, suddenly shooting at the motorcade.

"Cover them!" Zhao Fugui shouts in a deep voice. The two Humvees rush to the side of Mercedes Benz immediately, blocking the sweeping bullets with heavy body. At this time, they can only protect important people, and other security guards have to rely on themselves.

"There are enemies in the back, too!" Jack's voice suddenly rang from the walkie talkie. Zhao Fugui glanced back. Four or five cars were directly blocked in the back, and the two previous fords were among them. A dozen skinny, black and short guys came down from the car, all with AK47 or assault rifles, shooting from the back.

"It's the Nanyue Gang, these damned black monkeys, kill them, get out of the car, go, go, go!" The bear roared.

The five Humvees formed a line of defense, blocking the five Mercedes Benz protected by the motorcade behind. All the people of Zhanlong security company rushed down and began to fight back. One side of the Hummer is full of craters, and the bulletproof glass on one side is also full of cracks, which may break at any time.

"Kill them!" As soon as they started to fight back, the people of Nanyue Gang immediately began to suffer casualties. Although these guys had strong firepower, their shooting skills and cooperation were poor. They didn't know how much.

"Dr. Li, are you ok?" Zhao Fugui didn't care about anything else. He strode directly to the Mercedes Benz where Dr. Li was sitting. He opened the door and asked immediately.

"I'm fine, Xiao Liu is dead!" Dr. Li shook her head with trembling body. A young girl sitting on the co pilot's seat hung her head weakly. A piece of blood was flowing down. She was already dead. This girl was Dr. Li's deputy, and she must have been killed when she was shot.

"Zuo Jun, protect Dr. Li!" As soon as Zhao Fugui's eyes were cold, he immediately yelled to the left army. The left army immediately took two people and ran down. At this moment, Zhao Fugui suddenly put his hand in front of Dr. Li's head. The next moment, a long bullet hit Zhao Fugui's palm heavily, leaving a trace of blood. But it also tightly broke Zhao Fugui's skin, and even his muscles could not be hurt.After Zhao Zonggui's body strength has reached the level of no fear of fire.

"There's a sniper!" Almost as Zhao Fugui blocked the bullet, he snapped. At the moment of Zhao Fugui's voice, a strong northern European man fell to the ground with a loud snort, and a bullet hit him directly on the head.

"Nine o'clock, more than one sniper, fire down!" The fierce bear's eyes turned red in an instant, and he was ready to fight back when he mentioned Gatlin. At this time, the Gatlin in his hand was directly snatched by Zhao Fugui. "Boss!"

Bear inexplicably looked at Zhao Fugui, but saw that Zhao Fugui aimed at the direction of the sniper and fired directly.

"You can't see them!"

The two snipers were hiding one kilometer away. Although the distance didn't leave Gatling's fire gathering, the bear couldn't fight so accurately. However, Zhao Fugui didn't have this problem at all. As soon as the sky opened, Zhao Fugui clearly saw the snipers hidden in an abandoned building where the waves gathered one kilometer away.

"Buzz, buzz!" Gatling fire god crazy rotation, tracer bullets left long bullet marks in the night, the two sniper's body was instantly engulfed by the fury of Gatling Fire God.

Zhao Fugui killed two snipers, immediately turned the muzzle and came out from behind the Humvee, like a T800, and opened fire on the Gunners of the Nanyue gang.

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