Super Monk

Chapter 1610

"Boss, come back quickly, you will be killed!" The bear was so surprised that he yelled, but the next moment he opened his eyes.

Gatling, the God of fire, is constantly spitting out a long tongue of fire. This terrible heavy machine gun does not kill people at all, but tears them into flesh. The best result for anyone who is swept by this machine gun is to lose a large part of his body, and even be interrupted by someone with bad luck.

Zhao Fugui is like a life harvester, constantly harvesting the lives of those South Vietnamese people. In the blink of an eye, he beat those South Vietnamese people crying for their parents and running away madly, but the bullets from those South Vietnamese people could not cause any damage.


The bullets of the assault rifle directly hit Zhao Fugui's body. Zhao Fugui's body was like casting with fine steel. The bullets that hit Zhao Fugui's body twisted and bounced away in the blink of an eye, which could not cause the slightest killing effect.

"My God, the boss is an awakener!" Suddenly, the bear widened his eyes and cried out in disbelief. With the suppression of Zhao Fugui, the firepower of the Nanyue gang was scattered in the twinkling of an eye, and could not constitute a threat.

"Ruan guess, that Zhao Fugui is an awakener. No wonder his head is worth one billion. We can't kill him. Help me and take me away!" A member of the Nanyue Gang's leg was directly interrupted by the God of fire. He struggled to climb to Ruan Chai, the leader of the Nanyue gang.

"Do you think Hongmen's money is so easy to earn?" Ruan guess walked slowly over and grabbed the man's head fiercely. With a "click", it was like pinching a rotten watermelon to burst the man's head. Ruan guess killed his men, but it seemed that he had done nothing. He said coldly, "let them do it and kill this Chinese!"

"Boom!" Two pickup trucks suddenly rushed out of the dark corner. Seeing the two pickup trucks, the bear immediately yelled, "m2hb, hide!"

The bear's people reacted quickly and immediately fell down to protect Lin's group. In the next second, two groups of flames burst out from the trunk of two pickup trucks, and the sound of gunfire was like thunder.

The people of Nanyue Gang even prepared two vehicle mounted heavy machine guns. M2hb is a 12.7mm heavy machine gun. This kind of machine gun is close to the gun of the armed helicopter with the smallest caliber of 20mm. If Zhao Fugui had been shot by these two heavy machine guns a month ago, he would have been in a desperate situation immediately. But now the situation is completely different.

The bullets of two truck mounted heavy machine guns are sweeping towards Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui's eyes are cold, and the essence of Daoli appears in an instant. In the blink of an eye, dense bullets hit Zhao Fugui's three foot thick Daoli.

After the bullets of the truck mounted heavy machine gun barely tore apart Zhao Fugui's body protection power, they had already lost most of their kinetic energy. When they hit Zhao Fugui, they were not much more powerful than the assault rifle. Zhao Fugui was unable to make a single step against the sweeping of the two truck mounted heavy machine guns. However, the military Humvee behind Zhao Fugui was affected by the bullets of the heavy machine gun, and in the blink of an eye, the light machine gun on the vehicle The armor was torn and the whole Humvee was blown up in an instant.

"Boom!" The wreckage of Humvee soared up into the sky. Both the bear and the people of Nanyue gang were staring at each other. It was like seeing God. Zhao Fugui's strength made them feel terrible.

Staring at the strafing of two truck mounted heavy machine guns, Zhao Fugui turns the muzzle of Gatling's Vulcan with cold eyes and directly aims at a truck mounted heavy machine gun.

How many bullets meet in midair? But Zhao Fugui can block the heavy machine gun fire of Nanyue Gang, but the weak protection of Nanyue gang can't. The fierce fire instantly engulfed a pickup truck, and the Nanyue people operating heavy machine guns in the trunk of the pickup truck were torn to pieces before they could even scream.

"Boom!" A violent explosion instantly appeared, and the fire completely engulfed the pickup truck. In the terrible firepower of Gatling Vulcan, which reached 12000 per minute, the pickup truck was also torn to pieces. In front of Gatling Vulcan, the pickup truck was as fragile as paper.

The highest firing rate of Gatling Vulcan reach 12000 rounds, ten times that of m2hb. It takes only three seconds to destroy a light armored vehicle. Zhao Fugui can resist two heavy machine guns, but it's different when facing Gatling Vulcan. Zhao Fugui can't resist such firepower.

I'm afraid that only when there is no loophole in the whole body, and the meridians and Qi and blood solidify like a mountain, can the great master of horizontal training resist such attacks with his physical body.

Zhao Fugui directly destroyed a pickup truck of Nanyue gang with Gatling Fire God. Just when Zhao Fugui wanted to turn the muzzle of the gun, Gatling Fire God heard the sound of idling and had run out of bullets.

"This guy has no bullets. Kill him!" Several South Vietnamese people saw Zhao Fugui and Gatling the fire god cease fire, and immediately screamed with excitement.

"A group of monkeys from South Vietnam dare to attack our Chinese motorcade!" As soon as Zhao Fugui's eyes coagulated and his feet stepped heavily, he rushed to the last heavy truck like a heavy gun.

"Boom!" Zhao Fugui's figure almost left a remnant on the ground. In the next moment, he was like a crazy giant elephant and crashed into the last pickup truck. The pickup truck made a loud noise and was suddenly smashed into two pieces by Zhao Fugui. The truck mounted heavy machine gun in the trunk of the pickup truck also turned into a pile of scrap iron. However, Zhao Fugui grabbed the Nanyue man with one hand and held him by the neck I got it in my hand."Why did you attack our convoy?" Zhao Fugui asked coldly, carrying the South Vietnamese.

Under Zhao Fugui's terrible power, this Nanyue man was scared to pee his pants. He opened his mouth to talk, but just as he opened his mouth, there was a gunshot, which directly blew his head.

Zhao Fugui threw away the body of the South Vietnamese and turned around coldly. There were only three or four South Vietnamese still resisting in the motorcade. The rest of them had either escaped or been killed. Only one South Vietnamese with a red belt on his head appeared behind Zhao Fugui.

"We attacked you because your head is worth a billion dollars!" Ruan guess looks at Zhao Fugui without expression and throws his mobile phone at him.

Zhao Fugui catches the mobile phone and looks at the screen of the mobile phone. What is displayed on the screen is the global wanted warrant issued by Uncle Tang, the leader of Hongmen, for Zhao Fugui. The string of zero length is countless.

"Hong men wanted?" Zhao Fugui's eyes were cold. He didn't expect that Hongmen would kill him at such a high price.

"Huaxia people, you are already a dead man. No one can escape a billion dollars reward. You are dead!" Ruan guess stares at Zhao Fugui and gasps fiercely, then his whole body changes.

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