Super Monk

Chapter 1628

"Boom!" The world in front of Zhao Fugui's eyes was immediately torn apart and collapsed. Gonzek's face changed greatly, and a strange light appeared in his eyes to stop the collapse. However, the power of Zhao Fugui's Yin God was far beyond his imagination, and the collapsed world was completely destroyed in a meal.

"Brother Zhao?" Anxin exclaimed. She only felt that the world before her seemed to fluctuate. Then Zhao Fugui and a stranger appeared in the alley, but just a second ago, Zhao Fugui and the stranger were not there.

The handcuffed black man was still lying on the ground, his legs were constantly pedaling, and he seemed to be running for his life. This guy was running and shouting, and it took him a long time to calm down.

"Why am I still here?" The black man looked at the bloody ground in horror and murmured in horror. He had been running for his life in Plymouth, which had become an empty city, but now he was back where he was, as if he had never run for his life.

"Sure enough Zhao Fugui looked at himself. There was no scar on his body. None of the wounds he had been stabbed in before were gone. There was no blood on the ground. Zhao Fugui was not injured at all. "You can make so many people hallucinate. Who are you?"

"I'm not only called 'Skinner' gonsek, but also called the king of spirit by many people!" Said gonsek with a twinkling eye.

"The king of spirit? Your mental power is really very strong, and you can create such a perfect illusion. The two earth awakeners you killed before were scared to death because of yourself, right Zhao Fugui said coldly.

The mental power of this gangsek is strange and powerful. What he creates is not only illusion, but also pain. Illusion, pain, combined with gangsek's action and language, if he accidentally takes the road, not to mention the great master's strong one, I'm afraid even the stronger one can kill him.

Even the strong one of the great master Yier chongtian is not as powerful as Zhao Fugui's spiritual power. The Yin God is the condensation of spiritual power according to the Western saying. The ordinary strong one of Yier santian can't coagulate the Yin God. Without the Yin God, even if they can see through the illusion, I'm afraid they can't easily break the illusion.

Gonsek can use his mental power to condense something similar to "domain". In this "domain", he can basically be said to be God. Zhao Fugui, such a strange enemy, has never met before.

What's more, gonzek's illusion is not just frightening. In the field, he really has powerful attack ability, but Zhao Fugui's body is comparable to the great master of horizontal training, and there is almost no weakness in his body. Without strong enough attack power, it is impossible to hurt Zhao Fugui.

Gang SEK knew that Zhao Fugui was the earth awakener, but he didn't expect that Zhao Fugui was an extremely powerful "defensive awakener". He didn't have the ability to directly cause damage to Zhao Fugui, and he didn't carry enough weapons to threaten Zhao Fugui. Therefore, he had to change his strategy to make Zhao Fugui scare himself to death.

Gonsek has almost succeeded, but he didn't expect that Zhao Fugui is very confident in his body. Zhao Fugui never believes that an ordinary dagger can hurt him, which is the biggest flaw of gonsek.

What's more, the subsequent attack of gonzek also confirmed Zhao Fugui's conjecture. There are dozens of killers lurking in Plymouth, the world's top killer organizations. Everyone wants to hunt Zhao Fugui. In this case, gang SEK didn't kill Zhao Fugui as soon as possible and got the reward. Instead, he attacked Zhao Fugui with a knife. This is another huge flaw.

The accumulation of these flaws makes Zhao Fugui feel that everything in front of him is actually an illusion. This illusion can blind Zhao Fugui's vision, smell and even feelings, but it can't blind Zhao Fugui's Yin God, unless the mental power of gangsek is far stronger than Zhao Fugui's Yin God. Obviously, gangsek's mental power is not so strong.

"One of the two earth awakeners was scared to death by me, and the other was stabbed and killed by me!" Gang SEK said with a grim smile, "I didn't expect that you could break my spiritual illusion. You Chinese strong people are really not simple!"

"Brother Zhao, are you ok?" Anxin was also frightened by the strange situation just now. She nervously pointed a gun at Gang SEK and asked anxiously.

"I'm fine. Come here!" Zhao Fugui takes a look at an Xin. Seeing that she's OK, he stares at Gang SEK coldly and says, "your spiritual fantasy is your biggest dependence, right? Without this thing, your strength is less than that of the earth awakener. Since you want to kill me, I will not let you go! "

Zhao Fugui's body is about to start. Just at this time, an Xin suddenly turns the muzzle of her gun to shoot Zhao Fugui.

An Xin is obviously affected by hallucinations, I'm afraid that Zhao Fugui is just like gyansek. Zhao Fugui frowns and ignores the bullets shot by an Xin and takes an Xin's gun. Anxin's gunshot wound can't reach Zhao Fugui, but if Gang SEK hallucinates Anxin to shoot the black people on the ground or the two killers, if she kills someone, Anxin will collapse when she knows the truth. After all, she is just an ordinary college student.

Anxin sees that just Seke rushes towards her fiercely, and she is scared to shoot immediately. Unexpectedly, the gun is taken away immediately. But randomly Anxin sees that the person she shoots is Zhao Fugui, and Anxin is stunned immediately."Gonsek, since you've done something to me, do you still want to run away?" Zhao Fugui smashed the pistol, stepped a little, and immediately chased gangsek with a very fast speed.

Gang SEK's face changed greatly. He threw the dagger back. Zhao Fugui flicked his finger. The dagger immediately made a crisp sound and stabbed it on the wall on one side of the alley. The dagger didn't stop Zhao Fugui at all. Even for a second, Zhao Fugui's figure flashed behind gunseck and hit gunseck on the back.

"Damn it Just in the eyes of the light suddenly bright up, his figure suddenly twisted up, Zhao Fugui's punch unexpectedly failed.

"Your mental exertion is so powerful that it can disturb me!" Zhao Fugui is surprised to say that he has released the Yin God, and it's useless for him to have the Yin God covering the spiritual field of gangsaike, but he didn't expect that gangsaike still has a way to temporarily interfere with Zhao Fugui's attack.

"You want to kill me, it's not that easy!" Gang SEK gasped heavily. Zhao Fugui's mental strength was too strong. It was not easy to interfere with his hand. Gang SEK rushed out of the alley with a cold face. Outside the alley was the busy street, and countless visitors and residents were walking in the street.

Gang SEK's eyes flashed, and those tourists and residents immediately screamed in fear. Groups of people rushed to Zhao Fugui desperately.

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