Super Monk

Chapter 1629

The street was calm, but the crowd who ran to Zhao Fugui didn't think so. In their eyes, two terrorists suddenly appeared on the calm street, and the two terrorists kept shooting at the crowd with guns.

Soon someone fell down. There were death and screams everywhere. Everyone was scared. Everyone was running away and screaming. These people rushed to Zhao Fugui like frightened cattle.

There are at least hundreds of people on this street. Gunseck obviously wants to use the frightened crowd as a cover to escape. As soon as Zhao Fugui frowns, he immediately spreads his perception. Zhao Fugui's perception can be as far as 100 meters, and it's no doubt that Yin God travels for 10 miles. As soon as Zhao Fugui releases his perception, he immediately covers the street within 100 meters.

The street is only a hundred meters long. As soon as Zhao Fugui's perception is released, it immediately envelops the surrounding. Ordinary people are just fireflies in Zhao Fugui's perception. Gonzek is different. He is a strong man close to the awakening of the earth. In Zhao Fugui's perception, he is as dazzling as a torch. As soon as Zhao Fugui's perception is released, he immediately finds the general position of gonzek.

But just at this time, just like a torch in the dark, the light of gonzek faded quickly. In the twinkling of an eye, he was almost the same as ordinary people.

"Why? He can restrain his breath. It's really a bit of a doorman! " Zhao Fugui's eyes flashed and he said to himself, but just a moment ago, he had already noticed the general position of gang SEK. With a move in his heart, Yin Shen rushed directly to that position.

When Zhao Fugui's Yin God arrived, he was just like himself. Even if Gang SEK had restrained his breath, he could not escape the eyes of the Yin God. As long as there were a few seconds, Zhao Fugui could find Gang SEK, but at this time, Zhao Fugui's body was hit by someone.

"Run away, Huaxia people, someone is shooting!" A blonde little beauty bumps into Zhao Fugui in a panic. Seeing that Zhao Fugui is not moving against the crowd, she shouts to Zhao Fugui in English nervously.

It's a pity that Zhao Fugui can't understand English, but from the little beauty's anxious expression, Zhao Fugui can probably guess what she is saying.

As soon as Zhao Fugui reaches out his hand, he pulls the little beauty behind her and lets her continue to escape. This collective illusion is hard for Zhao Fugui to get rid of. After all, he has not studied mental power.

"Huaxia people, run, you will be killed!" The little beauty is blocked by Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui's tall body is like a haven. But the little beauty didn't run away immediately. Instead, she gave Zhao Fugui a complicated look and said in stiff Chinese.

"No one's shooting. You can go by yourself." Zhao Fugui said casually, but it was the delay of a few seconds that gonzek's figure disappeared completely. Zhao Fugui tried his best to release his perception, and the Yin God kept looking for it, but he couldn't find gonzek's figure. This guy hid like a cunning mouse.

There are hundreds of people running wildly in the street. Zhao Fugui knows that gangsaike must be hiding among these people, but there are too many people here, and they are all in a hurry to run for their lives. They can't stop them at all. In a short time, some people run away from them.

Little blonde saw Zhao Fugui standing calmly and didn't mean to run away. She even stopped nervously, but in a few seconds she was surprised.

"How did those two terrorists disappear?" The little blonde asked in English. The terrorist in front of her disappeared miraculously.

"What did you say?" Zhao Fugui's face is dignified, and he let gangsaike escape. This guy's spirit is too strange. If he is well prepared next time, he will be in big trouble if he is not careful.

"I said yes, those two bad guys are gone!" Little blonde frowned and said difficultly. It was obvious that she could understand Chinese, but what she said was difficult.

"There are no bad people, and you should practice your Chinese more!" Zhao Fugui frowned, turned and walked to the alley. After an hour of psychic fantasy, the street soon calmed down, leaving only a group of people at a loss and the police car speeding up.

"Thank you for your help, sir. My name is Vivian. Nice to meet you!" The little blonde looks at Zhao Fugui strangely and shouts hard.

Zhao Fugui waved his hand and soon disappeared in the alley. Vivian looks at Zhao Fugui angrily. She is a little princess at home. This time, she almost has an accident. She not only scares her, but also meets a strange person who completely ignores her.

At this time, two big black off-road vehicles quickly drove over and stopped at Vivian's side. Several people in black suits, with arms in their hands, immediately came down.

"Miss, please come home with us!" A blonde in her twenties got out of the car and said to Vivian.

"I've only been out for an hour!" Vivian said reluctantly, she just came out less than an hour, did not expect to be found, Vivian said reluctantly.

"Miss!" Blonde tone serious, look stern looking at Vivian said.

"Well, sooner or later, I'll run away a little bit!" Weiwei Ann reluctantly on the car, also unwilling to say."Find out what's going on, if someone wants to attack the young lady!" The blonde turned to the bodyguard in black suit and sunglasses and said coldly.

"Yes The two black suits nodded at once.

At the same time, Zhao Fugui has entered the alley.

"Brother Zhao, are you ok?" An Xin just saw Zhao Fugui and gang SEK rush out of the alley one after another, and many frightened tourists escape from the alley. She doesn't know what happened. Now she is relieved to see Zhao Fugui come back.

"I'm ok. I'll take you back to school. Recently, the situation outside is more complicated. You stay in school and don't walk around!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Yes Anxin nods nervously. What happened just now has scared her. Even if she wants to let her out, she doesn't want to. Anxin looks at the two killers on the ground and asks, "what do they do?"

The two killers were in a coma. The black man who had just been handcuffed had already taken advantage of the trouble to escape. At this time, he did not know where to go.

"Leave them alone and let the police take care of them!" Zhao Fugui glanced at the two policemen and said casually that these two guys were just small characters. They were not even qualified to accept the reward offered by Hong Gang. Zhao Fugui had no interest in killing them. "The police are coming. Let's go!"

The harsh siren came out of the alley, and a large crowd of police had arrived.

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