Super Monk

Chapter 1753

Matsumoto Musashi never thought that he would die like this. His head was cut off and rolled on the ground for a few times. Then he saw the man who cut off his head. He saw the incredible expression on Matsumoto Musashi's face. Unfortunately, he couldn't make a sound at all. He could only look at the man who cut off his head.

"Master, I killed Matsumoto Musashi. Please forgive me for being late and not being able to help my master!" Takero Matsumoto cut off Matsumoto Musashi's head, and "Putong" knelt down on the ground, deeply lying on the ground, shaking all over.

Matsumoto's whole body trembles. One is afraid, the other is excited. He is extremely afraid of Zhao Fugui. This kind of fear has deepened just now. The reason for the excitement is that he cut off Matsumoto's head. Matsumoto Musashi wants to prove the realm of sword God, which Matsumoto Hara will never be able to set foot in. This makes Matsumoto Hara hate Matsumoto Musashi. So he wants to cut off his head and let him taste the taste of never being able to set foot in the realm of sword God.

"I asked you to kill him?" Zhao Fugui's eyes into the electricity to see a Matsumoto Kuro one eye, light asked. Matsumoto's killing his master is disgusting to Zhao Fugui. No matter whether Matsumoto Musashi has taught Matsumoto, he has also taught Matsumoto's true biography, which gives him far more power than ordinary people. Otherwise, Matsumoto's true martial arts world may not have Matsumoto's number one.

"Master, Matsumoto Musashi is a villain. I killed him to show my loyalty to the master!" Matsumoto harahara a face scared of tightly lying on the ground, panic quickly said. Zhao Fugui can even kill Matsumoto Musashi. I'm afraid it's easier to kill him than a mole ant.

"Matsumoto Musashi is a hypocrite, and you are a real villain!" Zhao Fugui coldly said that Matsumoto Musashi and Matsumoto Hara are like Yue buqun and Lin Pingzhi, one is a hypocrite, the other is a real villain, let alone who is worse.

"Master, I don't dare any more. Please forgive me!" Kojiro Matsumoto pleaded with a face of fear, his head has been deeply buried in the soil, like a frightened quail.

"You will go back to Fusang tomorrow and enter Yamada pharmaceutical. I want to know the trend of Yamada picturesque sands!" The cold light in Zhao Fugui's eyes flashed. Killing Matsumoto was as easy as killing a chicken or a dog, but Matsumoto may be useful. Moreover, he killed Matsumoto Musashi today. If the news spreads, not only Matsumoto Musashi's other apprentices, but also those sword slaves will not let him go, even Yamada's painting sand will not let him go.

"Master, please don't let me leave. I'm willing to serve my master all my life and be the most loyal slave!" Kuro Matsumoto said quickly that he thought Zhao Fugui was testing him, but he didn't expect that he didn't even have the qualification to let Zhao Fugui test him.

"Don't let me say it a second time, you can go!" Zhao Fugui light said, Mori cold murderous gas let Matsumoto Hara shiver, he immediately dropped his head lower.

"Yes, master, I will keep an eye on Shantian picturesque sand!" Kojiro Matsumoto kneels on the ground, rubbing his knees against the ground, and slowly retreats to the distance.

Takero Matsumoto also took Matsumoto Musashi's head when he left. Yamada's original purpose was to let Matsumoto Musashi take back Zhao Fugui's head. Now she can only see Matsumoto Musashi's head.

Zhao Fugui takes a look at Matsumoto Musashi's body. Then he turns his eyes and looks at another body not far away. The body has almost been torn up. Unfortunately, he appears at the place where the sword light falls. Although only a little of the afterwave of the sword light falls on him, the afterwave of the sword light cuts off his arm and almost tears his upper body to pieces His flesh and blood fell around, and he couldn't see the original appearance.

"Early rice wild nine male? Or something else Yamada developed? " Zhao Fugui saw the corpse's arm not far away. The corpse's arm was a ferocious snake's head. The snake's head opened its mouth wide and looked ferocious. Zhao Fugui had seen this kind of snake's head on zaodaoye Jiunan before, but he was not sure whether the corpse was zaodaoye Jiunan's.

Last time, in the secret laboratory of Fusang Shantian pharmaceutical, Zhao Fugui set up a bomb. According to the truth, there should be no survivors in such a degree of explosion. This corpse is unlikely to be the one of zaodaoyejiu, or a new monster created by Shantian pharmaceutical.

However, Zhao Fugui just looked at the corpse and didn't pay attention to it. No matter whether the corpse belonged to zaodaoye Jiunan or not, it didn't affect Zhao Fugui. Now the monster can't affect Zhao Fugui any more.

"Boss, you killed both of these guys?" Zhao Fugui came to him with fear and awe in his face.

"Both of them are dead!" Zhao Fugui said lightly, "take our bodies away, let's leave here!"

"Yes, boss!" The black snake did not dare to have the slightest objection, and said with sincerity that when they were in the training room, some of their mercenaries were still a little unconvinced, but now the black snake was convinced and immediately went to carry the bodies near the wreckage of the tanker. "Boss, only two bodies have been found. The other one is missing!"

In addition, I'm afraid that the body was directly vaporized in the war between Zhao Fugui and Matsumoto Musashi just now. It's normal if it can't be found."If we can't find it, let's get out of here!" Zhao Fugui looked at more than a dozen police cars coming in a hurry several kilometers away and said to the black snake.

Black snake rushed to drive, and soon left with Zhao Fugui. A few minutes later, a dozen Plymouth police cars arrived at the scene.

"God, is there an air bomb exploding here?" A Plymouth policeman said in surprise when he saw the situation here.

"Someone called the police and said they saw a meteorite. Maybe it was caused by the meteorite falling down!" Another Plymouth policeman said, looking at the huge pit in front of him.

"If it's a meteorite that can leave such a big crater, the meteorite must be not small. Find out where the meteorite is!" Another Plymouth policeman said, while several policemen peered into the pit.

"Come here, there's a survivor!" Just at this time, a police officer suddenly called out. The medical staff of an ambulance ran in a hurry and saw that the corpse of HAYANO Kazuo man trembled.

"This man is still alive after being hurt like this!" A medical staff said in surprise, but at this time, the corpse suddenly bit a medical staff's neck.

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