Super Monk

Chapter 1754

This corpse not only had his arms cut off, but also his flesh and blood were almost smashed. Even there was a huge wound on his head. The wound almost cut off the corpse's head completely. If he was a normal person, he would have died after such a serious wound.

The medical staff in Plymouth made the same judgment, but the corpse was not dead. Instead, it would suddenly sit up and hurt people. No one thought this would happen.

"Monster, there are monsters!" At the moment of being attacked by the corpse, all the three medical staff around them were stunned and didn't respond for a long time. Until the bitten medical staff trembled, almost absorbed all the blood, and then a large piece of meat was torn off his neck. The body of the medical staff trembled on the ground, and then fell to the ground and died.

Sucking up a person's blood, and ferociously swallowing a large piece of flesh and blood, the body of zaodaoye Jiunan began to recover quickly, and the wound on his head began to recover at the speed visible to the naked eye.

"There are monsters!" Several medical staff around them were stunned. They didn't react until HAYANO Jiunan fixed his ferocious snake eyes on them. With a scream, they turned around and ran away.

After his head was severely injured, his IQ also seemed to be greatly affected. He didn't choose to run away immediately. Instead, he twisted the snake's tail and chased one of the medical staff. As like as two peas, the

, the early nine wild male, is now in the same shape. His legs were originally snake tail. After losing two snake arms, he had a bare trunk left on his upper part. After the head was hit, the head of the early rice wild nine man has become more and more like a terrible snake head. His whole appearance looks like a horrible monster. Snake.

"There are monsters, there are monsters!" As soon as several medical staff called, a group of police responded immediately. After seeing the appearance of Hayao nojiu, they did not hesitate to shoot Hayao nojiu.

In an instant, Nino Hayao was fired by more than a dozen Plymouth police. The police in Plymouth were not like the police in China. They almost had pistols, even semi-automatic rifles, assault rifles and other weapons. These police had all kinds of heavy and light weapons. In the blink of an eye, a bullet swept past Nino Hayao.

Although he was shot by ordinary bullets, he quickly caught up with a medical staff member. As soon as he rolled his tail, he rolled up the medical staff member and then bit off the head of the medical staff member.

The other medical staff's legs softened, and the faces of a group of shooting policemen also showed a look of fear. But at this time, HAYANO Jiunan suddenly screamed and vomited out his head, which had been swallowed in his mouth. A huge wound had been cut out on his head by sword Qi. Although it had just healed, a bullet just shot into the window , hit the brain of HAYANO Nino.

He let out a howl of pain, then rolled on the ground a few times, then turned around and rushed to the dark. A group of police followed him for a while, but they didn't dare to chase him into the dark. After a while, they couldn't see his shadow at all. Then a group of police stopped shooting.

"What kind of monster is that?" A young policeman murmured, trembling all over. Seeing the two bodies on the ground, the policeman was trembling all over, and his face was even more white and frightening.

"It's like a snake!" Said another policeman.

"No, it's not a snake, it's not a monster, it's an alien. The meteorite seen by the residents here before is a crashed UFO. It must be an alien who escaped from the UFO, damned evil alien!" Another older policeman said with a positive face.

"Don't talk nonsense. The monster has escaped. Report immediately. You must find the monster, or it may cause big trouble!" A sergeant snapped.

No one expected that the news of the discovery of aliens in the suburb of Plymouth would spread like wildfire the next day. After all, this is Britain. Many people don't believe in snake spirits, but it's easy to believe in aliens. Even many people living in other cities came to look for the traces left by aliens.

A cordon was soon set up here, and the overseas branch of Lin's group was even informed soon after, because it was found that the oil tanker was rented by Lin's group. Unfortunately, it seems that the oil tanker was destroyed by meteorite.

Zhao Fugui didn't expect that the vitality of the corpse he saw was so tenacious that he was not killed completely because of the injury. If he had seen it earlier and mended the corpse, the monster would have died completely.

The extraterrestrial affairs in the suburb of Plymouth are constantly fermenting. That night, Kojiro Matsumoto found Yamada pharmaceutical's contact point in Plymouth, asked Yamada pharmaceutical's people in Plymouth to arrange a private plane, and sent him back to Fusang overnight. As soon as he returned to Fusang, he immediately went to see Yamada huilisha.

"Yuanwulang, it's very nice that you didn't die. Did Matsumoto Musashi kill Zhao Fugui and save you?" Yamada hirisha saw Matsumoto's appearance and asked in surprise. The Yamada family thought Matsumoto and Yamada had already died, but did not expect Matsumoto to come back alive."Miss tulisha, I have been detained by Zhao Fugui these days. I was tortured. Zhao Fugui released me last night!" Mr. Matsumoto said.

"Are you caught by Zhao Fugui?" There was a cold light in erisha's eyes. He looked at taro Matsumoto suspiciously and asked, "then why did he let you go?"

"He said that there was a gift for miss tulisa. I must send it back myself. That's why he let me go!" Kojiro Matsumoto immediately said that he had thought about this for a long time. Without a reason, Yamada would not believe him any more.

"What gift?" Yamada's eyebrows wrinkled, and a sudden unexpected premonition rose in his heart.

"That's it. Zhao Fugui said that she must open it by herself!" Takero Matsumoto took out a square box from his backpack and put it on the table in front of erisha respectfully.

"What is this?" With a frown, he slowly opened the wooden box, and his face immediately became very gloomy. What was in the box was Matsumoto Musashi's angry head.

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