Super Monk

Chapter 1755

"Matsumoto Musashi is dead?" Yamada's face turned ugly. Matsumoto Musashi was a first-class master of Fusang kendo. He had a great reputation in Fusang's Secret martial arts circle. Matsumoto Musashi even had a sword slave who was the president of Fusang's major Kendo associations. He was just like the emperor in Fusang's Kendo circle.

Yamada originally thought that letting Matsumoto Musashi kill Zhao Fugui was a sure thing. After all, Matsumoto Musashi began to learn sword at the age of five, and now he has practiced sword for 60 years. However, Zhao Fugui is only in his twenties. Even if he started to practice martial arts from his womb, he can't be better than Matsumoto Musashi.

Not to mention that in order to make sure that there is no mistake, Yamada also sent Hayao nokono to help Matsumoto Musashi hunt Zhao Fugui. It's absolutely safe for Matsumoto Musashi and zaodaoye Nino to fight. But I didn't expect Matsumoto Musashi's head to be sent back.

"Yes, miss tulisa, please take revenge for the teacher!" Matsumoto's face pretended to show a face of hatred expression, deeply knelt down in Yamada's face said.

"I will certainly take revenge on Mr. Matsumoto Musashi, but Zhao Fugui's strength is beyond my expectation. What about HAYANO? Didn't he do it? " The cold light in Yamada's eyes flickered and asked coldly.

"Zaodaoye jiunanjun also died. Zhao Fugui showed me his body. His body was seriously injured, but it seems that Zhao Fugui didn't pay attention to him, so he didn't let me bring back his head!" Mr. Matsumoto said.

"Zhao Fugui can kill Matsumoto Musashi and zaodaoye Jiunan together. He is so powerful!" Yamada's face is gloomy. Zhao Fugui's strength and talent are so strong that he can't be used by him. At the thought of this, he hates Zhao Fugui even more.

"Matsumoto Musashi is dead, and so is zaodaoye Jiunan. How about Yamada Chengwu?" Yamada's eyes flickered. He didn't know what he thought of. He continued to ask.

Yamada 56's father and Yamada Chengwu's father are like two ends of the scale. Being a metropolis at any end threatens Yamada's ruling position in the Yamada family. If Yamada Chengwu dies, it will have a great influence on his family. What's more, once Matsumoto Musashi died, the power of Yamada's family itself was severely damaged. This is a very troublesome thing.

"Mr. Yamada, I haven't seen him all the time. I don't know his life or death!" Matsumoto won't know how Zhao Fugui will arrange Yamada Chengwu, so he doesn't dare to say anything, just that he doesn't know his life or death.

"You go down first!" Yamada, looking at Matsumoto Musashi's head, looks gloomy. After a while, he says slowly.

"Miss tulisa, how can we revenge our teacher? Now only the strong of Li gaoye, or the master of Jiahe Shengui sect, can be sure to kill Zhao Fugui! " Matsumoto wants to test Yamada's next move, so he asks.

"With Zhao Fugui's strength, it's hard for us to kill him easily!" Yamada's eyes twinkled and said that the top strongmen of rigono and Jiahe ghost sect are not so easy to move, but a little weaker. For example, Matsumoto Musashi, the first-class strongman, may not be able to kill Zhao Fugui. If the strong actors damage the masters, I'm afraid both rigono and Jiahe ghost sect will be dissatisfied. Drawing in sand don't want because of the assassination of Zhao Fugui, cause in high wild and Jiahe God ghost Zong dissatisfaction.

"We Yamada family are not the only ones who want to kill Zhao Fugui. The enemy of the enemy is friends. The Yamada family is already in contact with some forces. I believe they will soon be able to persuade them to deal with Zhao Fugui together!" He said coldly, "what's more, in China, we have also encouraged some people to take action soon. At that time, we will be able to use the power of thunder to eradicate Zhao Fugui and his power!"

"Miss tulisa, I don't know what force we are cooperating with?" Matsumoto was surprised and asked. He thought, this is important news. If you can find out the details and pass them on, it will be a great contribution to the master.

"Don't ask about things you shouldn't ask. You can go!" Yamada's eyes flashed and said coldly.

"Yes, miss tulisa!" Matsumoto shivered and said respectfully. After seeing Matsumoto Musashi's real strength, Matsumoto has a clearer understanding of Yamada's strength. These swordsmen have no qualification to question Yamada's strength.

Just as Kuro Matsumoto was about to quit, Yamada 56 came straight in with a dignified face. A secretary of Yamada's painting Lisha followed in panic. She wanted to stop Yamada 56, but she was pushed away by Yamada 56 mercilessly.

"Master!" The Secretary couldn't stop Yamada. He bowed to him in a hurry. He was sorry and flustered.

"You go out first!" Yamada picturesque waved his hand, turned to look at Yamada 56 and said, "uncle, your behavior is very impolite!"

"I'm your elder. I need to wait for him to visit you. Isn't that more impolite?" Then he said, "it's a big blow for me to see matsutada Kenzo's death, but it's my eyes.""Matsumoto's death is indeed a great loss. I will avenge him!" Yamada said coldly.

"At present, the funding gap in the laboratory is very large. Since Matsumoto Musashi is dead and Yamada Chengwu is missing, I hope I can control the sales and financial power of Yamada pharmaceutical and speed up the research of the laboratory!" Yamada just revealed his purpose and said that he wanted to gain more power.

"Uncle, Yamada pharmaceutical's sales and financial power are naturally controlled by someone. Don't worry about uncle, uncle can manage your laboratory well!" With a flash of cold light in his eyes, Yamada said forcefully that before takero Matsumoto had time to leave, he trembled with fear when he heard the undisguised power struggle of the Yamada family.

"Tulisha, your plan killed Matsumoto Musashi in the war. In this family .!” Yamada's words were not finished when he was directly interrupted by Yamada's painting.

"Mujun, Matsumoto Musashi died in the war. Please send his head back to duanshuiliu for worship!" Yamada picturesque light said, and then behind her shadow, a tall warrior slowly stood up, the warrior's whole body is shrouded in foot, see this warrior, Yamada 56's face instantly gloomy down.

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