Super Monk

Chapter 1782

"What? Are all the big four of Hongmen dead? " Yamada said incredulously. The four giants of Hongmen are not like cats and dogs. They have been famous for decades. Even the weakest Hongmen saints are the masters of Hongmen. The great power of Hongmen and their own strength make the giants of Hongmen become the existence that many forces look up to.

What's more, Yamada pharmaceutical uses the latest new medicine that can forcibly burn the potential and enhance the strength, and forcibly promotes the black widow Vera and Thor oreira to the level of the earth awakener. How can Zhao Fugui have the chance to survive when the black widow Vera and the thunder god oreira, together with red dragon Alonso, and three earth awakeners attack at the same time?

Although Zhao Fugui killed Kensei Matsumoto Musashi, although Matsumoto Musashi is a Kensei with great fame, Yamada 56 doesn't think Matsumoto Musashi is stronger than anyone else. After all, Matsumoto Musashi hides his strength, which Yamada 56 doesn't know.

But I didn't expect that the four giants of Hongmen wanted to kill Zhao Fugui at the same time, but Zhao Fugui killed them all. This is simply impossible.

"Are you sure all the big four in Hongmen are dead?" Yamada can't help but confirm once again that if all the four giants of Hongmen die, it will be a great event in the dark world. Hongmen hasn't suffered such a loss for many years. Once this news is passed on, I'm afraid that uncle Tang, the leader of Hongmen, will soon vomit blood. The power of Hongmen is bound to be very strong. I'm afraid that uncle Tang will go out of the mountain and take a seat These are areas where you can't afford to lose.

"Yes, Mr. Yamada, Alonso's heart was crushed, aurella's body was almost cut open with a knife, the black widow's body was punched with a big hole, and the dark left hand pondo was left with a skeleton!" Yamada 56's men said nervously, "Zhao Fugui disappeared after killing the four giants of the Hong Gang. He may be coming back!"

"Damn bastard, this Zhao Fugui is only 20 years old, how can he be so strong!" Yamada scolded angrily. If Zhao Fugui is allowed to come back, it's hard to say whether they can withdraw from the overseas branch, let alone rob the overseas branch. Although the three strong men brought by Yamada this time are also the awakeners of the earth, since Zhao Fugui can kill the four giants of Hongmen, he can also kill them.

"Let's get those experimental bodies on the ground and grab things immediately. We have to evacuate them within ten minutes!" Yamada roared.

"Yes, sir!" Someone nearby got the order and immediately began to arrange. A minute later, a huge container truck rushed to the wall of the overseas branch.

"Captain, a container truck is coming!" The container truck rushed to the wall of the building crazily. Immediately, the Zhanlong security guard found it and cried out.

"Get rid of him, get rid of him!" Cried the bear. Without hesitation, the left army picked up a shoulder mounted rocket launcher and was about to launch it. The bear yelled, "turn on inertial guidance, infrared guidance can't hit the car!"

Zuo Jun had trained these in China before, but in actual combat, the situation was totally different. He only focused on the enemy and the container truck, and forgot this. If it wasn't for the warning from the bear, Zuo Jun couldn't remember to adjust the tracking mode.

"Hum!" The left army adjusted the shooting mode and pulled the trigger hard. A bullet shot out in an instant. The subsonic rocket appeared in front of the container truck in the blink of an eye. The container truck just hit the wall and smashed the wall away. Almost at the same time, the rocket hit the front of the container truck.

"Boom!" A huge explosion broke out in an instant, half of the body of the container truck was overturned, and the whole front of the truck was blown up directly. The body of the truck was so fierce that it crushed the wall of the overseas branch. The carriage moved tens of meters, bringing out a large spark, and finally stopped in the center of the yard in front of the overseas branch building.

"Bang!" The carriage stopped in the middle of the yard of the overseas building. Then the carriage was suddenly torn apart, and a huge steel plate was directly knocked open. The carriage was lifted out. The huge steel plate was almost three meters high, more than ten meters wide, or even more than half a meter thick. I'm afraid that such a large steel plate might weigh at least several tons, but it was carried by several people with bare upper body, and flew to the overseas branch building It's coming.

The muscles of these people are very strong, and the green tendons are like the roots of trees. The green tendons grow on the muscles like ugly insects, which makes their muscles look extremely ferocious. It's nothing if it's just some terrible muscles. These guys with extremely developed muscles still have huge scales on the outside of their bodies, and those fist sized scales grow all over their bodies.

It was these ugly guys, four of them carrying tons of heavy steel plates, who rushed to the overseas branch building.

"Kill them, don't let them get near!" The fierce bear's face changed greatly and roared fiercely. The Gatling Fire God and three light machine guns in his hand swept towards the heavy steel plate.

"Dangdangdang!" Dense bullet heads hit the heavy steel plate like raindrops, but even though these machine guns are made of armor piercing bullets, even though Gatling's fire speed is crazy, only shallow craters can be left in front of the steel plate as thick as half a meter, which can't kill the experimental body behind.These experimental subjects also seem to have little wisdom and no fear at all. They carry heavy steel plates, and even if the dense warheads on the steel plates hit the steel plates like a storm, they did not hesitate to retreat.

"Boom!" A shouldered rocket was shot hard and hit the heavy steel plate instantly. The heavy steel plate was like a huge bell sounded by Juli, and the terrible echo swept out. The thick steel plate was concave inward, and there was a terrible huge pit. A guy carrying the steel plate was crushed to pieces by the terrible shock, and became a piece of flesh and blood mud in an instant, but there was something else left But without any hesitation, the three subjects continued to rush forward, carrying the steel plate that had not been blown through. In front of them, they were only 40 or 50 meters away from the building of the overseas branch.

These shoulder rockets brought by bear are the warheads of anti infantry, anti light armored and anti armed helicopters. He didn't prepare anti tank armor piercing bullets. After all, Plymouth is a modern peaceful city, and it's not a war zone. Bear didn't think that anyone might drive a tank to attack the buildings of Lin's group. Now, no one really drives a tank But someone came carrying the steel plate equivalent to the front armor of the tank.

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