Super Monk

Chapter 1783

"Blow up the ground, blow up the ground in front of them!" The left army has blasted a shoulder mounted rocket. Just now, in order to prevent those earth awakeners from approaching, six Rockets have been fired on this side of the building. Now there are only two left. After the left army hit this one in his hand, there was only one rocket left over from the other Dragon Guard.

"Boom!" The last rocket ejected its tail flame, and in the blink of an eye, it blasted hard on the ground in front of the three experimental bodies carrying the steel plate. A huge explosion appeared from the feet of these guys, and the heavy steel plate was suddenly overturned by the air wave. One of the three experimental bodies was directly broken, and the other two were also directly exposed under the muzzle of the gun.

"Dada, dada, dada!" The bear took the opportunity to turn the muzzle of Gatling's firegod, and a single bullet swept through. The remaining two experimental bodies were far stronger and more resistant than ordinary people. I'm afraid that small caliber pistols could not kill them. If the assault rifle wanted to kill them, they would need at least half a bullet, but these were useless in front of Gatling.

"Poop, poop, poop, poop!" In the blink of an eye, the two subjects were engulfed by the barrage of Gatling Fire God. A barrage directly tore up the two subjects, and in the blink of an eye, they became two pieces of rotten meat.

"Damn it, don't come in so easily!" The bear opened his mouth and grinned, but in a moment his smile froze on his face. A bright knife light suddenly cuts the steel plate, and three earth awakeners appear from behind the lifted steel plate at the same time. They are in a shape of a meal. In the blink of an eye, they fly tens of meters away, and rush into the building at the moment when the fire network of the building is broken.

"They're coming in. Keep the lab. keep the lab!" The fierce bear hit the wall with an angry fist, and a bloody fist mark appeared on the wall. Unexpectedly, one of them accidentally let the three earth awakeners into the building. Once the vision of entering the building was not wide enough, the firepower advantage of the Dragon guards in the building would be difficult to play.

For ordinary battles, the firepower of the fixed-point guards in the relatively closed environment of street fighting can be maximized, but this is useless to the earth awakened. The earth awakened can easily break the wall, but the Dragon guards are difficult to guard. They can't see the wall behind, which makes the Dragon guards fall into an extreme disadvantage.

"Set up covert mines and anti infantry mines in the rooms near the laboratory, quick, quick!" Zuo Jun's face changed completely, but he ordered immediately.

"Yes, set up mines and anti infantry mines. Hurry up. Even if these guys can't be killed, the explosion of mines can at least remind us that those guys have come!" Violent bear also instant reaction come over, immediately loud command way.

The Dragon guards of the two teams immediately rushed into the room near the laboratory and quickly began to lay out booby traps and anti infantry mines.

"Control room, where are those guys?" Zuo Jun took out his walkie talkie and asked quickly.

"They have entered the first floor. We have two brothers killed!" On the monitoring screen of the laboratory, the bodies of the two soldiers were torn by the knife light in a twinkling of an eye.

"Everyone, shrink your defenses and come to the lab!" The left army immediately ordered, and then quickly said to the Zhan long security guard in the monitoring room, "don't interrupt the communication, be sure to keep an eye on the three earth awakeners, and report their positions anytime and anywhere!"

"Yes, Captain!" The Zhan long security guard in the monitoring room said quickly.

"The rest of the Ninjas are also taking advantage of the opportunity to get close!" Just at this time, a Zhan long security guard who was watching out of the window suddenly called out.

"Let the snipers deal with them. We don't care about them any more. Be careful. Those earth awakeners are coming soon!" Left army quickly orders a way. At this time, the lights in the building suddenly dimmed, and the whole building was cut off.

"The monitoring room is power-off, we can't find them. Captain, the monitoring room is power-off, we can't continue to monitor the three people!" The Zhan long security guard in the monitoring room yelled for the first time.

"Damn, these bastards cut our wires. We've been building this building for a short time. We didn't install a backup generator! " The fierce bear said with an ugly face.

"Now we can only rely on ourselves. I hope we can stick to it for a long time!" In the face of this situation, Zuo Jun's face calmed down and said calmly.

"You're right. Don't let those guys take the black reef away. They must have come for this thing!" Said the bear in a deep voice.

"Hurry up, Zhao Fugui has killed the people of Hong Gang. He may come back at any time. I'll give you another three minutes, and you must get something!" At the same time, Yamada's voice rang in the ears of the three earth awakeners and said coldly.

One of the three earth awakeners is from Jiahe God and ghost sect. He came here at the request of Yamada 56. The other two are experts who Yamada 56 invited with a lot of money. It costs a lot to invite the earth awakeners, so Yamada 56 is determined to move tonight.

"Go separately, you heard what he said. If you don't want to die, hurry up!" Fusang warrior dressed people put Fusang knife back scabbard, coldly said. Just now, he used a knife to cut open the steel plate more than half a meter thick and rushed into the building with two other earth awakeners."All obey Sakamoto's orders!" The other two earth awakeners nodded respectfully until taro Sakamoto left. The two earth awakeners raised their heads and showed a rebellious look.

"Hum, if you are not from Jiahe Shengui sect, we are all strong. Why should we give you face?" A whole body muscular, smooth muscle lines of the man said coldly. This man's figure does not look very strong, but his muscles contain explosive power, I'm afraid not inferior to aurella's blood power.

"Mr. ITO, needless to say, we are here at the request of Mr. Yamada. As long as we have completed the task and got the money, we can leave here. We don't have to look at Sakamoto's face! Although the Yihe shenguizong is strong, it can't control us! " Another man said, this man is also unarmed, the appearance seems ordinary, but can become the earth awakened one level strong, no ordinary people.

"Go, you go to the left and I go to the right. Zhao Fugui is not here. There are only a group of mole ants left in this group of buildings. We can crush them easily. Hong Gang is very famous. I didn't expect that all the giants are rubbish. They were killed by Zhao Fugui alone. If I meet Zhao Fugui later, I'll just kill him and let them know how powerful we are

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