Super Monk

Chapter 1796

Six military Humvees gallop in the wilderness of North Africa, puffing up dust and huge smoke. Groups of wild animals run under the giant baobab tree, and occasionally elephants walk slowly from afar. The scene here is totally different from that in China.

Reke is worthy of being a local leader. He led the convoy with three guides, almost completely avoiding the freedom army and local armed forces, and soon went deep into alebi. After almost a day's advance, the convoy did not encounter any danger. Along the way, we can also see some abandoned mines and mines. These are the products left by greedy capitalists who suck up all the blood and leave the scars of the earth here.

"To some extent, God is fair. He has given the poorest place in the world, the largest gold mine and diamond mine in the world. But sadly, they have no ability to protect these wealth at all." Said Rick, shaking his head.

"The law of the jungle, no matter where in the world, has never changed since ancient times!" Zhao Fugui said, "today we are moving forward smoothly. How long will it take to get to Yamada pharmaceutical's laboratory?"

"It's very smooth today. I didn't meet the armed forces who are running around. It's estimated that we will be near the laboratory before dark tomorrow!" Said Rick, estimating the time and distance.

An hour later, the motorcade stopped, six military Humvees formed a less tight circle, and the people on board jumped down to have a rest. A few mercenaries took out gasoline from the car and began to refuel the Hummer. Don't expect any gas station in this ghost place. They can only carry their own gasoline for a long journey here.

At night, there were no mercenaries trying to make a fire, and the endless wilderness life in North Africa at night showed the direction of attack to the enemies wandering in the dark.

"In the evening, there are three groups of people to watch the night. Be careful. There are enemies everywhere in this ghost place!" Storm bear yelled, he quickly arranged three groups of people to watch in turn at night, three groups of people watch, three people in each group, to guard against the enemy that may appear at night.

In addition to the mercenaries on guard duty, other people, including Zhao Fugui, all took out cans from the car and ate them. These things were all military cans, beef, fish, luncheon meat, canned food and everything. They didn't taste very good, but they could replenish calories very well.

Soon after, the humble camp began to quiet down, and the roar of various wild animals came from afar. Many wild animals in North Africa were hunted at night. Mercenaries had to guard against not only human enemies, but also these wild animals. It was very common that several people were often dragged away in the wild at night.

As night fell, some wild animals wandered outside the camp, but no wild animals tried to attack the mercenaries in the military Humvee. They seemed to know that people here were not easy prey to attack.

Three battle dragon security guards patrol the camp. Soon after, the second group of battle dragon security guards get up to take over the guard task. Until the third group of battle dragon security guards take over the guard task, Zhao Fugui suddenly opens his eyes at dawn.

"A motorcade is coming. Be careful!" Zhao Fugui directly pushed open the door, jumped down from the military Humvee and said in a deep voice.

"Alert, alert, get up!" The bear yelled without hesitation. Just in this sword, a cone-shaped rocket directly wiped the roof of a military Hummer and flew out. With a "boom" sound, the rocket ejected on a huge baobab tree not far behind the camp, directly breaking the huge baobab tree in the waist and setting off a raging fire.

"There are rockets. Kill them!" The bear roared fiercely, but his voice was covered by the fierce gunfire before it was completely heard. A barrage of bullets immediately came to the direction of the motorcade. At the same time, a dozen AK47s also came to the motorcade at the same time. The sudden appearance of the enemy's shooting method was not very good. It was almost random shooting. As long as the general direction was right, it didn't matter whether it was aimed at people or not In shooting, maybe at night, they can't see clearly, but there's no doubt that these guys have a lot of firepower.

"Damn, it's the freedom army. Only the freedom army can get rockets and heavy machine guns!" Rick lowered his body and hid behind the military Hummer. After judging the firepower, he scolded.

"Dada, dada, dada!" In the blink of an eye, the fire of the counterattack of the Zhanlong security guard also rang fiercely, and the dense bullets directly fired at the place where the muzzle of the gun lit up. The difference between professional and non professional was immediately revealed. In just a few seconds, the liberal army lost several firepower points. In a moment, their fierce firepower was suppressed.

"Fortunately, it's not the main force of the freedom army. It's estimated that some forces in the freedom army have been following us since we left the mine. After all, our equipment and people are very valuable. A kidnapped foreigner can sell for at least 200000 US dollars here. Now all countries are not willing to intervene in the mess of alebi. If a national is kidnapped, it's almost impossible It's money for ransom! " Said Rick, quickly relieved.

"Don't be too happy, take out the anti tank rocket!" Zhao Fugui's face was solemn, and suddenly he yelled at the bear.

"Anti tank rockets? We didn't bring them. Most of the Rockets were left in the overseas branch. We were going to come here to make these weapons again! " The fierce bear was stunned for a while and said, at this time he also heard the sound of track rotation, and his face suddenly changed."Damn it, this is the main force of the liberal army. It's T72. If they send out T72, they will at least keep up with one company. We're dead!" Rick cried out in despair. Although the liberal army is almost a mob without military training, and even the militia of many countries can't match, the mercenaries have no room to resist in front of the absolute firepower advantage.

In particular, the mercenaries are not even ready for rocket launchers and have no weapons to destroy the T72. Although the T72 is a obsolete tank on the Russian side, it is still one of the most powerful cutting-edge weapons in North Africa. This is the treasure of the liberal army. No one expected that they would be so unlucky to meet a T72.

"Boom!" The next second, the ground outside the camp trembles fiercely. There is a huge pit on the ground, which is only ten meters away from the small camp composed of military Humvees. Maybe the next artillery shell will directly land on the head of the camp. In front of this 135 mm main gun, any military Humvee is not like paper What's the difference.

At this time, Zhao Fugui's foot, suddenly jumped out from the top of the military Hummer.

"What are you doing, Mr. Zhao?"

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