Super Monk

Chapter 1797

"Mr. Zhao, come back quickly, you will be killed!" Thunder gram nervous shout a way, he completely can't understand Zhao Fugui why dare to rush out in such firepower, under such firepower any person will be torn to pieces.

"Come on, get back, get back!" At this time, the bear suddenly roared, he didn't worry about Zhao Fugui at all. In the eyes of the bear, Zhao Fugui is just like a God. He will never be killed by these guys who are inferior to the militia.

When a group of mercenaries heard the order of the bear, they immediately ran to the military Humvee behind the camp with guns. They relied on several Humvees behind them to continue to fight back. Almost just when they rushed to the rear of the camp, T72 spewed out a fierce flame again, and a gun shell hit them hard.

"Boom!" A shell roared down, and it landed on a military Hummer in front of the camp. In the blink of an eye, the Hummer was lifted up. The Hummer wrapped in heavy armor was like a toy car thrown up. The fire was raging in the Hummer, and all kinds of parts were splashed up everywhere.

Seeing this scene, the guards of the battle dragon all look ugly. T72 is now a giant iron beast that no one can control. The light machine gun, heavy machine gun and Gatling fire god on the hands of the guards of the battle dragon can't penetrate the armor more than 500mm in front of it. Originally, only a laser guided anti tank missile was needed to deal with this kind of old-fashioned tank, but the Zhanlong security guards didn't expect to face such an enemy and didn't prepare anti tank missiles at all.

"Damn it, this guy is getting more accurate. Spread out, spread out, don't gather together!" He rolled to one side with an assault rifle and aimed at the two burning fire points. The two free soldiers were stunned. However, the free army had T72 to open the way. At least one of the company's armed elements scattered and kept shooting at the Dragon guards. Without the military Humvee to do fortification, the Dragon guards' firepower was soon destroyed It's suppressed.

"Ha ha, catch alive, they can be worth a lot of money, quick, attack, attack!" In the position of commander of T72, a guy like a commander of the liberal army was sitting there, showing half his body, shouting, constantly urging the liberal army to attack the camp of Zhan long Bao'an.

A group of freedom army were shooting in the direction of Zhan long Bao'an, while bowing to the camp of Zhan long Bao'an. At this time, many freedom army suddenly found that a burly Chinese rushed towards them.

"Captain, a Chinese man is coming at us!" A free army standing near the tank reached out and rubbed his eyes, shouting incredulously. It's crazy that someone dares to rush towards their firepower.

"This guy must be scared out of his mind. I'll kill him!" The colonel of the freedom army saw Zhao Fugui, and he showed a cruel smile on his face. He directly retracted into the tank, manipulated the heavy machine gun in the tank, aimed at Zhao Fugui, and pulled the trigger hard.

"Dada, dada, dada!" A crazy tongue of fire immediately shot at Zhao Fugui. The hot warheads in the dark were clearly exposed, leaving dazzling bullet marks in the air.

"Hoo The barrage came in an instant, and Zhao Fugui took a deep breath and accelerated in an instant. Great master's speed is short and explosive, and he can easily break through the speed of sound, even if he can't maintain it for a long time.

Almost instantaneously, the explosion broke through the sound barrier, and Zhao Fugui's body appeared dozens of meters away. He directly avoided the barrage and rushed to T72 in an instant. Zhao Fugui's speed decreased after he moved dozens of meters, but his speed was still amazing in other people's eyes.

"God, this is the power of the awakened earth?" When Rick saw this, he murmured in shock.

"No, the boss is not an ordinary earth awakener. Few earth awakeners dare to rush so directly under such firepower!" Said the bear.

It's not like bear has never seen other earth awakeners. The three guys who attacked the building of Lin's group two days ago are all earth awakeners. Those earth awakeners have to evade and give way when facing enough firepower, but Zhao Fugui doesn't need to give way when facing the same firepower.

"Come on, kill him, don't let him come!" T72 inside the Colonel suddenly panicked and yelled, he obviously has seen that Zhao Fugui is not an ordinary enemy, this enemy and all the enemies they encountered before are different.

"Come on, shoot, shoot, kill him!" Small officers of the liberal army also yelled, waving AK47 and shooting at Zhao Fugui.

The dazzling bullets were shot at Zhao Fugui fiercely. Zhao Fugui's Daoli suddenly blocked the bullets that were shot at him. With Zhao Fugui's current strength, even relying on his Daoli, he could block the bullets that were shot by AK47.

Many bullets were fired on Zhao Fugui's body protection power. Zhao Fugui's body protection power was rippled, but those bullets could only be fired into the three foot thick body protection power, and could not touch Zhao Fugui's body at all. Only the bullets from the tank heavy machine gun can penetrate the body protection power and hit Zhao Fugui, but that's all. Zhao Fugui's body training at the grand master level can easily block those bodies whose body protection power quickly reduces the bullet's shooting speed."Why not? What kind of monster is this guy? " In T72, the colonel of the liberal army watched in horror as Zhao Fugui forced his way through the barrage of bullets. He cried out in disbelief, "come on, lower the gun barrel, and hit him with shells. Come on

T72's towering turret began to move, then slowly lowered the muzzle, and began to enter the flat fire mode. T72's fire control system could not aim at people, but the flat fire was used for frontal shooting, and there was no problem in shooting a straight line. The gunner's vision soon appeared in Zhao Fugui's figure, he was too close.

"Launch!" Aware that Zhao Fugui had been too close and was still moving rapidly, the Gunners roared in a hurry and fired the shells.

"Boom!" The huge shell roared out, almost at the same time, Zhao Fugui jumped up, the huge shell instantly wiped Zhao Fugui's feet, and Zhao Fugui hit T72 fiercely.

Seven steps to break the sky, the seventh, to break the sky.

"Hum!" Zhao Fugui fell in an instant, and a fierce blow hit the front armor of T72. At least 500mm thick armor on the front of T72 was hit by Zhao Fugui with a clear fist seal at least three inches deep. Tens of tons of T72, a fierce meal, the next moment, a huge explosion fierce from the T72 inside, directly tear the huge steel monster to pieces.

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