Super Monk

Chapter 1804

"Click, click!" Shantian pharmaceutical base's high wall door slowly opened, and a military off-road vehicle rushed out from the wall. Almost all of these military off-road vehicles were equipped with heavy machine guns, and the vehicles were full of fully armed personnel. The off-road vehicle was even followed by several light armored vehicles, and the whole team was followed by two type 90 main battle tanks.

Yamada pharmaceutical's private armed forces are at least three generations ahead of the alebi freedom army in terms of equipment. In addition, many of them are retired Fusang soldiers, and their training level is far higher than that of the freedom army. With such equipment, the armed forces of Yamada pharmaceutical company can easily defeat three battalions or even one regiment of the freedom army.

As soon as Yamada's armed forces went out, the bear found out. He didn't expect that Yamada's armed forces were so well equipped and advanced. These bastards were all here to fight.

"Come on, retreat, retreat, Yamada's army is coming!" The guide also found the fierce motorcade and yelled nervously.

"Don't retreat. As soon as we retreat, all these freedom forces will run away. We will rely on the small town to prepare for defense. We can't run these guys. We will die as soon as we run!" The fierce bear, on the other hand, roared.

The town is now in a mess. There are fires and people running around. Sometimes the bear and the free army beat the armed people in the town. Sometimes the armed people in the town shoot at each other. There is a lot of chaos. No one can tell who the enemy is.

"Quick, quick, the angel of God has entered the fortress of the devil. This is the last struggle of the devil and the final test of God. Those who run away will be cursed by God. Those who fight for God will go to heaven and take out their rockets to prepare for the fight!" The guide also reflected that these people of Yamada pharmaceutical could not let them escape easily. He immediately yelled in alebi.

Many of the Liberals roared with excitement and began to fight with heavy firepower. Maybe they had been in this human purgatory for a long time, even if they were dead, they would like to leave this ghost place.

"Damn the freedom army, it affects Laozi's rest. Kill them all for me!" On a military off-road vehicle, a commander of Yamada pharmaceutical, wearing the old major rank, yelled angrily.

At this time, the military off-road vehicle slammed on a black round thing. In a flash, a firelight burst into the sky. The off-road vehicle flew up in a flash. The whole off-road vehicle rolled 360 degrees in the sky with the firelight. Then it hit the ground hard. The people in the military off-road vehicle had been torn to pieces by the lethal fragments.

"There are anti tank mines, stop, guard, infantry assault, convoy moving slowly!" Yamada pharmaceutical's armed convoy was in a panic. Someone gave a loud order, and the convoy immediately stopped. Armed personnel jumped off the cross-country vehicle and began to advance with infantry. They found anti tank mines and guided the vehicle forward.

The minimum pressure trigger weight of an anti tank mine is more than 200 kg before it can be triggered. Even if the weight of an armed person's whole body is pressed up, the anti tank mine will not explode.

Yamada pharmaceutical's convoy was threatened by anti tank mines and began to advance by infantry search. The bear immediately saw the opportunity. In fact, the bear only got about 20 anti tank mines from the captured free army. These mines were buried in a relatively large area, which increased the possibility of being triggered. This number of anti tank mines could not reach enough density, threatening the whole team of Yamada pharmaceutical. If they were given enough time, these guys would be killed soon You will find that the bear is just bluffing, and the bear can't give them a chance to judge calmly.

"These guys stop and fire!" As soon as he saw that the lights of these military off-road vehicles were not moving forward, he knew that they must have been frightened by anti tank mines. He immediately ordered without hesitation. Yamada pharmaceutical's armed motorcade didn't expect to smash the car lights and use the night to hide the motorcade. They thought they were only facing a group of militia, but they didn't expect that there were also experts in the militia.

"Whoosh, whoosh!" One rocket shot at Yamada pharmaceutical in the direction of the lights on. In the hands of the freedom army and the small town, they got a total of 20 rockets. The effective range of these rockets is four kilometers. Although the precision is poor, not advanced infrared or laser guidance, the gap in quantity can also make up for the gap in quality.

"Boom boom boom!" The light of the Rockets flashed away. In the blink of an eye, the flames of fierce combustion rose into the sky. Most of the Rockets flew, and only a few of them hit the target, but that was enough.

"Boom!" A light armored vehicle and a military off-road vehicle were smashed into a mass of scrap iron in an instant, and the armed personnel near the off-road vehicle and the light armored vehicle also fell like harvested wheat.

"Boom!" At the end of the convoy, a type 90 main battle tank opened fire instantly, a huge flame spewed out from the muzzle instantly, a high explosive bomb accurately blasted in the center of the town, the two-story building in the town was instantly blown to pieces, and nothing survived within a radius of more than ten meters.

Two type 90 tanks opened fire one after another. Fusang's main battle tank belongs to the third generation tank, and T72 is just the first generation tank. They are not comparable at all. The main gun firing rate of Type 90 main battle tank can reach 10 rounds per minute, and two type 90 main battle tanks can blow up the whole town in five minutes."Damn fool, cease fire. You are here to deal with the freedom army, not to blow up the town. If all the people in the town are blown up, who will do those dirty jobs for us in the future!" The commander of the motorcade yelled angrily that Yamada wanted them to protect the town, not to kill all the people in the town. If all the people in the town were killed, the laboratory would be affected.

"Infantry attack, use machine guns to drive the freedom army out of the town, contact those idiots in the town, and let them cooperate with our attack!"

The commander of the motorcade yelled angrily, but most of the armed men in the small town hid. The power of the two main guns of the tank had scared them. In this chaotic situation, they might be killed at any time for no reason. I'm afraid that the armed men of Yamada pharmaceutical could not distinguish between the enemy and ourselves.

The guys of Yamada pharmaceutical thought that they would scare the free army to run away in a hurry as soon as they went out. They didn't expect that the free army would dare to attack them. The arrogant Fusang people didn't even bring enough night vision equipment.

"These guys don't want to destroy the town. You watch them and continue to kill them with heavy machine guns and rockets. Ten people will follow me and detour behind these bastards!" Suddenly, he saw the opportunity and cried out.

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