Super Monk

Chapter 1805

Relying on the town, Zhanlong security guards led the free army to fight back. Yamada pharmaceutical's armed forces were afraid to destroy the town completely and did not dare to bombard the town directly with the type 90 main battle tank. They had to rely on the heavy machine gun on the vehicle and the machine gun on the light armored vehicle to shoot at the town. The casualties of the free army were not small, but Yamada pharmaceutical's armed forces, as one side of the attack, suffered more casualties.

The liberal army has been bombarding Yamada pharmaceutical's armed forces with rockets, and military off-road vehicles and light armored vehicles have been directly destroyed. Occasionally, vehicles have been hit by anti tank mines, and they have been bombed in an instant. The armed forces of hundreds of Yamada pharmaceutical have lost half of their lives before they get close to the town for half a kilometer.

"Damn it, the freedom army must have sent out a large force, these damn natives all want to go to hell!" The commander of Yamada pharmaceutical's armed forces sat on the turret of the type 90 main combat tank. The front turret cover of his body was lifted to prevent him from being hit by stray bullets. The guy yelled angrily, then picked up the car radio in the main battle tank and contacted the direction of the laboratory.

"Mr. Yamada, all the big units of the liberal army are here. They are sitting in the small town. Their firepower is very fierce. We can only destroy the small town, otherwise we can't destroy them!" Cried the commander.

"We can't destroy the small town. It took us several years to cultivate the people in the small town. They can make us a lot of money every year. We can't let them all die!" Yamada cried angrily. Those guys in the small town can provide tons of gold and diamond raw ore to Yamada pharmaceutical every year, and even Yamada pharmaceutical controls some gold mines and oil fields through some of them as agents. These funds provide a lot of financial support for the North Africa laboratory. Yamada May 16 can't let these people die, otherwise the laboratory's funds and other aspects will be affected influence.

"But, Mr. Yamada, if we can't destroy the town, our forces can't drive the free army out of the town!" The commander faltered and said that if not all the major units of the liberal army were here, Yamada would definitely kill him with one knife because of the losses caused by his stupid tactics.

"I'll send troops to support you right away. You must take the town back and rescue those idiots in it!" Yamada growled angrily.

Just when the commander of the motorcade just stopped contacting, an agile shadow rushed over, climbed up the slow main battle tank twice, and thrust a knife into his neck before the commander could react. Then the shadow pulled the commander out of the turret and quickly got into the tank.

After that, Yamada turned his head and said to the armed men around him with an ugly face, "you should send another 100 guards to reinforce them. You must destroy all the freedom army, so that these damned alebi natives can know whose territory this is!"

"Mr. Yamada, we have sent more than 100 people before. If we send another 100 people, there will be a big loophole in the defense of the base!" A guard leader said with a embarrassed face.

"Concentrate the rest of the guards on the high wall to prevent people from sneaking in. As long as you keep watch outside, no one can sneak into the laboratory. Go and wipe out those damned freedom army immediately!" Cried Yamada.

"Yes, Monsieur Yamada!" The leader of the guard did not dare to argue any more. He immediately nodded and quickly transferred the internal guard of the laboratory to take the armed off-road vehicle to support the previous team.

There are about 300 armed guards, nearly 1000 scientists and laboratory personnel in Yamada pharmaceutical's North Africa laboratory. Usually, in order to guard the high wall, dozens of armed guards are needed to cooperate with the almost ubiquitous surveillance cameras on the wall. Inside the base, more than 100 armed guards are also needed to patrol and change shifts. Now, more than half of the armed guards have been removed, and the rest are left Most of the guards in the laboratory enter the high wall to prevent invasion, while the armed guards inside the laboratory are less than half.

On the other side, the tunnel under the ground went deeper and deeper. I don't know how long it took Chris to stop.

"My Lord is here. Come on, you two, open the door!" Chris stopped, nodded to Zhao Fugui and cheered to the two bodyguards.

At the end of the tunnel is a heavy explosion-proof door, which is all made of heavy steel. The whole door looks at least half a ton heavy, and it is rusty.

Chris's two bodyguards rushed up and tried their best to turn the disc-shaped door lock, but it seemed that the door lock had been rusted to death and could not be opened at all.

"Trash, get out of here!" Chris's face was ugly. He kicked the two bodyguards away. He grabbed the round lock and forced hard. Chris's arm muscles were bulging high, and the door lock made a hoarse, grating sound, which was then slowly opened little by little.

Almost 20 or 30 cm thick explosion-proof door was opened, and a smell of damp and stench rushed into the tunnel. Zhao Fugui waved the damp smell and opened it and looked inside. Behind the door seemed to be the waste water discharge room of the base, which was full of thick and rusty pipes. If it wasn't for the pipe problem, I'm afraid no one would come.

Moreover, even this explosion-proof door has been disguised. From the outside, it can't be seen that it's a door. I thought it was a sewage outlet."My Lord, you have arrived at Fusang people's base. Can we go now?" Chris looked at Zhao Fugui with a flattering smile in a low voice and asked.

"You are Yamada Chengwu's man. Now he's working for me. It's not impossible to let you go, but I can't trust you. It depends on your luck if you can escape!" Zhao Fugui said that Chris's face changed greatly, but he didn't respond. Zhao Fugui's figure flashed and knocked Chris and his bodyguards unconscious in just two or three breaths. These guys fell to the ground at the entrance of the tunnel.

"Take all the explosives on them, disperse them, and install all the time bombs in the laboratory. After the explosion time is set at half an hour, you will evacuate immediately after installing the bombs. Don't worry about me, I'll go to black reef and Yamada!" Zhao Fugui said to ten dragon guards.

"Yes, sir!" Ten dragon guards said immediately.

"Be careful and try not to be seen!" Zhao Fugui nodded and took these dragon guards to the deep of the laboratory. When he left the sewage disposal area, Zhao Fugui opened his eyes and looked outside. Then he said, "the guards here may be attracted by the bear. There is no one outside. Go!"

Ten dragon guards left in turn. They began to install time bombs. Zhao Fugui went directly to the top of the laboratory.

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