Super Monk

Chapter 1806

Zhao Fugui took the elevator of the laboratory from the bottom floor to go upstairs. To Zhao Fugui's surprise, the elevator of the laboratory didn't need identification, just like the ordinary elevator, and he could sit in it. Zhao Fugui was not familiar with the laboratory, so he didn't walk around, just took the elevator to the upper floor.

The elevator slowly rises and stops on the penultimate second floor. After the elevator door is opened, two Fusang people in white coats look at Zhao Fugui in surprise with papers in their hands.

"Baga, who are you? Why don't you salute us? " After a moment's silence, a Fusang man yelled angrily at Zhao Fugui. The Fusang man even slapped Zhao Fugui with his hand.

"Click!" Zhao Fugui frowned and broke the Fusang man's neck in an instant. The Fusang man's body fell to the ground like a pool of rotten meat.

"You, how dare you kill Ono Jun?" Another Fusang man looked at Zhao Fugui angrily and said in a daze. Fusang people's social hierarchy is very clear. It's normal for them to work in the company, get slapped by their superiors, and kneel down to apologize after making mistakes. In this laboratory, this level is even more strict. Yamada stipulates that the armed personnel in the base must salute the laboratory staff after meeting them. This is respect for the laboratory staff.

Because the work of experimenters is much more important than that of security personnel, Yamada believes that improving the status of these experimenters is conducive to their better work. The two Fusang people obviously regarded the burly Zhao Fugui as the armed men of a base, but Zhao Fugui didn't salute them, so the two experimenters got angry and even wanted to teach Zhao Fugui a lesson.

"Isn't it amazing to kill you people doing experiments with living people?" Zhao Fugui sneered, grabbed the neck of the remaining Fusang man and asked coldly, "where is Yamada now?"

"You, you are Chinese?" The experimenter's eyes widened in horror. Yamada 56 is a populist. His laboratory is full of Fusang people, not even a foreigner, let alone a Chinese. The experimenter did not expect that there would be a Chinese in the experimental base.

"Answer my question, I can make it easier for you to die!" Zhao Fugui coldly said that he didn't have time to delay. The time bomb was set for half an hour. When the bomb exploded, Zhao Fugui didn't want to stay in the base. The nearly one ton TNT explosion was not for fun.

"Damn Huaxia people, let me go, you dare to sneak into our Shantian pharmaceutical base, you are dead!" The experimenter of Fusang didn't know who the person in front of him was, and he was still struggling and shouting. Unfortunately, there was no one else on this floor, and his shouting didn't disturb other people at all.

"Gra Zhao Fugui grabs the Fusang experimenter's arm and makes a strong force. Suddenly, a brittle sound of broken bones rings. Bai Sensen's broken bones stab out directly from under the Fusang man's skin and flesh.

"Ah, my hand, my hand!" The Fusang man uttered a shrill scream, and his whole body twisted wildly. A "patter" sound rang out, and the guy was pissed in his pants.

"You have one last chance, or I'll break your other arm!" Zhao Fugui said coldly that he had no sympathy for these mischievous Fusang people.

"Don't kill me, I said. Yamada 56 is on the third floor of the laboratory, which is the core of the whole base. It seems that the chief scientist of the base, Mr. Yoshida, is experimenting with new things there these two days!" The Fusang man trembled with pain and cried desperately.

"Don't be a Fusang man next life!" When Zhao Fugui got the news, he twisted the guy's neck. After killing the two Fusang people, Zhao Fugui saw that there was no one else on this floor and directly threw the two bodies aside.

Zhao Fugui asked about the location of Yamada 56, but he didn't go there directly. Instead, he came out of the elevator and had a look on this floor. Yamada pharmaceutical's North Africa laboratory is even bigger than Zhao Fugui's imagination. There is a circular corridor space on this floor. The width of the circular corridor space is about 30 meters to 50 meters, and inside is a thick concrete layer, which is too thick for Zhao Fugui's eyes to penetrate.

There are many big rooms on the circular corridor outside the concrete. The roar of machinery is coming from those rooms inside. Zhao Fugui goes to one of the rooms and looks inside. It turns out that there are some high-power diesel and gasoline generators inside, and there is a small oil refinery directly under the house on the other side.

In this oil refinery, there are some thick pipelines, which are almost completely automated. In the thick pipelines, there is oil. The oil is refined into gasoline and diesel oil through the refinery, and the waste is directly discharged to the ground. Gasoline and diesel oil are stored in oil storage tanks, and continuously supplied with generators to provide electricity for the whole experimental base.

However, a lot of automation is also a main reason why there are few people in this layer. I'm afraid the two Fusang people are the maintenance personnel on shift here. They come regularly to have a look. As long as the machine runs smoothly, no one else will come.

"These Fusang people are quite advanced!" Zhao Fugui said to himself, then immediately took out his walkie talkie and said, "bring some time bombs up. The upper floor is the power room of the experimental base. There are a lot of gasoline and diesel stored here. Blow them up together!""Yes, sir, there are still 20 or 30 time bombs that haven't been installed. We'll take them up right away!" A Dragon Guard answered immediately.

Zhao Fugui put down his walkie talkie and walked directly to a small room not far away, which seemed to be a rest room with many white coats and masks. Zhao Fugui went there, put on a white coat, put a mask on his face, and then turned to the elevator.

Just as Zhao Fugui was about to walk into the elevator, a slight vibration suddenly rang. The vibration was not from the generators in the power room, but from the thick concrete layer. I don't know how thick the concrete layer is. Even Zhao Fugui's eyes can't see through it. I'm afraid it's at least ten or twenty meters thick, and it has vibration energy It's incredible to pass it on.

Zhao Fugui looks back with a dignified face. The vibration just now is like something bumping heavily against the thick concrete layer. But what is it that can make such thick concrete vibrate?

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