Super Monk

Chapter 1988

Chiba Fengsheng sits cross legged on a big stone. He is slender and doesn't look like ordinary Fusang people. His long hair was scattered behind him, and the terrible explosive force was flowing all over his body. He sat there at will, as if integrating into this heaven and earth, and as if he were a god controlling this space. This is the horror of the current myth.

Chiba Fengsheng is the strongest and most powerful enemy Zhao Fugui has ever met. Even an Pei Qingming, who has survived for thousands of years, can't compare with him.

Zhao Fugui's appearance is like throwing a small stone into a calm water surface, bringing ripples here. However, with the longevity of Chiba Fengsheng, the waves will be smoothed in a twinkling of an eye. Zhao Fugui even feels that the whole space is hostile to him.

"Zhao Jun, do you know? You're the most outstanding genius I've ever seen in my life. Even if you were Fusang's Dao Tianjiao and ebony, you're not as good as you at your age! " Chiba Fengsheng grew up and sighed that the two gods of ebony, the best of Fusang in 50 years, had the reputation of sword God. He was the last sword God of Fusang. He even picked three of huaxiaxia's best, two wins and one draw, and kept invincible. Unfortunately, he suddenly disappeared.

"It's been a long time since the two gods of ebony disappeared. Maybe you haven't heard of them at all. If you don't talk about them, you can say that ye Tiannan, the strongest man in China, is far less than you at the age of 20. I remember that when ye Tiannan was 20 years old, he was just a strong master, far from touching the mythical realm! " Chiba wind Saint said.

Standing hundreds of meters away, Fusang strongmen were slightly moved when they heard this. The strongmen who could destroy Jiahe God and ghost sect were naturally in a mythical realm. However, they were shocked when they heard that Zhao Fugui, who was only in his twenties, was in a mythical realm. The myth of half step is only 20 years old. How many people can do it?

"There has not been a real mythical war for nearly a hundred years in my great Fusang empire. Although you are only a half step myth, but also barely qualified to share the glory of this myth war with me! Mount Fuji is the highest peak of Fusang. It's enough to be your bone burial place! " Chiba Fengsheng's momentum and self-confidence are surging up, and the autumn water there is also humming slightly, as if responding to his master spiritually.

Zhao Fugui looks at the current myth of Fusang. The vigorous Qi in his body is surging like the sea. His heart is beating like a powerful warship engine. Every muscle and bone marrow of him has been polished for several days. The most terrifying thing is that his vigorous Qi is liquefied like Zhao Fugui's Daoli, which is more than 100 times higher than that of the great master.

However, even the contemporary myths in martial arts can only sense the power of heaven and earth, but can not use the power of heaven and earth. This is also the inherent limitation of martial arts, and few people can do it with martial arts.

"If I am a contemporary myth, not a half step myth, dare you come and fight me?" Zhao Fugui looked at Chiba Fengsheng and said faintly.

"Baga, how dare you talk to the teacher like this!" Kurosawa changmen's face changed greatly. He immediately jumped out and yelled angrily.

"What kind of thing are you? You have a say here?" At the same time, Zhao Fugui opened his eyes to the Yin God in the sea, and a huge spiritual force swept directly to the Kurosawa gate.

"Boom!" Kurosawa changmen couldn't react at all. He was hit by his huge mental power.

"Ah At the moment, they rushed to heize's door to save his body.

A group of Fusang strongmen look at Zhao Fugui in horror. At least Kurosawa changmen is also a registered disciple of Chiba Fengsheng. Fusang Jiansheng is a first-class figure who can't resist Zhao Fugui's random rebuke. Zhao Fugui is really terrible. A group of Fusang strongmen suddenly become silent. Even if Zhao Fugui is not the opponent of Chiba Fengsheng, it's just a word to kill them.

Zhao Fugui killed Kurosawa changmen in front of Chiba Fengsheng, but Chiba Fengsheng had no expression on his face, and seemed to have no response to the killing of his registered disciple.

"Zhao Jun, you are right. If you are a contemporary myth, and you are just at its peak, I will give up and dare not fight with you when I see you. Unfortunately, you are not a contemporary myth, but only a half step myth. It doesn't matter if you kill my registered disciple. When you come to the realm of you and me, besides martial arts, how much do you care about the death of just a few people! " Chiba Fengsheng said faintly, "but you have killed the second largest sect of Fusang, he Shengui sect. If I don't kill you, how can I revive the reputation of Fusang cultivation? What's more, killing you will break the fortune of the Chinese Zhenwu circle in the next hundred years. I'm afraid it will take a hundred years for Huaxia to produce a person like you. Once you die, who can subdue me in the next few decades? "

"All the way to martial arts, bullying the weak and fleeing in fear of the strong. Chiba Fengsheng, if you had not seen ye Tiannan's sword 20 years ago, you would not have been qualified to set foot in the world's mythological realm! " Zhao Fugui said slowly, "but even if you are a contemporary myth, I will kill you today and break through today's realm!"

"Arrogance! You are just a half step of the myth. How dare you kill me? Today I'll let you know the power of the myth in the world! " Chiba Fengsheng's eyes were cold. He didn't even take the sword. He chopped Zhao Fugui with a hand knife.As soon as the knife came out, there was a thunder in the air, and the snow mountain behind Chiba Fengsheng seemed to have signs of collapse again.

Chiba Fengsheng's knife was not there, but the overwhelming meaning of the knife made a group of Fusang strongmen scared, and immediately retreated hundreds of meters away. On the snow mountain, a huge crack appeared in an instant and spread from Chiba Fengsheng's foot to Zhao Fugui. It was a crack torn by Chiba Fengsheng's strike knife.

The realm of contemporary mythology, even a random strike, has the power of a half step mythological full strike. If it was before Zhao Fugui and the dark devil fought against the liquefaction of Daoli, I'm afraid that even if it was a random strike like Chiba Fengsheng, Zhao Fugui could not support the three moves.

"Good!" Zhao Fugui looked at the actual Dao Mang, took a fierce step, and hit Dao mang with one punch. He wanted to smash the Dao Mang of Chiba Fengsheng.

"Boom!" Zhao Fugui's fists hit the sword awn fiercely. The top of Mount Fuji trembled slightly. Zhao Fugui's feet were deeply embedded in the rocks, as if he could not resist the power of Chiba Fengsheng. However, the sword awn cut by Chiba Fengsheng was smashed by Zhao Fugui's fist.

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