Super Monk

Chapter 1989

"The first day of Chinese pride is just like this!" Chiba Fengsheng sighs leisurely and cuts the second hand knife again.

Just now, Zhao Fugui's first move against Chiba Fengsheng has already won and lost. Zhao Fugui has not reached the small holy land. Even though the Daoli liquefaction is far stronger than Chiba Fengsheng's gangqi liquefaction, there is a huge gap between the strength of their martial arts consciousness.

Zhao Fugui didn't reach the small holy land, and his fighting power was only half a myth, while Chiba Fengsheng was a myth of the time. The gap in strength was a gap. Chiba Fengsheng even does not use a knife to steady down Zhao Fugui. Now he is like a cat teasing mice. He wants to kill Zhao Fugui in front of many Fusang strongmen and revive the reputation of Li gaoye.

"Boom!" The second Dao awn came in a flash, and Zhao Fugui's face was expressionless. He didn't listen to Chiba Fengsheng's nonsense, and hit again. The bright golden fist power and Dao mang collide with each other fiercely. Once Dao mang coagulates, it bursts into pieces again. Zhao Fugui took a step forward and once again approached Chiba Fengsheng.

However, Zhao Fugui's second step was much more difficult than the first step. There was even a scar on his fist. Drops of blood dropped from his palm and melted into the snow.

"Zhao Fugui's strength is really not weak. He can resist two moves in Chiba's hands, but he is just like this. Chiba's third move will definitely cut off Zhao Fugui's arm!" A strong Fusang looked in awe at the direction of Chiba Fengsheng and said.

"Yes, I thought how strong Zhao Fugui was. It turned out that he was not even qualified to let Chiba master use his famous blade Qiushui!" Another strong Fusang said with disdain.

"What kind of person is Chiba? Why use autumn water to deal with Zhao Fugui! Li gaoye is worthy of being the holy land of our great Fusang empire. What kind of pride is a joke in front of Chiba. It's unbearable! " A group of Fusang strongmen looked at Zhao Fugui's difficulty in resisting Chiba Fengsheng's hand, knife and awn. They suddenly showed a smile on their face and talked about it one after another.

"Ha ha, Zhao Jun, your strength is really good. If I hadn't stepped into the world myth three years ago, I'm afraid it would not be so easy to kill you, but now there is a big gap between you and me. I am like a God in the sky, and you are just a mole ant standing on the earth looking up at me! I'll see how you take this knife! " Chiba Fengsheng looks at Zhao Fugui with a smile and says.

At the same time, it seems that Zhao Mang's sharp sword can cut his hand out of the earth for the third time.

"Heaven Zhao Fugui takes another step, and his bright fist appears on his arm. Seven steps smash the sky, and the seventh smash the sky. "Boom" huge thunder sounded at the top of Mount Fuji. Zhao Fugui's fist seemed to pierce the air, and his terrible fist spirit spread out recklessly.

With Zhao Fugui's strength, Qibu bengtian boxing has been improved step by step. Now it is a myth level. Zhao Fugui's strong martial arts is second only to zhantian Jiujian. Chiba Fengsheng doesn't use a sword. Zhao Fugui doesn't even plan to use a sword. He wants to force himself to the extreme and look for the chance to break the situation.

"Boom!" Zhao Fugui's avalanche smashed at the core of Chiba Fengsheng's long sword. In a moment, a huge roar sounded, Mount Fuji trembled slightly, and a small-scale avalanche began to appear in some places on the top of the mountain. If the Chiba Fengsheng sword had not flattened the avalanche on Mount Fuji before, I'm afraid there would have been a big avalanche on the whole mountain now.

"Watch out for the avalanche!" A group of Fusang strongmen looked at several small avalanches and fled to the side.

"Click, click!" Zhao Fugui's arm suddenly appeared a blood line, no leakage gold body was cut out a wound by Dao Mang, but at the same time, more than a Zhang long Dao mang appeared a dense crack, as if the sound of broken glass sounded, the Dao mang only persisted for half a second, then it was smashed by Zhao Fugui's fist, Zhao Fugui's small body was pressed into the hard snow .

The strength of the fist and the awn of the sword were lost at the same time. The third sword of Chiba Fengsheng still failed to kill Zhao Fugui. Instead, Zhao Fugui took three steps to shorten the distance between him and Chiba Fengsheng. Zhao Fugui took dozens of meters in these three steps.

On Mount Fuji, the "buzzing" discussion suddenly stopped. No Fusang strongman thought that Zhao Fugui could block the third move of Chiba Fengsheng, but Zhao Fugui was the third move of Chiba Fengsheng, and he didn't even suffer a slight serious injury.

"The myth of the world is just like this. Chiba Fengsheng, is your strength just like this? If so, you can't kill me! " Zhao Fugui took a deep breath and walked slowly out of the snow. His huge voice echoed like thunder on Mount Fuji.

Chiba Fengsheng's confident expression was fixed on his face, and his face became very gloomy immediately. Originally, Chiba Fengsheng thought that even if he could not kill Zhao Fugui with his third move, he could at least hurt him badly. Later, he slowly killed him to let the strong around know the power of rigono. Unexpectedly, his third move hardly hurt Zhao Fugui, let alone hurt him badly.

"Zhao Jun, you've done a good job. You've already enraged me! Then I'll show you the real strength of the myth of the time! " Chiba Fengsheng's face is gloomy. He suddenly raises his hand and makes a move. Mingren Qiushui falls into his hands.With a knife in hand, Chiba Fengsheng's whole momentum has changed. It seems that he has become a fierce super storm. The horror of the sword is directly filled with the whole Mount Fuji. At this moment, even the wind hanging on Mount Fuji became extremely terrifying, as if it were a sharp knife. A group of Fusang strongmen had to use their inner strength to resist the terrible knife.

"Chiba is going to be serious. It's time for this Chinese boy to die!" There is Fusang strong excited whispered.

Zhao Fugui's eyes were also dignified, and the powerful Daoli came out of him, just like the real Daoli appeared outside Zhao Fugui's body like armor. A mighty momentum appeared from Zhao Fugui's body, fighting against the terrible sword on Mount Fuji.

"The sword is named Qiushui. It kills people and eats souls. Today it is the sword that kills you!" Chiba Fengsheng said in a low voice coldly, and then a bright sword light appeared from his hand like a lightning that lit up the night sky.

"Taihe destroys the gods!"

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