Super Monk

Chapter 2065

"Colonel Wang, our side is ready!" The four transport planes landed directly outside a town dozens of miles away from Yungang village. The town has a team ready for everything.

"Take off your gear, and we'll start right away!" Wang Dong nodded and waved, saying that ten donkeys had been prepared for the reception team in the small town. It was impossible for people to carry equipment when they wanted to go on the mountain road, which had no road at all. They had to rely on donkeys to transport equipment and materials.

Wang Dong's team was well-trained, and everyone was preparing quickly. In less than 20 minutes, all the equipment was unloaded from the helicopter and the donkeys were put down. The guide led the donkey and was soon ready to go. Zhao Fugui didn't have much to do either. When he saw that they were ready, he was ready to follow them to the mountain. The mountain road would take more than 100 li. I'm afraid it would be late at night when he arrived at Yungang village.

"Wait a minute!" At this time, three military off-road vehicles drove down the only dirt road leading to the outside of the town. Some people got off the vehicles and stopped the team directly.

"Who are you? What are you doing? " Wang Dong's face sank. The guard team immediately took out weapons to occupy the favorable terrain and surrounded the new comers.

"We are from the third biological science and Technology Institute. According to the above order, we will supervise your whole operation!" A man in his thirties got out of the car and didn't pay attention to the muzzle of the gun. He looked contemptuously at Wang Dong and said. That kind of contempt comes from the bottom of my heart. It seems that I look down on Wang Dong.

"I don't care where you come from. We haven't been ordered. We won't take anyone else with us!" Wang Dong said without expression.

"Without anyone else? What's this kid for? " The man in his thirties pointed to Zhao Fugui and cheered.

"I don't like people pointing at me!" Zhao Fugui glanced at this guy and said faintly.

"Psycho!" The middle-aged man in his thirties muttered, but he felt that Zhao Fugui, who looked ordinary, seemed to have some dangerous breath. He put down his hand, took out a satellite phone and directly handed it to Wang Dong, saying, "your order is on the phone. You will know what to do when you answer the phone!"

Wang Dong's brow was deeply wrinkled, and a deep Sichuan character formed in the middle of his dark brow. He didn't reach out to answer the phone.

"If you don't answer the phone, you won't even have the position of commander later!" The man in his thirties said with a threatening face.

Wang Dong's face changed. The capture of this variant is very dangerous. It's easy to cause serious casualties and even let the variant escape. This is unacceptable to Wang Dong.

"I'm wang Dong!" Wang Dong's face was ugly, but he didn't look like a liar. He was silent for a few seconds and received the satellite phone.

"Those people who just went, take them with you. Be careful and try to protect their safety." Li Lao's helpless voice came from the satellite phone.

"Chief, they are just ordinary people. Taking them will not only affect our mission, but also be very dangerous!" Wang Dong said with an ugly face.

"You try to keep them safe!" With that, Mr. Li hung up the satellite phone directly, then stared coldly at the middle-aged man in the office and said, "are you satisfied now?"

"Mr. Li, we are all for the country and the people. Why do you regard me as an enemy?" The middle-aged man said with a smile: "for the laoshizi's salvation plan, Mr. Li applied for a budget of 2 billion in the first year, 8 billion in the second year, 20 billion in the third year, 30 billion in the fourth year, and 40 billion in the fifth year. This year, he applied for 80 billion. Mr. Li, you applied for nearly 200 billion for this plan

"We believe in Mr. Li and the country believes in him, but the country is also afraid that he will be hoodwinked, so we have no choice but to send a team to work with his people to see how the money is spent!"

"Only 200 billion, maybe two trillion will be enough. If we don't have you scumbags, maybe we can save more people in the future. It's all you scumbags who only know how to drill camp who delay our work!" Li beat the table angrily and yelled, "get out of here!"

"Ha ha, Mr. Li, please calm down. I'll go right away. I'll go right away. You're a great hero of the country. If you have any problems, I'll have a big responsibility!" The middle-aged man turned around with no smile and left Mr. Li's office with pride. Mr. Li was angry, but there was nothing he could do.

Meanwhile, on the other side of town.

"Do you understand Mr. Li's order? Over the years, you have been fooling the moon with some strange things. I tell you, you can't fool it now! " The man in his thirties said with pride, "my name is Zhu Xingwen, vice president of the third Academy of biotechnology, doctor of biology. The samples you got in this operation must be submitted to me for examination. I'd like to see whether there are more monsters in the world or more people pretending to be gods and ghosts!"

"My name is Ma Wenbo, doctor of genetics, please give me more advice!" A gray haired old man said, "these two are Miss Jiang Weiwei and Dr. Li Jian. They are biological experts graduated from Copenhagen University. This time, they are here to help us!""It's said that you've found a lot of organisms with gene mutation, and that they are monsters and will cause great disasters, so you keep applying for funding. I'll tell you the truth, there are no monsters in the world. At most, there are some strange mutant creatures. You can cheat others, but you can't cheat me. You'd better be careful and don't play tricks on me! " Li Jian is a young man in his twenties. He looked at Wang Dong and Zhao Fugui disdainfully and said with a sneer.

"I dare to say what kind of experts I am in my twenties. We Chinese experts and doctors are really worthless!" Zhao Fugui said faintly, he can see at a glance that Li's people want to do something practical, but I'm afraid some people want to step on them to climb up, or for some reasons, they don't want to let Li continue to do things. These guys make him feel sick.

"Boy, who are you? What's the matter with experts in their twenties? Do you think I'm a fool with low IQ like you? I'm a genius with an IQ of 138! " Li Jian's face changed and he cheered unhappily.

"I thought your IQ was as high as 250, but it turned out to be 138!" Zhao Fugui said with a sneer.

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