Super Monk

Chapter 2066

"How dare you scold me?" Li Jian's face changed and he yelled, "Wang Dong, how do you manage your people?"

"I'm not in charge of Mr. Zhao!" Wang Dong said coldly, these people want to destroy the Moon Palace, destroy Li Lao's salvation plan, Wang Dong naturally won't give them a good look.

"You Li Jian's face turned black and almost yelled. He thought Wang Dong was looking for an excuse. Zhao Fugui was not his person. How could he take Zhao Fugui with him for such a secret plan.

"Well, don't quarrel. We're not here to quarrel. Let's get ready to go!" Zhu Xingwen said that both Li Jian and Jiang Weiwei are here to gild. This time, they are here to expose the scam together and make some contributions to pave the way for the future.

"Brother Jian, don't have the same opinion with this kind of illiterate guy. We're good at it!" Jiang Weiwei said haughtily.

"Well, I'll listen to sister Wei Wei!" Li Jian squinted at Jiang Weiwei and said. Zhao Fugui looked on coldly and didn't want to talk to these guys who wanted to die.

"Give you five minutes, and we'll start in five minutes!" Wang Dong said in a deep voice, then turned and left.

"We have a lot of equipment. Five minutes is enough. At least give us half an hour!" Zhu Xingwen said with an ugly face.

"Half an hour later, when we get to Yungang village, it will be dark. Here is 100000 mountains. If you are not afraid of being lost in the mountains, you should continue to delay!" Wang Dong said coldly.

Zhu Xingwen's faces changed. The poisonous snakes and beasts in the mountains don't care what they are. They especially taboo walking in the mountains when it's dark. Several people's faces changed, but they didn't dare to say more, and quickly began to pack up.

"Let's go!" Five minutes later, the team set out on time. Zhu Xingwen and his team went to a total of 12 people. Eight of them were bodyguards who were responsible for their safety. It seemed that they didn't trust Wang Dong at all.

The rest were Wang Dong's people. Wang Dong brought three teams. One team was about 12 people, together with the guide and the local receptionist. A total of 60 or 70 people rushed to Yungang village along the narrow mountain road.

"What the hell is this place? Why is the road so hard to walk? No, I can't walk any more. Give me a donkey and I'll ride it!" Jiang Weiwei just left for more than ten minutes and then quit. She rubbed her feet and said in a coquettish way that the so-called "experts" were already in the middle. When Jiang Weiwei took a step, she immediately stopped the team behind.

"Why stop, go on, go on!" Wang Dong is blocked in the back. It's hard to get in front of him in the narrow mountain road. He can only shout in the distance.

"We want one donkey, no, two donkeys. Vivian's foot is hurt!" Li Jian reached out and grabbed a donkey in front of him.

"Those donkey camel's are all precision equipment, there is no spare for you!" Wang Dong said discontentedly that the team members were also very discontented. What they were doing was extremely risky. It could be said that they were fighting for their lives. Even if Li Jian didn't help, they even ran to make trouble. They were just assholes.

"What kind of sophisticated equipment, the more sophisticated equipment can be worth our money? We are scientists As soon as Li Jian reached out impatiently, he was about to take off the equipment. A member of the team pulled the bolt of the gun and put it directly on Li Jian's chest.

"If you intend to destroy the instrument, you can shoot it directly!" The player yelled. When he moved his gun, Zhu Xingwen and their bodyguards directly took out the gun, and there were more than a dozen guns pointing at each other.

"Don't mess around, don't mess around. We are all our own people. What do you do with knives and guns? Colonel Wang, ask your men to put away their guns! Well, Miss Jiang Weiwei is not only a lady, but also an intellectual. She really can't walk this mountain road. Colonel Wang, we only need a donkey for Miss Wang to use. This will not delay the journey. Now it's getting late and the road is still far away. Don't delay it! " Zhu Xingwen called out.

"Give them a donkey, or they can't walk. They are expected to walk on their own when they come out to perform tasks and wear high heels!" Zhao Fugui said with a frown. Wang Dong took a look at Jiang Weiwei. He found that she was wearing a pair of high-heeled shoes, and her face became very ugly.

"I hope she won't kill us all!" Wang Dong's face was ugly. He took a deep breath to control his anger and yelled to the players, "put away the gun and give them a donkey!"

Those team members listened to Wang Dong's order and reluctantly put away the gun. They unloaded the equipment from a donkey and threw a donkey to Jiang Weiwei. The ten donkeys were found by the army after searching all over the town. They were just enough. They were only used to transport equipment and materials. They never thought about carrying people.

"Weiwei, come on, I've wronged you. I used to ride those horses with noble blood. I didn't expect to ride a donkey today!" Li Jian said to help Jiang Weiwei on the donkey, and then he also climbed up.

"Brother Jian, thanks to you taking care of me, people here don't even have a gentlemanly demeanor!" Jiang Weiwei leans on Li Jian's arms and looks at Li Jian with admiration. These two guys regard this mission as a pleasure trip.With Zhu Xingwen and a group of them, the speed of the team has been significantly reduced. Originally, it was planned that the team would arrive at Yungang village an hour before dark, and make arrangements in Yungang village. However, it was dark before they arrived at Yungang village.

When it's dark in the mountains, it's not only hard to walk on the road, but also quiet. In the dark, a mountain wind blows by, and it looks very terrible. Li Jian and Jiang Weiwei did not dare to talk nonsense. They looked around in fear that something would suddenly jump out of the darkness.

"We're at least an hour late. It's very dangerous to decorate at night. Those monsters used to lie in the daytime and come out at night when they first parasitized. Now it's dark. It may be very dangerous in the mountain village!" Wang Dong said anxiously.

"It's here!" At this time, Zhao Fugui suddenly said that there was darkness in front of the team. On a small basin in the middle of the depression, a small mountain village quietly appeared in the dark. There was no light in the mountain village. Zhao Fugui frowned at the high-voltage line passing by from the hillside in the distance. The mountain village was obviously electrified.

"It's getting dark early in the mountains. It's not too late now. How can there be no light in the village?" Wang Dong said uneasily.

"When we get there, hurry into the village and let us have a rest. Why are you stopping?" Jiang Weiwei's dissatisfied voice rang up and said.

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