Super Monk

Chapter 2067

"Weiwei, don't talk. It's only seven o'clock now. There is no light in this village. It's abnormal!" Zhu Xingwen said in a hurry.

"It's more than seven o'clock in our city. We haven't even started our nightlife yet. We should sleep so early here. It's not that some ghosts have harmed all the people in the village." Jiang Weiwei asked, leaning in Li Jian's arms in horror.

"Wei Wei, those are all feudal superstitions. We are all intellectuals. How can we believe those things that the ignorant common people believe? What's more, even if it's dangerous, I will protect you. Weiwei, you can rest assured! " Li Jianxin swore.

"Brother Jian, that's very kind of you!" Jiang Weiwei looked at Li Jian admiringly and said that if there were not many people here, I'm afraid they would both start to kiss.

Zhu Xingwen's face is not good-looking. Jiang Weiwei and Li Jian have something to do with each other. They have been abroad for several years. In order to pave the way, they have come here to share the credit for gilding, but even gilding should bring out some professional ethics.

"Even the super scientists like Einstein and Newton believe in God in the end. You two guys who are employed by foreign pheasant university dare to say that they are intellectuals and superstitious. It's really funny!" Zhu Xingwen's secret way.

"Shut up Wang Dong's face sank and he gave a low drink. Then he ordered, "the guard team enters the small village for inspection. The arrest team is ready to arrest. Others are on guard!"

"Yes! Check the weapons, load the bullets The captain of the guard nodded and ordered immediately. The soldiers of the guard team are well armed. The assault rifles use armour piercing bullets, and the grenade launchers are attached to them. This kind of combination of light and heavy firepower is no problem even when dealing with ordinary real fighters.

Soon, the members of the guard team slowly approached the village cautiously. The members formed a fan and divided into two echelons. Once the front echelon was attacked, the back echelon could immediately support.

Zhao Fugui frowned and looked at this small mountain village with only 40 or 50 households at most. In the eyes of the sky, this small mountain village is filled with a faint black fog. This black fog is not a kind of Yin Qi, a kind of miasma, a kind of smoke, but a special thing.

After a while, the guard team slowly entered the small mountain village. Wang Dong looked through the night vision telescope, but it seemed that there was something in the dark that blocked his sight. He could not see clearly. After a while, Wang Dong anxiously took out his walkie talkie and asked, "what's the matter, have you found it?"

"There's no problem here, Colonel. You can come in!" Soon the captain of the guard team replied.

"Enter the village!" Wang Dong was relieved when he heard this and waved. When he came into the village, he took a special look at Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui's calm look made him feel a little relieved. I don't know why. Wang Dong always had an ominous premonition about this mission. However, Zhao Fugui is a strong man of the myth level in the world after all. He has a lot of peace of mind in Wang Dong.

"Well, we're wasting our time by pretending to be gods and ghosts!" Jiang Weiwei looked at Wang Dong discontentedly and muttered in a low voice.

Wang Dong didn't bother to argue with her. He thought he didn't hear her. He took the team to the village. Soon after he came down the mountain road, the outline of a small village appeared clearly in front of everyone. The village is built on a valley basin, with 20 or 30 farmhouses on the flattest land. The remaining farmhouses extend to both sides, and some are even covered in dense trees.

"There's something wrong with this village. Be careful!" When entering the village, Zhao Fugui suddenly said to Wang Dong.

"What's wrong, Colonel Zhao?" Wang Dong asked cautiously. He knew that all the people in Zhenwu circle had extraordinary means, especially those who could be ranked in tianbang would not be ordinary people. Since Zhao Fugui said something was wrong with the village, he must have seen something.

"I can't say. I don't know much about those things. There are some black fog like things floating on this village. I feel something is wrong!" Zhao Fugui said that the black fog is obviously hard to see with the naked eye, and can only be seen with the heavenly eye.

"Black fog? Some mutants walk with black fog, which we have seen occasionally when they are crazy. If there is black fog in this village, the variant may be in the village! " Wang Dong looked tight and immediately said to the leader of the capture team, "put up all the equipment. The monster is likely to be in the village. Be careful and prepare to capture!"

"Yes, Colonel!" The captain of the guard team nodded and immediately began to arrange. The whole team immediately stopped and began to be busy outside the village.

"Why did it stop again? Did these guys mean to upset us?" Jiang Weiwei saw that she was about to enter the village and had a place to rest, but the team stopped again. Wang Dong's people didn't know what they were busy with, so they screamed discontentedly. She has been the second generation since she was a child. When did she suffer from this kind of hardship, she thought that she came here to visit mountains and rivers and grab some credit by the way, but she didn't expect to suffer so much.

"Weiwei, bear with it for a while. These guys are just pretending to be gods and ghosts. Let's see when they can make trouble. This time, we'll expose their scam, cut down their funding and see how they can jump around!" Li Jian said with a sneer.

"Yes, we have done a good job in this matter." Jiang Weiwei said happily again.Wang Dong's people are very busy. Zhao Fugui stands at the entrance of the village and looks inside. He immediately feels that there are many eyes peeping in the dark and silent mountain village. There was not much malice in this look, it seemed to be fear and tension. As soon as Zhao Fugui's eye opened, he looked directly into the house in the mountain village. But the effect of the eye turned out to be very bad. It seemed that he was disturbed by some force.

As soon as Zhao Fugui frowned, he immediately injected Daoli into Tianyan. The powerful Daoli poured into Tianyan, and there were waves in front of him. Tianyan became clearer. Although he still couldn't see far away, he could still see the situation in the nearby houses. There were people spying on the houses around him.

"There are still people in this mountain village. They seem to be scared!" Zhao Fugui frowned and said, "did you find out?"

Wang Dong's people have already set up the equipment. This time, they not only carried some portable equipment, but also brought a small radar like assembly equipment, which is being operated by two operators.

"In the small village, there are the energy reactions of the variants, but they are very weak. It seems that the variants are not in the small village!" Wang Dong looks at the facial expression dignified to say.

"Is the instrument accurate?" Zhao Fugui asked.

"It's fairly accurate, especially if the variants are relatively recent, the accuracy rate is about 70% or 80%!" Wang Dong said, "the energy response of the variants in the first stage is relatively weak, and they can only be searched within a radius of 50 meters. The energy response of the variants in the second stage is very strong, and they can be found within 200 meters. However, some variations can hide their breath, so they are hard to find! "

"I have to go in and check. Go to the village!"

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